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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. OOoooh, I wanna be this one! I just need to be more irritable. Get off my lawn.
  2. Oh that bothers me too (begging at intersections). How many times per year do they need new band uniforms? And it's 80% adults out there? Sorry, I call scam on half of those, and have read that scammers have been caught doing exactly that. When I was a kid I went door to door selling popcorn, magazines, wrapping paper (?!), all in the name of school fundraising. I hated it. I used to wish no one would answer the door. But there weren't any safety concerns, I just told my parents I was off to case another part of the 'hood. These days I don't believe are less safe, there's just more press on abductions and crap, thank you idiot Nancy Grace. My suggestion is that these groups team up with local businesses. Work a car wash, work booths at festivals. In high school we paid for prom by working concessions at LSU football games, it was a blast. Of course Aramark doesn't have a stranglehold on that venue. But there are probably tons of opportunities to team up with local businesses at events, or come up with events on your own. If you don't have a school fair, start one, make it profitable.
  3. I double checked my old map/print, basically a reprint of the original ad for the Heights. Accurate or not, it shows Washington as the southern border. Obviously I-10 and a lot of other things have mucked up the original layout. But relevant to today, "Washington Ave" is its own area, it doesn't belong as part of the Heights. It has too much of its own thing going on to need that anyway.
  4. Is this about what it's considered or official boundaries? According to the map I have, it marks the southern boundary of a skinny piece of the Heights that is south of White Oak Bayou, pretty much all of which is completely gone except a really short part of E 2nd St. I'll check when I get home, it might even be Center St that was the southern boundary.
  5. Using a period of only 130 years to "prove" any global phenomenon as fact is statistically irresponsible at best. However, there is no doubt that continuing to pump combusted emissions and other pollutants into our atmosphere is also irresponsible of us. I'm all for humans finding better ways to fuel our society, this bill just isn't going to do ANYTHING to help that, it's just going to create a new market for people to play with.
  6. We have a mix of plants back there including a red oak. Would you say that watering once/week for 15-20 minutes is better than hitting it lightly for a few times per week? With rain coming back I didn't want to hit it with too much water. By the way the lemon tree had 2 big new leaves on it this morning. It's a start.
  7. It's at the edge of a bed, we have a timed sprinkler on those beds that come on for 5 minutes ever other day. If that is too much that might be it. The lemons are still there (still green), I'll dry out that area and see what happens.
  8. The bill does more to create a new market than it does good for the environment. Companies and people will survive it, and it might stimulate some economy action. Then again, that's a pretty backwards way to get some economic results.
  9. I guess. The leaves all dried out, turned yellow, and are now on the ground. There are other explanations I suppose, I'm going to try to feed it back to life. Maybe a dead animal or something...
  10. Definitely cruise around, not only because not all leasers post online, but because the address doesn't always tell you the story since here in Houston you can go from sweet to nasty in just a couple houses down.
  11. Is yours in a sunny spot? We were worried ours would get too much sun where it is, I think that might be the case.
  12. Oaks are great. I never noticed how many sycamores there are inner loop until I bought a house with one. Those things are everywhere. The huge leaves make great shade, and they seem to handle the heat/sun well. In the fall, raking takes 2 minutes because the leaves are so big and easy to gather. So the heat took all the leaves off of our meyer lemon tree, but there are still a few lemons there. I wonder if it will make it. It's no bigger than a bush right now, hopefully it's small enough to make an easy comeback.
  13. Our meyer lemon tree dropped all of its leaves. Not looking good, though we have watered. It just doesn't like that much sun.
  14. Was this in the past few weeks? I'm guesing no, because 1) I saw gas for $2.26 in there, and 2) you would have caught on fire walking outside for that long. You win the prize for most pictures, ever. I like the chronicle of the journey though.
  15. And the free range poultry, including peacocks.
  16. Our neighbors did this, I think it's great. Pink with purple trim and garage door.
  17. Liza is a nutcase. There is no body, so nothing interesting can come from an autopsy. Unless they did use a real body as a substitute for his while he's on that island not next to Elvis
  18. I agree that prices are holding steady, volume has just gone significantly down. It makes sense, you don't jump to sell in a down economy. I do the exact same searches as back when we were looking in late 2006, early 2007, and almost nothing comes up with the same criteria. People are sitting tight, which I think is fine. That's what we're doing, wait til all this nonsense blows over and people stop freaking out.
  19. Or people could stop using unsupported software from 8 years ago...
  20. No way, Elvis would not hang out with MJ. Totally different styles.
  21. We have a snoball stand, but it's only for people who live here. Alley parties. It don't flood!!
  22. I think you mean the right thing but stated it wrong. Humid air can hold much more heat, or it takes more energy to get the humid air to a higher temperature. I'd rather 105 degrees at 20% humidity than 95 at 90% any day. To me, the shade is infinitely more bearable even in the heat when it is less humid. When it's humid it doesn't matter shade or not, it's nnasty.
  23. In first grade I remember the bus driver had a tape player and if we were good on the morning ride, she would play Thriller on the way home. It was awesome. So, the first thing I thought when I heard this is that it was staged so he can go be truly secluded and maybe get out of some of his debts. Maybe it's crazy, maybe it's not.
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