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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. The key to that working is going head first or horizontal. Feet first and you have some chance of the head not making impact, and remembering and feeling.
  2. If your bullhorn shoots fire or swine flu at the offender I like it.
  3. Damn all these people littering makes me mad! I know someone here has secret access to look up an address/name from a license plate. Come on, feed the mob. We need some justice. Rolling with toiler paper is ok, but there are better ways to make people mad. Like the time we got about 30 old used tires and put them in someone's yard. That's much more of a pain to deal with. Or we can take his wheels off and hang them from a tree where he can see them, then fill his car with food waste and possums. I'm like Gary, I get lucky the wife and kid are with me. Even then I'll start yelling out the window at someone. Video games (Twisted Metal 2 mainly) have also altered my thoughts about smashing cars, and I find myself wanting to just ram them, but thankfully I don't follow through.
  4. West of Pearland. So, just outside of nothing, next to the mud between the chinese tallow trees. Is it called the Blue Ridge antenna farm? Yeah that is my favorite thing down here. All kinds of fun blinking lights and awesome signal/reception. Google says there's a couple of churches and a park named Blue Ridge.
  5. Yeah I think McMansion refers to something inappropriately designed/sized/styled compared to its surroundings. Flaunting wealth can be done very tastefully and appropriately. Each may be abhorred by a different type of hater, but I don't think the sentiment of the thread is "big = bad", I think it's about style and fit with regards to a home's surroundings. Ain't nothin wrong with a River Oaks mansion, most are done well and done right (to the owner's taste).
  6. Almost every apartment complex in/near the Heights is low income housing. I wouldn't mind one bit if all those trashy places just fell down (while empty). Yes, there are a few exceptions, but in general they are an eyesore. I get where you are coming from.
  7. Cool, those are 2 things we were thinking about doing as well. Hopefully you get some good suggestions we can steal...
  8. The Blue Ridge name is relevant to the area. Our office is down there and we do volunteer stuff for Blue Ridge Elementary - not sure if there are other things called Blue Ridge. Ok...RELATED topic, not duplicate.
  9. Duplicate topic here...I think http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...showtopic=10738 Anyway, there is already at least 1 landfill right around there, numerous mud pits, and a few really old crappy plants. Like another landfill will really make it less crappy down there.
  10. I think you're safe, unless you have a weak stomach or something like that. We've done some trout sashimi style and I like it, along with amberjack and grouper. Grouper wasn't near as good as amberjack. Spec meat was nice and clean, didn't have the fishy taste. When packaging we cut the fishiness down by putting a teeny bit of saltwater (clean - homemade) into the ziplocs before freezing. With fresh fish we don't usually get the fishiness, but it can happen like reefmonkey said.
  11. I don't have any stats on that, but drum and sheephead seem to be wormier than redfish and speckled trout. I'm not eating either of those without fully cooking, but it's still good that way. Also you can see most worms after cleaning and can pull them out if it bothers you much.
  12. Most saltwater fishermen I know throw the sheephead back because they are a bit of a pain to clean, not because of the taste. It's a very good meat. Same for drum. You're right about the mullet though, I just always heard it's bad so never even tried. I used to try and try to catch them with rod/reel. I would cast right in the middle of their schools with tasty bait, never a single bite. I side hooked one once. So yeah, cast net or trolling with a net. If you find some they will be pretty easy to cast-net, they weren't ever shy about being near our boat.
  13. I've seen mullet all over the LA coastal marshes. They travel in tightly packed schools very close to the surface. There are dozens of times we could have snagged 20 or 30 with just a cast net, but the general sentiment was that mullet weren't worth anything, even as bait fish.
  14. Today I witnessed an a-hole litter out of his Mercedes that had Michigan plates. Just wanted to point out that I guess all litterers aren't poor dumb southerners.
  15. Those must have been put in as values the same time smugness was...seriously, Christians are flawed just like everyone else. So does it do any good (tax and other benefit reasons) for gays to ship off to Maine or the other few states to get married (then go back home), or does it have to be legal within their state of residence?
  16. Also, hindsight is 20/20 - had Ike happened first I guarantee there would have been more kinks in Houston and everyone would have been more prepared for Katrina. But, Kathleen Blanco is an idiot.
  17. I really don't see the problem with that. It's a freakin pageant, they're supposed to be hot. And how is she supposed to make money other than with her body? Clearly her brain isn't gonna cut it.
  18. If we drink enough we'll be spot on!
  19. You better hope so...chilling greatly aids in settling out spent yeast, which really is important since the beer is unfiltered. Not that drinking yeast particles will hurt you (in fact I hear it has nutritious benefits), but it can definitely stir up digestive adventures if you aren't used to it. But cold drink isn't enough to cool me down. I'll just have a sweaty good time if necessary, and no one can complain because I'm bringing beer!
  20. Wait, does that mean no a/c? It's one of my new year's resolutions to deal with the heat and not complain as much, but I don't want to set myself up for failure!
  21. I forgot to mention that it's an Amber Ale. Not a dark beer, nowhere near a light beer, but fitting for the season.
  22. Large quantity is a relative term, in this case it means about 3 gallons, or about 30 beers. Not a ton, but hey, I'm limited by the equipment I have. I would also suggest people BYOB since it will be no fun to run out of beer. I will bring a pitcher for decanting, but if you want homebrew bring your favorite pint glass. I'll bring a few in case people forget theirs and still want some.
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