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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Good, I hope the new place is cheaper and competition drives down prices. Right now MAM's is all there is so they have it pretty easy, but come on, their prices are just silly - nearly double what they should be. Perhaps that is due to their labor model, I'm used to seeing a place like that run by a couple of high school girls who are bored during the summer. MAM's seems to be using twice that many (and not kids) and still struggles with the lines. Bring on the competition!
  2. Is giving blood every 8 weeks enough? 20thStDad gives every 8 weeks, and is addicted to giving blood. He doesn't know why. Maybe it's the satisfaction of helping others, or a masochistic tendency, or maybe it's the free snacks and t-shirts he gets.
  3. Nice! Now we can walk there. Since there's already enough criminal element 'round these parts, no one should be whining about it!
  4. I changed my mind, a dome is a great idea. Crank up the damn a/c!
  5. No problem blaming the drunk, that's my point. That's what I meant. It's not Aramark's fault that guy got drunk and killed someone. Even if it was some free drinks thing, you take responsibility for your actions.
  6. I hate this kind of lawsuit trying to blame others for people's problem. It's not MY fault, they made me get drunk and drive. Even if free drinks are available, YOU are responsible for your actions. Idiots.
  7. So toilet paper is dirty and archaic - but we're not saying to stop using it, just to put it on a stick to use. Brilliant! I'm still waiting for disinfecting wet wipes to be standard in all stalls.
  8. People say I look young, and the wife could pass for 14, maybe. You think they'll card us?
  9. Good Lord please don't drink that stuff!! Naaassssttttyyyyy!!!
  10. judith I can't believe you cheated on me! You said I was the only one that wanted, that "distance and colour don't matter"! YOU BEATCH!!!
  11. When I saw your first post I was very interested to see what others might contribute to this topic, but for myself I just know nothing about it. I would love to get some ideas of how to adjust plants/space in my yard to improve air flow or make it feel cooler. I spend every minute outside that I can stand to. Hopefully others get the urge to offer their knowledge.
  12. I would bike everywhere if I could, but serious question - do you people sweat? I do, in buckets, especially when it's 95 degrees and I'm wearing pants and long sleeves. Add biking to that and I might catch on fire. My workplace doesn't have a shower and I wouldn't want to be taking 2 a day anyway. If I lived in Calgary I would bike to work every day, and know of dozens there who do (year round, snow and all).
  13. Eating the chili-dog and nacho's are part of the ballgame experience, paying $14 for both is not. It's robbery. I'm dying to be that mouth breather sitting next to you with the food I brought. No diet coke though. And it'll be leftover smoked spare ribs, and I'll leave all the bones on the floor like peanut shells. YEAH AMERICA!!!
  14. Whatever! I roll into Spec's with the baby all the time. I figure bringing her into the liquor store is WAY better than leaving her in the car.
  15. REALLY bad idea. It is dangerous (and stinky) enough when the wind is too calm around there. Ambient levels of lots of pollutants would be much higher than they are now if it were a closed system (even if force-ventilated, I don't think it would approache the dispersion you get from wind and open atmosphere). That much combustion and those amounts of chemicals/crudes/refined petroleum kept in a bubble with people is a recipe for disaster.
  16. People who are in a parking lot to buy things doesn't attract a criminal element, unmanned/unguarded parking lots do. No one is going to break into a car while there are half a dozen people right there getting chilly treats. Whoever at Fiesta is listening to this idiot needs to be fired.
  17. There's nothing wrong with what Walmart sells or what they charge for it. I just hate crowds. And you can't return something to Target after using it for a year.
  18. It took one time for me to learn to not drive on Main St. That's not what it's for any more.
  19. I forgot to watch this. Did they address weather conditions inside the dome? There would definitely be factors to worry about like air movement and excessive humidity. Also air conditioning, it would be a tough battle to cool if you have lots of big buildings with air conditioners inside, all heating the air around them. I agree that a development with no cars and specifically designed from scratch for this purpose would make it a way better idea. I don't want to live in a dome. I hate the sun, but I love me some wind, rain, and clouds. However, I would visit it if they installed extremely long zip lines in various places. That is fun.
  20. Not cupcake - pancake. Way different.
  21. Castles. Wine at lunch. <40 hour work weeks coupled with loads of vacation time. I've only been to Europe and Canada so I don't have anything more exotic than that.
  22. Or maybe they'll figure you want the 3% as a discount on sale price, which makes their 3% cut even smaller. Or most realtors are annoying. My history with realtors involves 2 ignorant ones that only made things more expensive and more difficult.
  23. Across the street? Does he sue drivers for making noise on Studewood? Get over it. Or just find another parking lot, it's not a hard business to move. Come in front of our yard, that would be sweet, and they could do drive-thru business too.
  24. So no risk of a false imprisonment charge, even if I chase them off of my property, catch them, then bring them back to tie them up and throw feces at them?
  25. If I decide that a thief on my property is not worth shooting and decide to knock them out and tie them up until police get there, how much risk do I run of actually getting in more trouble than the perp? Just wondering how I need to play this if it goes down.
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