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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. NO idea, but I like it. Paris?
  2. I'm with Chamo. Forget these fancy burger places, a Texas Whopper or Angry Whopper is as good as it gets, for less. Can't beat the KING!!
  3. Month-to-date precipitation: 0.00 inches. None in the 10 day forecast. I wonder if that would be a record? I know it would suck.
  4. Are all spammers foreign? Weird. Great response though, speak their language and maybe we'll get through to them.
  5. Where is this tree planet? I would much like to visit. I think some groups are growing. The I-10 and 610W area I look forward to seeing in 10 years. There are some small areas coming up 288 that seem to be growing as well. Which ones are you referring to?
  6. Sorry I didn't mean to come across as mean if I did. I just haven't had the desire to do anything near a "club" in 10 years. Even back then it was a pain, I've always preferred a dive or pub type atmosphere. Maybe it's because I refuse to use hair gel. I live 2 miles from "the strip" and have yet to even drive past it after 10:30 pm. I'm a parent now so I have a great excuse to be lame.
  7. I'm having trouble comprehending living in Champions and at the same time having a desire to go to the trendiest clubs in the city. In high school with a fake ID? Inherited a house on the course?
  8. Hey, my vote can definitely be bought. Bring it on.
  9. Build us a dome with a/c, and free bacon!! Can we make our water taste better?
  10. Last year or the year before our average high in July was right around 90, low for history, because it rained every day. That was the best summer ever. Ok I looked it up, July 2007, average high was 89.7 (10 inches of rain), it only got in the 90s on 16 of 31 days. Typically it's 94 for July with 3.18 inches of rain. http://www.srh.noaa.gov/hgx/climate/iah/2007/jul07iah.txt I like the dryness because I can do windows down on the morning commute, but my body doesn't like it. I went running yesterday and had to stop, not because I was tired, but because my body and head go so hot. It was weird. That doesn't happen on normal summer days for me.
  11. It's all tolerance and diversity with some people, at least until you throw Walmart into the discussion. Then the uppity comes out in full force. People can love a dirty, imperfect, cheap bar but not so much retail? Doesn't that give it character too?
  12. Crazy. The sun sucks.
  13. Most definitely. I would think it's also encouraged, otherwise an airline employee has to escort them or their chance of getting lost or missing the flight goes up exponentially. I've seen the same done with disabled people being wheeled by someone to the gate, on the plane, then they go back.
  14. LARGE, decorative rocks. My sister's house is on the outside of a weird curve, and their mailbox got nailed twice. Then the rocks came, and the result was a broken axel and a safe mailbox.
  15. I had to log in which messed with my marked-as-read stuff, other than that everything looks fine.
  16. Still a VERY BAD idea. See post #44. Pollution is tolerable and "safe" based on the fact that it will disperse as it is emitted. Bottling it up would be deadly, even if it's piped out of the top you have a huge potential for releases/spills/fires within a closed space and it'll never be worth the risk to those living/working in it.
  17. I was hoping '97. That team didn't make it close, they just destroyed everyone. In my mind I can't separate the 91 and 93 teams for some reason. One of them had better pitching, and we had like a 16 strikeout pitching performance in the title game. That must have been 93, we won that one 8-0. I feel good about facing either Virginia or Arkansas again. They'll be using all their good pitching to win the elimination game, and we'll have our 2nd best and closer fully rested.
  18. You better believe I'm watching! Gorilla ball is back at LSU, with some pitching too. We look good so far. Even though UT is the 1 seed, they haven't looked great and squeaked one out last night. I think we're gonna win it all!
  19. I see this in several places, 34th going east at Shepherd is another. More are needed. I like it, but every time I come up to one of these you can bet I'm watching my back like a hawk just waiting for some car to plow straight through me. Minimize the risk by staying off of major and "dangerous" roads. And being on a ranch out in the hills won't save you, then those crazy MS 150 training rides (I've done almost all of them) will come find you and slow you down!
  20. THIS makes sense. We always ride down Center, it's just easier. I'm not out there to be on parade and be seen, I'm trying to get somewhere safely, and in most cases that means not riding on major streets.
  21. This wasn't a trap, it was just using the white bucket as a globe for the bulb. The buckets weren't special or anything.
  22. The reverse chronological graph bothers me. Left to right! But upon visual inspection without any statistical analysis I see no trend, it's pretty consistent.
  23. I had lived here for 2 years (in midtown) before I realized it was open. It really doesn't look like it.
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