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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Just start building it in March when all the neighbors are on ski holiday. And when they come back and whine, slap them.
  2. So on my 4th time to jury duty in my 8 years here (2 municipal including this time, 2 county never getting picked), I finally got on a jury. Wow. What an incredibly huge waste of everyone's time and a lot of taxpayer money. The experience did nothing but further my belief that most people are complete idiots and contribute nothing positive to the world. I can't believe that anyone thought it was a good idea for all of those people (jury, lawyers, witnesses, judge, etc.) to spend most of a day on that crap. If the idiots of the world could manage to not act like a bunch of middle schoolers and just be adults, well, then they wouldn't be who they are, would they.
  3. 20thStDad

    Snack Food

    A third vote for the water, I know I stay think partly because I drink water all day. Also, no kidney stones!
  4. 20thStDad

    Snack Food

    I go with Gala apples, Canino's always has good ones. I will do most any red apple, green ones aren't my thing. I also keep a jar of dry roasted peanuts at my desk and usually need a handful by 9am because I'm hungry. Cracklins = fried pork skin, but not the same as pork rinds. Some people may use the term interchangeably, but pork rinds to me are those things in the bag at the gas station that are crunchy (also good stuff). Cracklins are thicker, and have not only skin but some of the fat layer and usually a bit of meat too. In Louisiana, at the good butcher places, they are sold by the pound and they always give them to you in a brown paper bag, which then becomes clear due to the awesomeness. So yeah, they're really good for me.
  5. I just noticed that Ad-block Plus for Firefox was blocking ads on HAIF for me, I didn't think to change it after the .com switch (sorry!). So, I just disabled it so Editor gets more hits. Anyone else using ABP who values HAIF please remember to do the same!
  6. 20thStDad

    Snack Food

    An apple every day around 2-3 pm works great for me. It balances out the pound or so of cracklins I ate this weekend.
  7. http://money.cnn.com.../PL4827648.html Another list with their own special criteria. There were 7 other Texas ones, all along I-35 it seemed. So Friendswood - I don't know much about it at all, but it seems nice. If I work in (far west) Pearland, why would I not want to live there? A quick HAR.com search tells me I can get 3 times the house I have in the Heights for the same price...tempting.
  8. This on the same day someone sent me the youtube video of a lady filming a rainbow misting from her sprinkler, and she's going on and on about how something must be in the water, that it didn't do that 20 years ago. Just reinforces my belief that most people are incredibly useless. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Sq-VmBMHkw
  9. I'm glad we have a real curb. I am anal about the yard and wouldn't like people parking all over it, my guests or not and my land technically or not. Rocks to prevent ANYONE from parking there? Well, maybe for safety reasons (that picture of the car in the ditch in the other thread), or if people kept running over your mailbox or something. I really don't care who parks in front of my yard, but maybe I would if it happened all time.
  10. So, midtown has a serious drainage issue. City streets should be able to handle summer thunderstorms, but some of the damn streets were blocked off today. There were a few limbs down too, I was surprised to see this. I figured Ike took out all of the weak ones.
  11. I thought of when I posted that when I read the first post here. I did used to be hopeful about Shepherd/Durham being on the upswing, but now I just accept that it is what it is. The lots really are shallow, you can't have a significant business there unless you go all the way to the next street on the east side. I don't see the used car people going anywhere fast, they collectively keep their property values down and with so many in one area I'm sure they bring each other business as people hop from lot to lot looking for the deal. And hey, at least it's not NEAR as bad as it is further north. I went on an auto part salvage hunt one time, and I had no idea that junkyard central was only a couple miles north. Now THAT area sucks. Give me the used car people with random other stuff over that any day. Parts of it I have even come to like.
  12. Did Casas go out of business? I used to work with a guy in the Casas family, it was always good stuff when we got lunch from them. Same family as Spanish Flowers.
  13. The Angola Rodeo is a big deal. Those guys go all out because they can win certain incentives, and that's pretty much all they have to look forward to.
  14. Our neighbors just started their daughter here too. Make sure you ask more questions if they say things are full, certain people there know more than others. I didn't quite pay attention to the conversations, but the receptionist let on that they were full and then when they got with one of the director ladies they got right in. They're all nice people.
  15. We have our daughter at Garden Oaks Baptist right now, she's 18 months old. We like it, she loves it. They do have options for how many days per week. Depending on the class there may be a waiting list.
  16. Sheetrock - concrete foundation. So your suggestion is to not mess with studs at all and just keep individual shelf units between studs...I would think that is easiest but not sure how the overall look will work. I don't know about plumbing - there is a toilet right there but it shouldn't go too far behind the wall of the bathroom, right? I need a magical device that lets me see pipes and everything else behind walls. I'm sure they make these.
  17. After the HD2 upgrade I can see HAIF at work again. Uh oh.
  18. I want to put some shelves in the wall below our stairs. It doesn't seem like it would be difficult to me. Any tips or things to avoid? I may or may not have to move an outlet, I think that would be the hardest part but I'm not worried about it. Obviously I don't want to hurt the support beneath the stairs, I figure there are ways to get around that.
  19. They won't jump any fences. In fact, we leave our gate open on the day they read the meter, and usually they don't even bother to check that it is open. We just get a letter every 6 months saying we're on the program to read the meter ourselves, and we send the cards in. And of course they offer us the option to spend lots of money on a fancy meter.
  20. Thanks for the View New Posts options, I am digging it.
  21. Northwest breeze this morning, not bad at all. Perfect to hit the trails at memorial on the mountain bike.
  22. How about an easy, effective granite sealer? The one the builders left is this kind I have to rub on, then wait 5 minutes, then rub another coat on. I don't like rubbing. I'm thinking spray and wipe, done. I've never had a problem with the results, it's just such a pain to spend a few hours prepping then sealing.
  23. Woohoo, mentioned as first example of sprawl in an article, negative context of course. Governments trying to reel in 'ocean sprawl'
  24. Only on the east side. I watched it as I drove home, it was heading straight for us but dissipated over downtown. Damn!!
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