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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. That might just facilitate a switch back to real sugar. I'm for it, whatever. Cane rocks!
  2. It has a history that it is proud of, the location is awesome, and Sheila Jackson Lee's office is here!!! Lights in the Heights is fun, too.
  3. Sulfur will most definitely be lower to nothing, reducing SO2 and particulate emissions. Also lower heavy carbons, which means lower CO2 output. On quick search I found this, which is very pro-biodiesel based on the source, but it references EPA studies. http://www.biodiesel.org/pdf_files/fuelfac...s/emissions.pdf Some info from engine manufacturers. http://www.nafa.org/Content/NavigationMenu...FactSheet2a.pdf
  4. Only because we won A game...it'll go away as quickly as it was interesting. Soccer needs more stats, there's nothing to follow except goals, and those are so few and far between there's nothing to cover. When missed shots are highlights, your sport is lame. I am glad they are building the stadium, it's good for the area. I might even go to a game because I heard they are fun.
  5. As soon as soccer becomes relevant in the US. Keep waiting...not yet...
  6. Looks the same to me. Shows how much I care about color scheme. What they really need is improvement on content delivery. Stuff like hover over a headline and you get a brief synopsis. That, and online word jumble.
  7. They should get out of my way! Seriously, everyone out there driving does at least 2 things per day that could get them a ticket. Getting caught is a loser's lottery.
  8. More good info Cotton, thanks. I don't have the time to spend many days down there, so I think I'll take meeting Sprecher one time. So were you saying you didn't even make it into a courtroom with him, it went away before that happened? It's not like I'm a whiner about being able to do whatever I want on the road. I got a ticket for running a red light a few months back and didn't complain or even get upset. It was before 6am, no traffic (except an observant cop), and I thought I would make the light but definitely didn't. No problem, driver safety course for me. But for this ticket - if he's saying I was following within 1 car length AND going 70, then he's admitting that the flow of traffic is going 70 as well, and that means I'm not "driving agressively" as he put it but instead keeping with a normal flow of traffic.
  9. Will do, thanks for the contact info. I don't see his name on the ticket and didn't bother to look. Could have been Garcia. I'm definitely going to challenge this, it is BS.
  10. Black Altima. Ticket doesn't say, but he said he "paced" me. He was in the HOV lane "observing me for a while". I should charge him with stalking, he admitted it! So you're saying getting a lawyer for this is $200 or less? If so then yeah it makes sense, but I've never heard of a lawyer being that cheap.
  11. I got a damn ticket driving on I-10, the cop said he "paced" me going 70 (didn't get me with radar), and also said I was following too close. His words were "within 1 car length" which is such absolute horse s&^t. Anyway, I was going 65 and not 70, and there's no way I was that close to any car at that speed. On the ticket he wrote 70 in a 60, and in box #9 wrote in "follow too close" - I assume what he wrote in is also an official violation, so I have questions on my options. 1. Go to court. Is this pointless? Basically there is no proof on either side, I'm going to go and say I was going 65 and no way following that close, and if he shows up he'll say otherwise. I want to do this just out of principle. 2. Deferred disposition option. It doesn't fully explain, but to me this sounds like you pay a fine and if you don't get in trouble for a certain amount of time, nothing goes on your record. But there is confusing with the speeding part and the write-in "follow too close" part because it's pay-by-offense. It's all done by mail so I have to have it figured out before I send it and it's just not clear. I think it would be $207 ("for each non-accident speeding case within 15 miles of the speed limit") plus $202("for each non-accident traffic case"). I can't take a driver safety course because I did that a few months back for something I actually did wrong. It'd be nice to pay and be done with it but since there are 2 infractions that's 400 freaking BS bucks. If I stand any chance of getting the following too close one thrown out it's worth it to show up in court, no? It's crap like this that kills my faith in law enforcement. Good job, you wasted my time and money and your time, and for what? I was driving perfectly safely and at a reasonable pace, and in fact was getting passed by other people. Now I'm pissed off and more likely to take it out on other people and actually drive aggressively (which I wasn't), so it's a net loss for the COH.
