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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. We need to just send in black ops to kidnap him, and substitute him with that guy from MadTV. His impression is spot on. Or, we could kill him and substitute the puppet from Team America and have him only appear on TV broadcasts. This little dude is seems to be way more trouble than he's really worth.
  2. Wow. What idiotic district can claim this old bag? I mean, my grandmother would say the same dumb #&*$^, but she ain't getting elected by anyone.
  3. I know Milo is old school, the Hank Aaron call and what not. But I just don't like listening to him, unless the Astros are losing and he starts to get pissed off. That is funny. His signature signoff..."this ball game is OVER"...real creative. It sucks.
  4. Hey, so they're not taking away my one little gun right now, a .22 rifle, but if they ever did, can I at least get them to buy it from me? Is there any history on a government banning previously ok stuff where they buy it back, or is it just confiscate and suck up the losses? I would not freak out if I was told I couldn't have a gun, but I'd be pissed at the loss of asset value. Then I'd get a sword. Maybe a spear...is a flamethrower technically a gun?
  5. Lots of time has passed since this thread started - can we switch the main title with the subtext? Not that important, but would be more clear to those who haven't been in on this since the beginning.
  6. I have another private board that I run, with restricted admin-approved membership only, and most of the new member requests I've been getting lately are from Germany and Asia (non-Russia countries). A year or two ago it was several Russian based requests a day, I think with IP banning I may have cut most of that off thankfully.
  7. Happy birthdays to crunchtastic and Mark Barnes!! Hopefully you're not at work and can party it up for the rest of us.
  8. Great post...$100 yoga pants? Now I gotta go make sure my wife didn't drop a benjamin on some damn spandex. I think we're safe, we're way too cheap for that stuff. Fiesta rocks, and down with tiny dogs! Real dogs eat tiny dogs and live outside in the yard.
  9. If you don't like poor or lazy people, make sure you get a spot on Moonraker 5, it's sure to be taking off soon.
  10. Poll results not that interesting thus far. D: 6-6-0-2 R: 0-1-2-2 I: 9-7-5-7 I see two interesting things - very few are or are admitting they are Republicans. And, most of us consider ourselves above choosing teams in the annoying slap fight that is politics - I'm kidding, but the independents (in this limited poll) easily outnumber the combined major parties. As for the overall approval rating: 15-14-7-11, I think it's fairly representative of the real polls out there, slightly leaning toward favorable but with strong contingents at both ends. So yeah, nothing surprising. Results will change and this post will become irrelevantly in a few minutes.
  11. Try Canino's on Airline. I know they have walnuts and peanuts (raw), and I think they have pecans. If not the main place up front, one of the places out back definitely has some.
  12. I agree that some/most of these crazies are not young and impressionable. I did not mean to indicate that I think they watch it on tv and think it is cool, only that movies and news show us a fair number of these and it plants the idea of it in their heads. Media unintentionally plant a ton of bad ideas in crazy people's heads every day. Otherwise they may have come up with something completely different, better or worse, to end their situation. Maybe not, who knows. Right, not mass suicides. Just murder-suicides. So maybe I'm OT.
  13. We tried to go to St Dane's one time, but the parking lot was full since 9 people were already there so we moved on.
  14. I think Hollywood plays a part. I also think the sissification of american children these days plays a part. Fewer children are being raised without being coddled, there's not enough tough love and hard lessons. When things don't go their way they choose a cowardly way out and bring innocent people with them. I think there are a couple of reasons they do that - 1) with the humiliation they feel, they have a need to lash out against those they feel are judging them (even if those people are not), and 2) for the family killings the shame is so great they can't bear for their families to see them as a failure, and as their suicide is emminant to leave them alone in worse off shape than when the loser was alive. I did not study psychology so I'm sure someone who did has much better theories. I just think true "honor" is becoming more rare. Disappointment and failure bring on actions inspired and dramatized by tv and movies. I wish we could find a way to resuscitate those who kill themselves, only to not allow them to die and make them get off their asses and work their way out of whatever hole they dug themselves. Suicide is cowardly no matter how you look at it.
  15. It's definitely not just Texas. I think it's mostly young people acting dumb, people who are dumb, and angry poor people. Deliberate littering should be punishable with mandatory jail time, especially cigarette butts. Johnny Redneck who loses trash out of the back of his pickup on the highway should be given a minimum $3000 fine, and if he fits in the angry poor category 3 nights in jail will suffice.
  16. Too soon - for homebrew, at least. I won't be done with this batch (bottled) until May. Either way we couldn't have beer for that soon, it spends 5-10 total days fermenting before we could put it in the keg, and it would need about 2 days to charge up with carbonation. I'm out of town this weekend so I can't get one going then. I am up for it though.
