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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Land is too expensive there. Not the right setting at all for it either. Not sporty, much less 3rd class sporty.
  2. I have never had a huffing problem but if they come out with that I might have to get one. The best part will be that the paper bag turns see-through by the time you are wasted.
  3. Yes, either it's not on TV or I missed that travel channel show about it. Blame the fair marketing people maybe, I read news and can't recall a piece about the world's fair between 1984 and when it came up on HAIF. So that either means they haven't been trying to draw visitors from the US to wherever the fair has been, the fair isn't worth traveling to another country for, or alcohol has killed the brain cells that stored my world's fair memories between 1984 and 2009. If it comes here I hope it's really cool, I'll have a 12 year old by then and will be looking for fun family activities.
  4. At MMP it's at least that, probably 20 ft. Makes for easier in/out, not everyone has to go up.
  5. I think length of the event plays a part, but when and where also plays a part. I feel like these things used to be a much bigger deal. I remember going to the one in New Orleans in 84 twice, but I haven't heard jack about a world's fair since aside from Montreal Expos trivial questions. Also, bringing 70 million to the Shanghai one doesn't sound impressive when there are so many Chinese people to start with. But hey, bring it on as long as it helps Houston and doesn't just crowd my streets up too much.
  6. It is no longer nice out. Going for a walk this morning was gross, just wet and humid and nasty with mosquitos. Looking at the 10 day forecast, all of the lows are now in the 70s. Sucks. October can't come fast enough. I hope it rains a lot between now and then.
  7. I drove down Montrose today and I can't figure out where this thing is going to fit. It won't. What's going down for it?
  8. That's great, and we'll probably see you outside soon! We'll be pushing around a stroller with a crazy little redhead girl who will probably be trying to work her way out of the stroller at all times. She does what she wants, but she's cute so it's ok most of the time.
  9. Eh, it might be ok. I like the different shapes a bit. I doubt they end up looking all pastel. Another rendering that needed some styling before release.
  10. A color rendering might get more positive reaction, but yeah kinda boxy. And it looks kinda big for Montrose.
  11. dammit crunchtastic, now I want some cheetos but it's late and I'm not about to put shoes on again.
  12. "McMansion" sounds catchy, but I don't think it's the best term. The "Mc" to me would imply that they're all basically the same, but also that they are cheap. I don't think they are, at least not to my definition of cheap. How about we switch it up and call them iHomes? I know some Mac people won't like it, but it reflects trendiness to the extreme, same as the people who absolutely must have the latest i-pod, phone, whatever. It doesn't mean those devices aren't useful, same as the perfectly functional houses, but it does reflect that having one goes well beyond need and is often a good bit of overkill.
  13. That (Niche hosting a happy hour) reminds me - my brewing and bottling process went well. I'll be tasting in a week and a half, if I don't die from that I'm ready to make another batch. I still need keg equipment, or 10 growlers, or the energy to dig out 45 more bottles and wash them.
  14. Yeah the traffic around Heights/Yale/Studemont and I-10 is never that bad, and I never have a problem getting on I-10 going either way. Why mess with it?
  15. I'm less interested in the galleria part (before he got sick) than I am the part about him having
  16. ...sprite and crackers...chicken soup if it gets really bad. But seriously, I'm not worried about me even if I get it, but my 16 month old I do have concerns about. She's not as equipped as I am to handle it. I don't know what precautions we can take besides staying clean and not doing tons of public interaction though. Her day care hasn't closed or hinted they plan to. But if the cases in Houston increase I wouldn't be surprised. We're lucky my wife is at home to accommodate that.
  17. Wrong bridge I think. Unless it is really huge and I haven't paid attention at all.
  18. I'm with you on this. Like I've said before, every intersection down from 24th to 8th St has a stop sign, and only 2 of those are 4 way stops. I think the trail works fine for running/walking, but it's way too stop and go to make for an enjoyable bike ride. When it's complete it'll be a nice path I can work my way downtown on, but all the stopping really gets old on a bike. I do like that I'm seeing lots of people on it every day, maybe even more than on Heights Blvd. I forget what street, maybe just north of 13th, but there's one family always out there in lawn chairs with the kids playing. I think that's what we need more of, neighbors out seeing and talking to other neighbors. I'm trying to do it.
  19. I've noticed ads for Bob Evans and PNC lately on the site...do we even have those here?
  20. Same location (I think, just different angle) after Ike:
  21. But hot tea will make you feel better if you have the flu. Conservative conspiracy to expand tea parties!!
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