  12. That sucks man, sorry to hear that. I haven't been through the same thing, but my advice would be to not jump at the first settlement you are offered. Maybe it changes things that your insurance companies are the same, but in the end the insurance company is going to want to pay as little as possible. Document all expenses you incur, see a doctor, and assume that the first settlement offer you get is one they are really hoping you will take.
  13. Just went to MAM's, I think it's a much better location. Besides being closer to my house, it's a big open lot instead of a cramped parking lot with people driving through it. They have picnic tables set up in the back of the lot where there is some shade. My mouth is now blue.
  14. I played golf today, it really wasn't that bad. Some clouds, more than lately, and a solid breeze the whole time. If I'm planning on being outside for a good while and expect to sweat it doesn't bother me near as much as sweating in my work clothes going from car to door.
  15. Except for Canino's (always the place for produce), it's not about the store, it's about the weekly specials. Every week we check out the mailers they send, and depending on the best meat specials we make our plans to hit one or two stores. This week it was Randall's, with $3.77/lb bone-in ribeyes and Fiesta with $3.49/lb super jumbo shrimp. Usually we pick up a chicken and a pork package to go along with, of course checking sale prices. Fish or shrimp once/week as well. On weeks where there are crappy sales we stick to dark meat chicken and boneful pork chops, they usually stay cheap. Our rotation includes Kroger (Shepherd 11th 11th), Randall's (Oak Forest), Foodarama (W 18th), and Fiesta. I could care less that 3 out of 4 of those are old and kind of dingy, I go for deals. The baggers at all of them are clueless as usual. Foodarama cashiers are great, they've let me slide by twice on the $10 minumum purchase when I'm buying the spare ribs special of the week. For non-perishables we try to do Wal-mart (290 @ Hollister), since we don't eat many of those it's not hard to go once a month.
  16. Yep, we walk down to that Kroger all the time, so I'm sure we will. Even in this heat I'll walk for a snoball, assuming I was already hot and sweaty from being outside. I won't decide to get hot and sweaty just for a snoball, maybe it can be a new post-yard-watering treat. Did they move already? It's not like it takes long to set all of that up, the biggest task is the tow.
  17. All of those are interesting concerns I had never thought about. What about the fear of crazies taking over the place? If a radical group got a hold of a studio and somehow knew how to get themselves on the air, that would be bad as well. Probably not a very likely scenario, much more likely is hacking it from somewhere else. Maybe.
  18. I've used the sprinkler and watered by hand, usually for an hour or so. Most areas in my front yard look great, but there are 2 spots where it's brown. I think those are the spots that get the most sun, others get the shade from 2 trees and the house at different times. Watering is also the best way to entertain an 18 month old for as long as you're willing to watch her. She thinks it's the greatest thing ever. I think we'll do it again tomorrow morning, last time was yesterday evening. I know to avoid the high sun because it'll just burn things, so I try to do it before 10 or after 6.
  19. I think they'll get as much or more traffic at the new location. I can't wait until they finally do something with that Kroger shopping center or abandoned corner lot across the street.
  20. I have a dent in a door about half the size of a fist, middle of the metal basically, not near an edge. My brother-in-law says to use dry ice, rub it on there and as the metal contracts it will pop right out. Bad idea? Risk of messing up paint or other stuff? I would hold it in a rag or something, no direct contact, and just rub to cool the area down I guess.
  21. I was just joking by the way. But I do find it funny how poor people get used both ways on excuses by people here. They have to have somewhere to live, displacing them with rising property values is wrong!! Oh, and I hate shopping when they are there with all their badly behaved kids!! Walmart is cheaper, they win. Shopping is annoying no matter how nice they try to make it, so who cares if one is slightly worse when you are spending less.
  22. Damn you! I am wicked jealous. Scorched Earth was the best video game ever, at the time. You could hack into the basic code and rig all kinds of cheating. Anyone remember its predecessor GORILLA?
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