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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. The sign announcing it's coming was up for over a year. It's been two or three months since they framed for pouring the foundation. The foundation is poured, I think. So it should be on pace to open in 2024. I'm pulling for sooner. That way I can hit the liquor store then the shooting range during my lunch hour.
  2. *Minimum IQ requirements *Check the dramatic BS at the door That would solve the problem.
  3. I'm all over this. I think I'm doing it wrong though, it doesn't like the password. I tried 8 times.
  4. I should be all over this, but I told myself this year I would only do one league. I've had multiple teams in the past and it gets to where I feel like I'm rooting for everyone. Where was everyone for fantasy baseball? I'm in a yahoo public league with strangers because none of my friends can handle it.
  5. Hopefully it is still going strong, sorry that I could not make it. I will now drink bourbon in honor of HAIF happy hour.
  6. I guess what everyone is saying is that Friendswood sucks, or no one knows anything about it.
  7. Historically I've never liked any Fords, but I'm coming to like a few like the Edge and another one I can't remember. If they are redoing the Taurus that much, they should just give it a new name. The name Taurus carries too much from its history.
  8. That makes me want to throw up. That car isn't worth a damn thing. It is the most generic piece of crap, I don't understand anyone who drives it unless they get stuck with a rental.
  9. THIS is what I think makes people creeped out about religion and Christianity. This is in no way what Christianity or any religion is about. Immediately Leper Messiah by Metallica starts playing in my head...
  10. That's the one Zack Morris had!!! He was soooo cool.
  11. They skipped our street for recycling...a week and a half ago. We called, they said to leave it out and they MIGHT have someone come by. Still no. This coming Monday is the next round of it anyway, I doubt they do anything. The paper/cardboard stuff now weighs 3x as much. But they did fix the street lights when we all did online requests for it. Oh well.
  12. Why? I like it. I bet 90% of people in the emergency room don't have real emergencies. If you are sick go to the hospital or doctor, get admitted if needed. Not the ER. If you can wait 4-8 hours like most people have to, it wasn't an emergency. Or maybe we just split "I'm sick" from "I'm bleeding or having a heart attack" in hospitals so it's not all so ridiculous when you get there. Health care costs way too much the way the insurance companies run it right now. I have no faith that the government can do it better. I prefer that it simply regulate the private companies rather than administrate things. I haven't read anything about this bill, so I'm not really arguing one way or the other.
  13. They were going about their business, not being affected whatsoever by the Patriot Act. This affects everyone.
  14. I have bitched and whined to get a refund I didn't technically deserve before. It's good fun, sometimes you just feel like stirring things up, especially if you're pissed off.
  15. Forget all these hike and bike trails and snoballs stands, we need a dingo fence NOW!!
  16. Does the big Jesus statue in Rio creep people out...any more than the big Sam Houston one on I-45? Whatever. No use letting yourself be affected by inanimate objects. Build stuff, build it big. I just like to see impressive feats of construction and creativity. This is neither, I drive by it most mornings and it's just a building.
  17. I've done that ride a lot, heading up Waugh is the easiest. From Shepherd there are a lot of ways to get to Waugh, I would just go up McDuffie, down hill to cross Allen Pkwy and get on the trail. Head east to Waugh, then north and do what everyone else says. You don't want to cross I-10 on Shepherd or Yale. Yale sucks on a bike, especially under the RR underpass.
  18. That was an awesome skit. I've seen it a few times when the best of Eddie Murphy SNL comes on. I don't know which is better, when the last black guy gets off the bus and a random party with waitresses and drinks starts, or the bank guy just giving him money after the black loan officer is sent away. So the comments here seem to point to a birth certificate as THE document that can prove you are a citizen. I don't know, I think that is an easy one to fake. Then again, so is a SS card. The passport would be much more difficult, but I bet less than 15% of all citizens even have one. I guess that means we're back to barcode tattoos and a scanner to check the national big brother database.
  19. 2 out of 3 times it's been a pain in the ass for me to get into Canada. This past week was the only easy time, maybe because I was ready for the drill. I am convinced it was due to the specific agents I dealt with at immigration, but either way they try everything they can to find a reason you shouldn't get in (going for business reasons). There is massive paranoia about foreigners doing jobs that Canadians could be doing. If it's not on the NAFTA list of profession codes, you're not getting in (for business reasons). Getting back to the US (US immigration is at the Calgary airport so you clear before flying) has been a breeze with a US passport. Does a US passport prove citizenship or not really?
  20. Let's just all get our barcode tattoos and be done with it. Pull me over, scan me, send me on my way. And if you have your Kroger plus card with you, you get 10% off the speeding ticket instantly and accumulate points toward cheap gas.
  21. How much was a pint? Did you notice any happy hour type deals, we're trying to find a good place for a post-work get together, and many available beers is a prerequisite.
  22. We had a decent experience with Star. Didn't pay sticker price, but I still felt it was a little too high. But, we looked everywhere and that is where we found exactly what we wanted. Gallery is annoying, because the vultures sit at the front waiting to harass you. Craigslist for Houston furniture is horrible, 90% of the posts are repeat bull crap from dealers who put the same junk in EVERY DAY. The best furniture experience we've had is getting stuff from Alabama furniture, who does slightly damaged, overstock, or consignment stuff. Their selection is random, but you have lots of room to haggle if that gets you excited.
  23. NEVER!!! I'll just pay 10 bucks for a cab and not worry about how much I drink anyway. Oh wait, I'm old with babies, I don't do that crap any more.
  24. That is awesome. I also enjoy reading craigslist ads to see the unintentional humor. The sad part is that those aren't even the dumbest people on the planet, there's a whole ton of people who couldn't even get on a computer, much less post an ad with the 2 steps it takes.
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