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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. ...and you keep the glass, bring it back next time for $2 pints? Is this only on Mondays? I'm out of town this Monday, maybe the one after next...
  2. Hmm, I thought this was about history textbooks. Time to ignore.
  3. Ha, nice Mugg shot. So did they determine that these kids were high? I've done my fair share of hooliganism, but never got close to aiming anything at random people. Something ain't right with these kids, I'm hoping they at least have a chemical reason.
  4. If hosting awards shows becomes a priority for Houston I am leaving. Those are even more useless than reality tv.
  5. Usually your reminders here are good enough, but I had limited internet time this week and HAIF was one of the cuts. Based on the results of today so far, I am pretty sure I would be doing really badly.
  6. Damn, I just got back from the UK and forgot all about it. I was busy all week, and they don't have real sports there to remind you of such things. Let's just assume I would have gotten them all right, and do the score based on that.
  7. Yes, in the whole universe. It's a magical place!
  8. I'm glad BYU and Utah lost, I can't stand the small conference whining every year. I can't believe Michigan St screwed up and let Notre Dame win. Of course I'll take all the credit for picking Washington...forget my other 7 or 8 wrong picks.
  9. So bad parenting or kids being brats is a new thing? People who blame restaurants for them not being able to keep their kids occupied is pretty sad, but not all parents are like that.
  10. No, we're just the only place with enough sense of community to talk about it so we can help each other out.
  11. Wall to outlet or tv to outlet? I might not be getting what exactly you are trying to do...but film it and have a fire extinguisher handy.
  12. We went to Miller's on Shepherd today, it was decent. Same griddle-cooked, poppy-seed bun style as both Bubba's, must be a Texas thing. I did go to Amazon recently, their burger is still awesome. There and Beck's are my places right now. My problem is I like grill-cooked, not griddle, and most places don't do that. So please tell me about some places that use fire that I don't know about!
  13. Is the Schlotzky's still open? That might be the only one left that I know of. Keep it! Or move it to the Heights, where one of the burned down lots are.
  14. I went to Knapp one time because it was close and I didn't want to hit south loop and beyond yet. They had no selection, but they told me they will sell anyone else's car off their lot for cheaper. Ok. But I wanted to look at stuff. Get some inventory. Also, the parts department wasn't open on the weekend. 0 for 2. I think they should put a kayak and canoe rental place there, with buses to shuttle me out west and drop me off in Buffalo Bayou.
  15. Who was also an abused bed-wetter... um, only Brit-speak. I'm going there next week though, I'll try that one out.
  16. Wait, so I can rent a movie for $1.99 and pay just that, or order it on demand for $5.99? What's the problem here? I'm not sure where the bad feelings are coming from, unless all of you were just incapable of returning movies and had to deal with fees. We rent a movie 3 times a year, not going to bother with Netflix because it would be a waste. By the way, the card I have from when I lived in Baton Rouge worked here just fine, at all of their stores. Are you talking about back in 1992? They progressed since then.
  17. That is my scotch of choice, but no ice. Freeze the glass, pour, let it come to equilibrium. Perfect.
  18. Never been to one of these - is it like Potbelly where one size fits all, or different sizes? If so does it compare to Quizno's or Subway? I like Quizno's, their wheat bread rocks and toastiness rules. A little more expensive, but there are coupons in the paper every Sunday and we're cheap bastards who use them every time.
  19. The cnn.com poll is what is your favorite Swayze movie. I don't know if it's worse that Road House isn't a choice at all, or that Point Break is getting the fewest votes. Another reason I can't stand the general public, whoever they are.
  20. I have an idea - stop getting other team's washed up backups and get a real QB. And quit looking like idiots in front of the national media by writing crap on your shoes about getting money you definitely didn't earn.
  21. I assume they already looked at moving the door to be farther away? What about making the entrance in the middle or the WoW circle, and have a tunnel underground to the store? Perfect, make it happen. Deliveries might be tricky...
  22. Where? That's when we bought our house, and there isn't jack in our price range available any more around here. I think prices have held steady or risen, it's the inventory that has suffered. There is so little to choose from, the good stuff goes quickly and the stuff you keep seeing on searches is unsold for a reason. We did get a nice unsolicited reduction in appraised value, thanks for that.
  23. That just marks the 3rd BS pointless website related to this project. Never gonna happen.
  24. Yeah I picked with my gut again. I can't help it. I refuse to pick Notre Dame for anything. I wish I would have checked the weather report before picking my LSU game, it's going to be a wet one. Probably no runaway victory there.
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