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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. The Genesis creation myth has a moral lesson, that is its main purpose within the Bible. I wish Christians could just accept that for what it is instead of reading it like history. Another thing I don't understand is why some Christians think science is out to prove there is no God. To me, science, creation of the universe (big bang science version), formation of our solar system, geology, the beginning and evolution of life - that is much more amazing to me than some magical story. If you believe in God as the creator, you should find him even more impressive with every amazing scientific discovery. I'd much rather a God who incorporated math, science, and physics in creating a universe than a simple fairy tale. The God that did it with science is bad ass.
  2. A batch is about 5 gallons. Starts at 5 gallons of water but is less after 2 decantings off of dead yeast and fermentation that takes some water vapor out with the CO2. It's what's practical since my pot is 7.5 gallons, fermenter 6, and secondary fermenter 5 gallons.
  3. Same here. I like porter and I like american lager and kolsch, it's all good if it's made right. I still haven't decided what style to brew in 2 weeks - I'm thinking amber, Irish red, or brown. Tough decision.
  4. I'm definitely a beer nerd and somehow hadn't heard of Shiner Black until last week, you're the third person to mention it. Now I really want to find some. I never see it at Kroger, haven't been to the Gingerman in a long time, haven't brewed in 3 years, and had a baby last year, so my exploration of new beers in the past few years has been very limited. Poor excuses, I know. I plan to brew in 2 weekends, I will try to find some for that event. I haven't had a Dark Castle but it sounds right up my alley. I have had the black & tan. To me black & brown sounds even better. Good beers range from dark to light in color...they just aren't lite.
  5. Shiner doesn't count as dark beer. If your definition of good beer involves any light beer I feel sorry for you. It's one thing to like eating at McDonald's every now and again, but to say it is the best food around...not attacking you personally, just speaking generally now. Also, the Sunday morning law simply forces drinkers to plan ahead. I think this is a good way of keeping disorganized drunks (or those who drink into forgetfulness) sober for 10 hours per week. I'm ok with it. What I'm not ok with is the need to keep liquor out of grocery stores and gas stations. More competition = cheaper liquor.
  6. What? I'm not a guarantee for last? After getting 15 of 16 and then 6 of 8, I managed to go 0 for the final 4, so I'm done. Now I probably won't watch since I don't give a crap about the teams left. I will pull for Villanova because no one picked them.
  7. I know of 3 houses that have chickens on the west side of the Heights, and I'm sure there are more. I swear I've seen a peacock in someone's yard - don't remember exactly where.
  8. Perhaps it's not widening, but new sidewalks and curbs (or underground utilities, in which case I don't see the trees being saved) that will get the trees. While those are definitely needed, could they not get creative and go around trees? Or throw some dirt on the roots and have small humps to pad the roots? It would be a shame to lose the trees.
  9. Yale doesn't need to be widened, just repaved!! Hell, it would even be fine if they 3 laned it with the middle lane being a turn lane like Studewood. The trees are way better than what would be gained from widening it a few feet. Dumb.
  10. Use butter! Or do like Editor says, that definitely works. Broiling may also produce smoke - it does when I do it. Be sure to put something below the steak in the over to catch drips. I suggest covering said something with foil, because cleaning it would otherwise be no fun.
  11. Proof that God loves Louisiana!
  12. If you use butter and have it as hot as you need to, you'll get some smoke. Crank the hood fan up to high. That usually still doesn't help us, which is why I grill 99% of my steaks. Tastes better anyway. A bit of vegetable oil won't smoke like butter, but it won't taste like it either. EDIT: it doubled my text! weird.
  13. This thread has been my favorite meme-stream lately, please continue.
  14. Bayou City Art Festival. There's another thread, I am too lazy to locate and link it.
  15. I get the correlation - hookers are a lot like he said shamwow is....those things basically sell themselves! disclaimer - I do not engage in and would never condone the punching of hookers. they're just trying to get through school. no wait, that's strippers.
  16. Wait, you can't punch hookers?
  17. People never believe I'm from Louisiana. I tell them the same thing, I learned to "talk right" from the tv, not my relatives (Mississippi and LA). Brothers and Sisters is the worst show in the history of the universe. It makes me want to vomit and punch puppies.
  18. Say it ain't so - 5 shrimp on a poboy? I don't care if they're big, that's pathetic. Are they pimping this place as upscale cajun or something? Poboys should always be overflowing with whatever meat is on it, and should always be offered as whole or half. And half better damn fill you up, whole would be for 2 people, or one male between the ages of 16 and 25.
  19. Same here - I'm glad I see my neighbors often and get along with them, because we are constantly exchanging mis-delivered mail. My favorite is when we get mail and packages for people on a street 2 blocks away. They're lucky I'm nice enough to put it back in the mail or walk it over.
  20. House is the best show ever. The best bad english accent ever goes to Kevin Costner when he was Robin Hood. Oh wait, he didn't even try to do an accent because he can't act. EDIT: Anyone see Valkyrie? I did not, but from previews it looked like Cruise wasn't even trying to do any accent.
  21. Thanks for the tips HAIFers, I'll be tackling this over the weekend, unless someone else has other plans for me.
  22. Then if this is the ONLY project out there eligible for the funding, fine, use the funding for it. Even if it is technically on the outskirts of Austin. As for the topic title - "Using the Stimulus to Encourage Sprawl" - yes, it is. I guess I'm done with this thread.
  23. I am not referring to any in particular, I just assume there must be some projects on the table that are not 30 miles away. Is that a safe assumption?
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