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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I have noticed this for a long time, I started a short topic on it last year. It pisses me off, they should be burned with the butts they toss. http://www.houstonarchitecture.info/haif/i...showtopic=15386
  2. I think that's right - with the trim comment I was thinking Tahoe-Yukon comparison, although I think the GMC stuff is both nicer and more heavy duty even in the pick-ups. It may be a whole different ball game with full size vans and commercial/bigger trucks. They had the GMC Safari since the 80's, which I think was slightly nicer than its counterpart Astro - which, by the way, is a crappy car to learn to drive with when it's raining. It is a great car (mini-van) for a group of teenage boys up to no good though.
  3. Yes, this is what I understand to be true. The GMC line are all Chevy's but with different trim. I don't think GMC has any models without a Chevy counterpart. Typically the GMC version is slightly nicer, or so I thought, but I am not sure that applies to all of their trucks. There might be commercial lines they have that I don't know anything about.
  4. Sounds like a great weekend to do those coolant flushes I've been putting off...
  5. Damn I forgot all about the i-Fest! I felt like crap around lunch, took some medicine, watched baseball, passed out for a bit, woke up feeling great so I did yardwork for a few hours. It was good times. I was surprised at how dry my yard was after the past few days, I guess that proves my drainage setup is working very well.
  6. to the letter...except for the part about not under the tree. it's working out great, i recommend it. The tree is a sycamore. It's quite possible it affects some trees more than others, and some not at all, and they're just too lazy or worried about people not knowing what trees they have to put a list on the bag.
  7. What's up with the hatchback comeback (the Acura)? I'm not a big fan. I think they're trying to make cars look like a Prius so people look earth-friendly even if they're not. I agree that the Grand Cherokee doesn't look good. I think Jeep should stick to Wranglers and ditch everything else. Could you make a more feminine vehicle than the Liberty? Maybe they did that on purpose, maybe not. Where does the GMC Terrain fit into their lineup (Trailblazer-Tahoe-Suburban equivalent or separate altogether)?
  8. Yeah it says that on the bag. I'm not sure it's as bad on some trees as others, and I'm guessing the shallower the roots the more risk there is. What if you do the weed and feed for the grass plus tree fertilizer for the tree roots? Makes sense to me. I am not an expert, but I have a healthy tree and good grass so I think it's all good.
  9. Hit Big Mamou tonight, I would rate it as good. I had the shrimp poboy, it was certainly big enough. They still have the soft opening menu. I'm not sure about the layout of the place. The building is nice, not very big. They have an order-at-the-counter thing going, and I think if they got rid of that and used the 2 cashiers as waiters they could fit 3-4 more tables inside. The front porch isn't huge, but they have a back porch with 4-5 picnic benches. One thing I never really thought about but noticed with 11th St Cafe as well is that the lots on Studewood are incredibly shallow. It's really hard to pull off a business AND parking. It's gotta be a small time place, and at least half a block long.
  10. I thought it was a fried piece of cheese. TGI Friday's does something like that. Or one of those places that is exactly the same like Chili's or Applebee's.
  11. We usually go during the day, the one time I went there at night to shoot around I was the only one there. I'm up for getting out there more if shady stuff is starting to build.
  12. It was a day game, high was mid 80s. But it's always that way in Miami, it's no excuse for averaging less than 10k fans per game. People missed an awesome pitching duel, Santana vs Josh Johnson, the game took just over 2 hours total. I like the sound of Miami Marlins better.
  13. I come north on Shepherd most days, from Vermont to almost north loop, and it doesn't really get that backed up except at the light at north loop. I think that one isn't timed very well and is too short in all directions. Other than that, I basically fly up Shepherd, even though it's crowded it still moves. I don't think Yale needs more traffic, just a face lift. I think traffic might even move faster if it were 3-laned, then the left turners would cause less of a disruption than they do now. And of course, destroy that light at 14th st. That light was created only to piss me off, both at Yale and at Durham it is ALWAYS timed wrong.
  14. I watched part of a Marlins game on TV this weekend. There was no one there, not even near half capacity, and that's on a holiday weekend. How does this team make enough money to warrant a new stadium? I guess, maybe, more people would come if they played in a real baseball stadium and not a football one, but I doubt many more. Miami is just not a great sports town.
  15. Ok, I'm for it. That way when I'm old and drunk and wander off, they can find me. And lockmat won't even need a wallet, much less a man purse. I agree that you should HAVE to vote at your proper precinct, no matter what. Not on the roll, no vote. I may have a card, but there's no way I'm going to find it or carry it with me if my license does the same trick (assuming I'm in the right place and I'm on the list).
  16. I agree, but having names on the list of dead people is one open door to voter fraud. Another is people voting at other precincts than the one they are registered, which basically means they could vote as many times as they want. But this is incredibly simple, just require an ID. I don't even have a damn voter registration card, I have no idea what it looks like. I just show my license, sign in, and vote. I think everyone should carry photo ID regardless of voting, just so we don't have to waste time with unidentified bodies sitting in morgues all the time.
  17. People are much more prone to reading something the wrong way than they are to hearing it the wrong way. Written text loses all intonation, sarcasm, and attitude. For this reason I think people get hypersensitive on these forums, and in return get defensive. It's kinda fun sometimes, and when it's not I just don't reply to a topic.
  18. Dammit we need this all over, not just in pilot locations! Our green pickup is today, and I still had to go make a run to the dropoff yesterday because we had tons of recyclables.
  19. No. 90 losses. 100 probably. Also, the Astros will post the highest team ERA of any team/season this century.
  20. 20thStDad

    Man Purse

    No. Thin out your wallet, carry a thin cell phone, and keys. If you need more than that, you are worrying way too much. Chapstick can easily get in the pockets too. If you really need a bag to carry more junk, I suggest getting married. Just dump your crap in her purse, it works great. Or better yet, have a baby. All of a sudden you have 33 bags of crap everywhere you go. Briefcases are either coming back or never went out. I'm thinking about ditching my current satchel laptop bag for one. A nice stainless steel one that doubles as a weapon since apparently everyone here says Obama is gonna take away all the guns I don't carry.
  21. Anyone find details on the study? Did they mean 3 hours TOTAL per day? That's still a lot, but there are a lot of people doing that right now. But for an average...I think not. People are smarter than that.
  22. Did the defensive driving online with these folks: https://www.wheelsinmotion.com/AboutTheCour...?View=Streaming Worked well, pretty easy. I played Tecmo Bowl and watched TV the whole time I was doing it, and still passed easily.
  23. You could be right. I think it was 22 years ago when I watched it. I thought it ended sort of cliff-hanger with a few still planning to make trouble for the soviets. I may have made that part up in my mind over the years. Maybe a better example - Tremors. That one worm who busted up in the armory that guy (and Reba McIntyre) had was toast. I mean, it took the elephant gun to kill it, but still. Kevin Bacon is weird.
  24. You must not have seen Red Dawn...the people always have a chance. WOLVERINES!!!! That movie scared the crap out of me when I was a kid by the way.
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