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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Through yesterday we were less than half an inch from a precipitation record for the month of April, so I think it's safe to say with last night and this morning we have a new record (10.49 inches through yesterday, old record 10.92 in 1976) http://www.srh.noaa.gov/hgx/climate/iah/ex...iliah-top10.htm Still nowhere close to the mega-record for a month, 19.21 inches in June 2001 (duh). I found it interesting that April has the second lowest record precipitation (Feb) when for some reason it's known for its showers.
  2. Anyone remember SARS? Yeah that turned out to be huge.
  3. Ok, so I see what both of you are saying here, and it's not a big deal either way so quit dancing around it. Most marriages end in divorce, so what, it'll probably be the same with gays. At the same time, a couple probably spent years crusading for the right to be joined together in marriage, legally, forever, whatever, probably fought and rallied and put a crap ton of effort into it just to have the opportunity to be married, it is so important that they be married that they will attempt to change the law...and then they end up divorced. I see a little bit of humor/irony there. So what? Had a straight couple done the same I'd see it the same way.
  4. No, it's not. The cheese heads are functional, they hold 3 beers and food when you take it off and invert it. I suppose a 10 gallon hat could hold lots of booze, then I would say it's the same.
  5. And now it'll be funded anyway, whereas if part of the stimulus and absent the "pandemic" it would have been "just in case" waste. As for the volcano, please explain what monitoring that they are not currently doing on the Alaskan volcano because of stimulus bill cuts. You need a new doctor! Them's fightin words.
  6. No really. I find most Who songs annoying or goofy. I don't know that many Guess Who songs but the ones I do know are sweet. Maybe it's just one of those things where I disagree with everyone else. Like Phil Collins. Apparently lots of people like him but I think he's the worst thing to ever happen to humankind.
  7. They definitely do. They also think that people from Louisiana ride boats to work and school every day. I have gotten serious questions about that on several occasions from retard yankees. Basing your knowledge of an entire state on the movie The Waterboy (or stereotypical Texas movie) is not the best way to look smart.
  8. Not news, but funny. Blame yourselves for things like the silly "it's like a whole other country" campaign, it's more about that than it is Rick Perry.
  9. Most high school football players are going to gain a lot of weight from freshman to senior year. I'm not saying he didn't use anything, but gaining 60 pounds of muscle from age 14 to 18 isn't very hard to do if you never worked out before.
  10. I never understood why people think the Who are so good. I don't. I think Guess Who had much better music.
  11. Shuck Daddy's has a banner that says now hiring, they can't be that far from opening.
  12. Damn I think UConn might have the most picks in the first 2 rounds. Wouldn't have seen that coming.
  13. There definitely will. I like it anyway. You have to pay for LifeFlight, why not this?
  14. The lots on Yale are similar to those on Studewood, they seem too shallow to do much with a business. It would have to be a small bungalow business or be done at one of the bigger intersections where they can go more than one lot deep. Like the one that sits empty at 14th or 11th that just got redone. I think it would be cool if Yale filled in with townhomes (in empty or run-down spaces) that all came up to the street and had balconies, then it would be a great parade route. Assuming a parade gets started up. Sorry, Louisiana flashbacks.
  15. Clippers with different attachments and adjustable guard $19 at Target. I trim the chin once every couple weeks.
  16. I'm still boycotting until they put my big screen tvs up there.
  17. Yeah how much of everyone's money is wasted on marriage and divorce? Keep it a completely church thing, and redo the whole tax thing somehow by just giving the "married" rates to anyone with kids. Yeah, I know not everyone has kids, but guess what, by not having kids they have lots more money to pay taxes
  18. I can't find the story. Was it on any local news tonight?
  19. Texas loves us some executions, I say stage them at the dome and charge $10 admission. When not killing someone it can be a gigantic laser tag place.
  20. That is the best idea ever, keeping them far away while they visit. As good as my idea of the in-laws coming to visit on a weekend I'll be out of town for a bachelor party. Not that I harbor any ill-will toward my in-laws, I just hate overnight visitors at my house. There just always...there.
  21. I thought I drove by last week and saw a sign that had a different website posted, I tried to remember it but failed. The old website still hasn't been updated in 50 years and is pointless.
  22. Our 1987 Jeep Cherokee would race on its own every now and again. It idled up to 35, and you had to ride the brake to go slower. It was fun sometimes.
  23. Yikes, I don't want that kind of action in the hood. I don't see any clips online at the chron yet, anyone see something on local news?
  24. Seriously? I know of at least 3 within my (extended!) family that were, um, strongly urged to get married as a result of poor (or none at all) prevention techniques.
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