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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Hey, them ain't yuppies, they're LA transplants. Trust me . And we, I mean they, will either have multiple ice chests out there with us, or extensions cords with a mini fridge and a tv.
  2. Get a couple of saws and recruit 2 day laborers for 4 hours. Hauling is another matter but it'll be cheaper than $400. If the pile isn't that big you can even wait for heavy trash day. If you want the yard to be smooth afterward, bringing someone in to grind up the stump might be the only thing you couldn't do with day laborers
  3. My parents have an elm tree that was leaned over by Gustav that is still hanging on, but on its way down. Thankfully it is pointed at a ditch and nothing else, but I don't think there's any way to straighten it back up once the root system has been all muddled below it. If yours is the same case it's coming down, your way or nature's way. I would just have it removed if you think it is working on causing some damage soon. There shouldn't be anything stopping you from doing that unless it's not actually on your land. Maybe the neighbor will be upset about losing shade, but I'm sure if you point out that it's on its way into their house they would be ok with it.
  4. Have you searched for other Costner mem on ebay to see what it's fetching? That's what I would do, then make as assumption on where the baseball falls compared to other stuff. I wouldn't buy it, I think he sucks, but I'm sure he has a fan club with some crazies.
  5. Our granite doesn't look hazy, it looks clean and shiny unless it's dirty. Maybe it's the color, it's got brown and black mixed up in there. I like it. But I think concrete would be cool. Until it cracks. What about a thick piece of wood covered in some heavy duty super hard resin?
  6. I love my Heights but those other suggestions are better. The gazebo thing between 18th and 19th on Heights is ok, but limits you a bit. Hermann Park has many great backdrops. If you can sneak around Rice and get some stately oak pics while you're there that'd be great.
  7. She kind of looks like the lady who played the first Oracle in the Matrix trilogy. Or maybe it was the second one. I think we'll all survive just fine. With our awesome 2 party system a bunch of people will whine at every nomination, no matter the administration. She's definitely not an idiot, so even if she has some extreme views she has to know what she'll be able to get away with and what she'll be totally crucified for. The Supreme Court is no place for extremism, and there are other justices to dampen the effect that any one of them can have.
  8. Tell me about Pierson & Co, I'm always looking for good barbecue. I second Frank's and Barbecue Inn. Need to try Tony's.
  9. How awesome must a place be that a pile of trash becomes an attraction there? Lots.
  10. You mean the building in this picture? The one that's already done?
  11. What do you get when a topic that originally had no purpose goes way off topic? I don't even know where I am right now.
  12. The best breakfast place isn't far from there at all, Frank's on Mangum. Great value, expect to be full afterward.
  13. Click on Members Then click Toggle More Options Then set your filter to Last Post (or visit) is, select Greater Than and enter whatever date you want. BAM! Magic computer internets learnings.
  14. That'll teach me to scan a listing too quickly. Granite is stone; a nice, hard dense one at that. It just makes for a good countertop. Maybe other stones do also, maybe they just aren't as commonly available or as diverse in the color patterns you can get. I'm not jumping on the anti-granite sentiment just because everyone has it now, I think it's a functional choice. Builders or remodelers - is there a better material that should be used?
  15. I can't stand the park-under-my-house, garage right in the front look. That one to me is an obvious one to hate. The other one, the "McVic" I kind of like, although I think it's odd that there's trendiness throughout and they somehow got away with white appliances. Gasp!! No stainless and granite, no deal HGTV!!
  16. They live in/under the Waugh bridge that crosses the bayou. Ever notice the stink? Also, you can hear them in there.
  17. My Tahoe didn't flip over because it was an SUV, but I came away without a scratch because it was a very safe one. I doubt the same would have happened in the Altima. Bigger doesn't equal safer, there are many features and behaviors that safety is built on. But having the momentum advantage in a crash is not a bad thing, most of the time.
  18. I'm not looking to acquire more firearms, but if I do it might be a shotgun. The .22 rifle is nifty though, not as heavy as a bigger hunting rifle, and with smaller bullets I could better disable a perpetrator rather than put a hole in them. The last thing I want is for there to be a situation where that is necessary, I am just saying that I've thought about it enough to know the 4-5 steps I will immediately take in case it ever does. Better not.
  19. I hope they do get shot. If you're going to be a degenerate criminal, at least be a smart one. Don't break in to a damn house when someone is there, you up the chances of both you getting shot and getting way more jail time when you react poorly to the situation. I have prepared myself mentally for if this were to happen at my place, and it doesn't end nicely for the intrudor. My rifle holds 15 bullets, and my backup axe is built to endure.
  20. Homeless people already have experience digging through trash, can't we employ them to sort all of it? Kill two birds with one stone, and we could start putting a whole lot more stuff into curbside recycling.
  21. I wonder what "soon" means. I want to try it very soon, which to me means next week.
  22. Is it not possible from the back alley (if you have one)? I'd rather take some boards off of a fence and then nail them back up than have the guy disassemble the whole unit.
  23. I had a great time and enjoyed meeting those who came out. Hopefully next time I can arrange to stay longer!
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