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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. That could still mean everything but that bridge. Just in the past 2 weeks they smoothed all the road/trail transitions, that plus putting the posts at intersections sort of constitutes finishing touches. It'll look done, you just can't ride the length of it yet. I saw the workers out on the bridge Friday. They had built some railings, but I couldn't tell what they were doing. Is there any chance they're keeping the base structure and not tearing it down? That would be kind of cool, but I can't think they'll do that. They've already built 2 bridges basically the same, I figure this one will look similar.
  2. The pilons in the back of the end zone are always a bit out of bounds. Only the front corners of the end zone have the pilon's inner edge right against the field. I don't know why this is, it would seem the back pilons are useless. Maybe they're just to keep the band at bay before halftime. I hope ND and Ohio St get crushed.
  3. This is retarded. Move the damn school, scotch must be sold!!
  4. Do you people know how to add a favorite? Just luck your way to the main page, and add it as one. Much easier than wanting to have fun typing a shorter URL every time.
  5. You sound familiar. Are you my wife? No...the team is wrong, and I only do college football. Pro is for cursing about fantasy stats, college is for cursing about winning/losing. I think they should put a wings place there - not BW3, their wings are tiny and horrible. Wings and Things does it right.
  6. Welcome to HAIF, and thanks for the good news. FINALLY!! I need this trail completed.
  7. No idea, but one day it's gonna be Cork, and I'm going to guess right.
  8. Just to be clear, your response to this is "they were idiots one time, so we can be idiots now"? I don't give a crap if my kids hear a speech from any world leader, RedScare is right, they should take it in and make decisions for themselves. The proper thing to do with that in the classroom is air it, then open the room up for people's thoughts on what they just heard. The bitterness and whining has to stop. It is only digging the hole deeper and deeper for the ridiculous right (and forced me all the way to the middle).
  9. Not wrong - Ole does = Old, just said like a redneck. Slaves were rednecks too, with crazy bad dialect that spread to whites and blacks alike. Knowing too much about Ole Miss is a learning disability, and I have no need for it.
  10. It came from rednecks. Ole = Old, just try to say it like a redneck and it sounds right.
  11. So it's been done for a while, and when I run by it seems pretty full and active. Anyone know how full it is? Anyone live there?
  12. Internet forums are no place for proper grammar!! Speeches from politicians are shallow, both sides included. If you need that speech, your parents are already failing you and it might be too late.
  13. The first picture looks like an old Ford Tempo. Why is Honda going backwards in terms of style? The bottom pic is better, but I can't say for sure until I can see the front.
  14. Keep it against the spread, that is infinitely harder. I messed up this week. I let my college football emotions come out when I did my picks, and picked what I wanted to happen rather than trying to use logical predictions. Oh well. I will try to be less passionate about college football next week, but it's not likely. I'm doomed to lose this.
  15. All of the picks this week are Saturday or Sunday games, so you have another day.
  16. What the F is electric denim? I really shouldn't start asking questions, I don't know what any of the trendy stuff is. Ed Hardy. Nope, don't know the guy. I don't think I've paid for a tshirt, ever. Maybe someone has bought me a tshirt, but the majority I can think of right now are freebies from blood drives or college stuff. $75. Wow. I'd much rather spend that on scotch.
  17. 20thStDad

    Snack Food

    The apples at Caninos have sucked the past 2 weeks. What the hell.
  18. I didn't say anything about starting families, just "starting earlier"...I was avoiding being blunt. I said that getting knocked up at age 14 is more a part of their culture than it is for others. Maybe it's more a result of their culture of bad parenting or not being educated, but whatever. Same result.
  19. I like the seats and the door panel, but the dash styling reminds me of my 2005 Altima, nothing fancy, but it does have a few more buttons. I'd have to get in one to give a proper opinion though. Not a big fan of the minimalistic gauges, I like to see more stuff in there.
  20. Yep. That's pretty much it. And I wouldn't discount the hispanic thing, that is true about their culture "starting earlier". And look at the stats in the article - 2/3 of the teen births were hispanics. Maybe they are bad parents because they're kids too.
  21. Oh I like that a lot. Someone buy me one!
  22. Yeah Coaster needs to take that anti-bike nonsense somewhere else...maybe to the trails at memorial with your dog... I guess I took the question a little differently. i CAME here for the job, no doubt. I looked for a job here because 1) I wanted to move after living in the same place for 23 years, and 2) I had a few friends here already. i STAY here because I like my job enough, it's only a 4 hour drive back to the families (great thing with 1.6 kids), and I'm not motivated enough to look for a new start in the job world. There aren't other companies that do exactly what I do. So yeah, the weather and landscape suck, I wouldn't choose those ever, but there are other things that factor in to being somewhere.
  23. You don't find it, it finds you when you most need it
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