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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I agree with Gooch, stick to the right to allow them to pass. It's much easier on this trail than the biking trails at Memorial where I was this morning. I know that pedestrians (and their free roaming dogs) are free to be on the trails, but so many are clueless and inconsiderate when it comes to getting out of the way. The runners on those trails are much better about it than the people with dogs. If I'm coming down a big decline, your dog is just standing in the middle of the path and isn't on a leach, and I have nowhere to veer off the path without going in a gully and no ability to stop fast enough, your dog is going to get hit and I'm not going to feel very bad about it. So leash up, I think that's the rule anyway.
  2. I love that interior, but I know that I am abnormally obsessed with the color orange. Looks like a fun truck. Not sure about the grill, but I might like it better than the previous F-150 one.
  3. I agree their cheesesteak sandwich wasnt' great, but I've never had the real thing. Where can I get one? Someone said Jake's I think.
  4. I know it's August and it's above 90 by now, but it felt pretty damn nice this morning. We had a nice walk around the bayou along with many others who were out. Maybe September can start us off by cooling down the nights and mornings, then we'll work our way to decent days. It the battle between the "So nice out!" thread versus the "Damn it's hot!" thread, I really hope this one gets more play in the next month.
  5. Ditto. Given the choice, I would not choose the hotness or the flatness.
  6. I don't like pets at all, but this is messed up. I hope they find the bastard soon, this is pre-serial-killer type behavior.
  7. 4Runners are nice now, but they resemble nothing of what they originally started as. I had a 1990 one and love it. Back in college a friend had an even older one that was basically a truck with a permanent bed cover and a back seat. The engine is way better now than it was, much more efficient and more powerful. But it's a mom car now. no more truck. I wish I had kept mine.
  8. Forget this neighborhood, clearly they don't want this to happen. Let's just put it on an entire block between Shepherd and Durham north of 11th. Displace some nastiness, new customers for the remodeled Kroger, everyone wins.
  9. I rode the length of the trail today, from my house as far as it would go. Still nothing on the RR bridge over White Oak Bayou. I crossed the bayou on Studemont, then rode down the side of the bayou to the other end of the RR bridge. From there I crossed the bridge over Studemont. It was a nice ride under I-10 and past the Target and Sawyer Heights area. That area is looking more and more busy. The part I hadn't been down was after that down Spring St. I like that stretch. A bit seedy, but that's my style when it comes to urban exploration on a bike. The part all the way down Spring is finished, across Houston Ave. Past there it goes underneath the I-10/I-45 monster-change, which I have to say was kind of surreal. I know I'm right next to downtown, but there's really no sign of it. Only elevated freeways, the bayou, and lots of green (mostly weeds). I got to a bridge that crossed white oak bayou, and right after that the trail stopped. I wish I brought the camera along, but oh well. Looking on google maps I think the area past this is going to be pretty cool, along the bayou with great view of downtown, next to some warehouse type businesses. I assume it will cross the bayou into downtown right before Main, I see another old RR bridge there. I can't wait until they finish it off, it's a million times better for going from my house to downtown on a bike than taking regular streets. Much more direct, and even though you cross a lot of streets it's a lot less traffic than if you rode the streets.
  10. I hate showering there. Damn soap never comes off. If I could shower here and drink there, that would be a winner.
  11. Most were taken later in the day as we passed a regatta on the way back. Lots of sailing happening, it was nice.
  12. None. Well, maybe spelling things in British English...I kid! I'm talking about how all of them claim this will be the end of the world with their "tower of terror" nonsense. Yeah I hope they don't suffer the fate of River Oaks, which has one or two of these things and has been doing just fine for years.
  13. If all those poor rich people's home lose a ton of value, oh well. We'll move there so they can go be idiots somewhere else.
  14. Need a suggestion for inner loop restaurant - good for a "date", but not all dark and dim, a fun place. Not Dave and Buster's type fun, just lively. We both enjoy people-watching. Moderate to low cost, nothing fancy. We're not picky either.
  15. Link to a page with Houston's water quality report. http://documents.pub...008/details.htm 82% from surface water (San Jacinto River, Lake Houston, etc.), only 18% from groundwater wells. Residual disinfectant level of chlorine - 1.22 ppm, chloramines - 2.08 ppm (our water needs lots of cleaning) New Orleans water report: http://www.swbno.org/documents/Reports/2008_qualitywater.pdf Water source: Mississippi River. Yuck. More chlorine, 3.0 ppm, tastes worse Link to a page with the Baton Rouge quality report. http://www.batonroug...indexfrhome.htm By contrast 100% of the water in BR comes from groundwater wells and has no surface water influences. The report doesn't show the residual chlorine, but by taste I can tell you it is much lower.
  16. All of the track guys at that level take anything and everything they can get away with. Bolt isn't special in that regard, but he is special due to his size and quickness. It's only a matter of time that guys get bigger and faster. He's an evolutionary leap in that regard, the long stride but still able to get it going.
  17. Chili's chili is nasty, they should stop serving it. They do a decent burger. No smoking at the ones in town.
  18. Houston water is bad. The only worse tasting water I've had from the tap is New Orleans. One time in Hattiesburg, MS, we filled the hotel room bath with water and it was yellow, not just a little bit either. Baton Rouge is known for having awesome water, and that's what I grew up on out of the tap, perhaps why I can't drink Houston water unless it's filtered through the fridge. If you want to know mineral contents that contribute to the taste you should be able to get that. I know we requested a profile for Baton Rouge water because we wanted to know mineral content for brewing purposes, and like we expected everything was way too low to have an effect. For brewing we actually added some in.
  19. It's been a while since I ate way too much bacon.
  20. And my favorite golf course Brock Park just past the landfill! It's cheap, and if the wind isn't blowing the wrong way it's worth it. Nice pics.
  21. First games are the weekend after next, but anyone can join at any time during the season I think. Not sure how the scoring/standings work.
  22. Prime for more mini-storage and rail-front townhomes. Make it a big park, or a brewery.
  23. What happened to the advanced search feature, I can't find jack any more. There was a thread about this before. Some people complained, others told them if it bothers you to bring them back yourself. Fiesta rounds them up periodically, I think they have a truck that roams around. Kroger might not.
  24. Nice shots of the dolphins/porpoises in front of that ship!
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