  17. Yeah they really need to make this happen. Damn Boston people, they suck more than just being annoying red sox and patriots fans. So has anyone done the math on how much rental revenue they lost by tearing down so quickly and not doing a damn thing? It would make me sick to hear, I can only imagine how it makes the property owners feel.
  18. I will be using this term now. It just adds credibility to the assload quantity. I don't know why they just don't have all available HD channels in HD. I'm tired of seeing that WGN is in HD, because it's not. Make it so, you can't even read the names on the back of the White Sox jerseys.
  19. If this batch turns out ok I will allow HAIF to sponsor a batch. I have to reassure myself that I can still do it after taking 3 years off. Actually in terms of ingredients it's cheap, since I already have the equipment. It usually costs about $30 for the water, grain, hops, and yeast. There's no other recurring cost, sort of. Just time and effort. Not sure about having everyone over...there are innocent women and children involved. We can always crash a BYOB place. Better idea - someone get me a 5 gallon soda canister. We use those as kegs, but I don't have them as the dude I used to brew with took them to Utah when he moved. Anyway, that way there's no bottling, we'll just rig up a CO2 canister and some tubing to it and serve it up. It's also ready 2-4 weeks sooner because we can force-carbonate instead of waiting for it to naturally carbonate.
  20. Technically buying cigarettes is already funding lung cancer. Or wait, maybe you meant research to cure/treat lung cancer...
  21. NO that is only in pretend land...at least until I can get it approved and funded.
  22. I am probably a rude, impatient driver, but I never cut in line like that. Those people piss me off. I really want to hit them just so they have to stop and be late, and so they will decide maybe they want to fight me and pay for it. But I don't because I'm not the only one who needs me to not be in jail. I do hate it when people don't GO. This includes the asshole going 30 down Heights when the speed limit is 35. This includes the jackass on any Houston freeway going 50, for no reason at all. Get the F out of the damn way or don't get on this road. but nothing pisses me off more than people who cut in to the ramp/exit at the last minute around a long line. If I'm near the front I will run them into the wall before letting them in. Driving should be like Twisted Metal 2. I should have infinite machine guns and the ability to pick up power missiles, freeze other drivers, and napalm them.
  23. Hmm, interesting. It's the word of God, written down by men based on recounting of events by men. Anyway, I get your point, but this is where Christianity dives off the cliff for me. Within Genesis itself there are passages that indicate the creation myth of Adam and Eve isn't all there was to it. There are peoples not beget by them that show up near the end - so were they not created by God, only the Christians were? The Bible would be so much more powerful, even to the Christians, if they would not take it so literally but learn from it and the lessons it puts forth. And Christianity itself could benefit to exposure to other writings that were basically arbitrarily left out of the Bible. I'm bowing out of this discussion now, but literal interpretations of the Bible at the expense of reason/logic are the reason I consider myself "spiritual" but not "religious".
  24. That is a good point, and to me it is just something that gets handled by each person differently. I understand that the Bible is a compilation of history/stories spanning hundreds of years, and that lore and legend have certainly made their way into it. The "church" decided what pieces would end up in the official text, which is fine, but doesn't mean it's the whole story or that the entire thing is factual. I have spent time reading it and it is very clear that there is a great difference between the writers of the old testament and the liberties they took in injecting drama and personifying God compared to the new testament. That might beget a much longer discussion, but my point is that the Bible can mean different things to each individual and still be meaningful. I just think Christianity shouldn't have quit after the first book they released - there's so much more. Interesting, I'm the opposite. I went through a period of religious indifference, but the more advanced I got in my physics and engineering courses the more I became sure that there was something deeper that none of us have a firm grasp of yet. The concepts of time and infinity alone are enough to cement my belief that while the universe exists and acts on its own at this point, it got here somehow and ends somewhere, somehow. Combine time and infinity and start to ask the question "...and before that?", and science (granted, as we know it) will run out of answers quickly (15 billion years, but still). I like to ponder such things, and when I do I always conclude to myself that there is a greater something...whatever people decide to call it is up to them.
  25. LSU had 5 national championships in baseball from 1991-2001, and has made the CWS about half the time since then. I'd say that's pretty dominant, though not as much of late. Before 1991 we weren't much beyond a team that made the CWS now and again, so the long history isn't there, just a 20 year history. College baseball is a strange animal with so many of the best players going straight from high school to minor leagues. Your entire season can hinge on having 1 good pitcher, it's hard to make a dynasty when it's that fragile.
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