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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Holy crap, I think they hired a one-eyed retarded monkey to program the traffic lights around the town center. They are WAAAYY too long and skip cycles all the time. Traffic lights in Houston don't bother me like that and there's more traffic here, so I know it must be bad.
  2. I use WD-40 to get sticky stuff off, but you can't use it on everything. Works perfect on metals (stickers off of golf club shafts, etc.). UrbaNerd, your avatar is nuts.
  3. I think I see the trend here, the younger HAIFers are really caught up in the ratings and the rest of us don't care. Probably because we didn't spend out youths living out our lives on facebook and twitter and other online social whatever. The trick is to acquire brown liquor and drink it.
  4. Si! My uncle lived in Tiger Stadium when he went to LSU. But there were rats and no tvs.
  5. I decided not to try to get HAIF working at work. More productive that way. Most of my posts will probably come on weekend nights during whisky time. Ok, so nothing really changes.
  6. Sounds like that mini-projects-looking gated place on the north side of 34th just west of Shepherd. Might be projects. I hope so, otherwise who would want their neighborhood to look like that?
  7. I need to know what is better than super glue for holding plastics. I have these sunglasses (not expensive, I just like them) that broke on the ear stick thing right by the hinge. I superglued and it held for a while but snapped right there again, then I did it again. I just like these dammit, and I need something that is so strong that the rest of the plastic is way more likely to break than the bond it makes. Oh and I guess I don't want a toxic substance that might give me ear cancer. My wife has a thing for ears.
  8. The kind with a rope across the water and you have to either pull it or someone cranks a big wheel? I have a picture in my head, not sure if it is real or from the first LOTR movie. Alabama is full of great technology like that.
  9. I've ridden the Plaquemine and New Roads ones a bunch of times, and I think the one in NO to Algiers once. Ferries rock. We used to go water skiing at False River all the time, and on the way back to Baton Rouge sometimes we'd take the ferry (when not towing the boat) just to switch things up. I think it is free in one direction, forgot which one.
  10. Barcelona. Torremolinos.
  11. Went to Chicago Pizza just now, got the deep dish and liked it. Not as good as what I had in Chicago, but good enough to satisfy and return.
  12. No slings, I used to pitch so I'm good. I also keep a stick behind the railing. One time I killed a possum with it. Of course that was after the neighbor's dog got a hold of it, at which point it just laid there twitching so I put it out of its misery. Red I gotta say I dig the new avatar. I pictured you looking like that before anyway, so that just confirmed it. Now you definitely look like that in my mind.
  13. "Content encryption error" is what it is saying. Could be a firewall thing since it's only from work network. Really it's not all bad, I don't have time to check from work, or I shouldn't take the time.
  14. I was born to throw rocks. I keep three big ones on the front porch just in case - that is 100% serious. Get off my lawn.
  15. It works from home on IE8 and Firefox 3.5, but from either of those at work I get a content compression error or something like that. I am guessing it is a simple fix but I'm not thinking of it right now.
  16. METRO should sue him for attacking their train. He dumb.
  17. Pointless topics? I kid, I have no idea. I have never rated anyone.
  18. I vote NY Pizzeria, we love that one. But I will say that we've seen different quality and totally different outcome between the different locations. The one in Pearland is good, so is midtown. The Jillian's one not so much. Westheimer@Chimney Rock is also good.
  19. The little booth at the Fiesta? No, not the same. That is not a snoball. Just a nasty slushy.
  20. I am guessing Ed is working on a few things while he takes in suggestions. or he's enjoying himself over the holiday weekend, which is even better. I'll get by, and I'm willing to bet the "mark all forums as read" reappears, and also some link to the latest posts instead of having to dive in at the beginning of a thread. I find the thread location under new content to be more subdued, it's not as obvious what forum a topic is from. I think I will get used to it. Usually I use that to avoid historic houston topics.
  21. Definitely need "get last post" link on the new content page, and mark all forums as read. Other than that, I dig it so far and look forward to getting used to it.
  22. Beautiful. I need to go here. I'm not going to win any of these, but they are fun.
  23. I thought it was just me, I guess it's good to hear others are the same. I also constantly have to deal with wanting to jump off of things. Not at all to die, but just because I want to jump. I spent a lot of my youth in the tops of trees. No comment on the killing thing. If I go schizo suppressing things though, it wasn't me.
  24. We're going in October, definitely going to check it out. I wonder if they have mops and janitors on hand for the people who can't handle it.
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