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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. The garage apartment I lived in had gas. It was built in 2003 I think, pretty new and bigger than most. I think it was actually bigger than my current house if you count the garage space footage. Anyway, maybe what you are talking about applies to add-ons and not new construction? I have no idea.
  2. I've noticed the same. The Business section is never more the 6 pages. The local section is usually 3 pages (including ads) followed by obits. Maybe more local stories are landing in the first section, that seems to stay relatively large, on Sundays at least. Also, I only pay for Sunday Chron, but we get at least 4 papers a week. I don't know if they have extra ones or are just trying to reel us in for a bigger subscription, but we'll just keep taking them for free, thanks.
  3. yeah stay at home parents, disabled veterans, retired people - if I'm smart enough and work hard enough to amass a pile of beans big enough to not have to work any more, I'm doing it. I can't see why that would possibly disqualify me for voting. Now having to pass a test to vote...there's an idea. I think at the very least even citizens should have to pass the test they use to grant citizenship every so many years in order to vote. I'd love to make it harder but seeing as most people in Harris county can't graduate high school I'm sure that would never fly. I don't see the correlation between making money to voting, but to being well-informed and not a complete moron, that argument has some legs.
  4. You better start listing reasonable exceptions or you won't get very far without getting bombarded in this thread. Start with students. Also, unemployment is not always a choice, sometimes it's an unwanted transition from one job to another. So basically I'm saying no.
  5. We are way pansy-fied, I know I am. I didn't used to whine about the heat this much, it's a function of getting used to A/C. One of my resolutions this year is to get used to the heat instead of complaining. More open windows instead of a/c in the car, etc. I don't want to see people at my office in shorts.
  6. I also hate valet parking and never do it out of principle. It's so completely unnecessary when they take your car and drive it 15 feet to a spot. Thanks, I really needed your help for that. There was no valet when we went at 6:30, does it do that later because the lot is shared with a club or something? Or is this just the following of an idiotic trend in Houston?
  7. I was very disappointed when I searched for "crawfish" in post titles...I got 3 and one was about some poor soul not liking them. Anyway, where should I be looking for a good deal and big ones? I got some from Fiesta last year and they sucked, were very small. I am not picky and am willing to drive a little if it's worth it. I usually get mine on the way to Baton Rouge at exit 53 or some random place without a town, in a "building" that doesn't have walls where they clean them right there next to the pond. But that's too far to go to do a boil in Houston. And please no responses about where to get them at restaurants, I'm not paying a premium on my crawfish to have someone else do them completely wrong. Season the shells...yeah great idea sherlock, and charge $3 a pound for them to boot!
  8. Went there tonight and it was great. Awesome food and the place looks excellent. my only question is why the large restroom "lobby"? Looks like you could squeeze a couple more tables in a cramp that space down. unless there are plans for storage or something. Not really a big deal, I thought everything was fantastic.
  9. 2. was close but i think the deal fell through. still time! 5. already happened. bastards.
  10. I know families in LA that do a Mardi Gras tree. They have a fake one though.
  11. I'm with you on this. I yield whenever there is a question or it is required, but if I'm coming up to a 4-way stop BEFORE a car is, I'm going to do my best to make eye contact, signal them, and blow through it. I'll be gone before they hit their dead stop, as opposed to both of us being stopped there and someone having to wave the other through. That's just annoying. If the car is there first at a 4 way, I'm letting them go no matter what. I don't think this bike trail will alleviate any bike vs. car issues, in fact each will have a lot more to pay attention to, since the trail crosses so many streets that don't have a stop sign for the cross traffic. It really has been a momentum killer at times, but I'm not taking any chances with the baby trailer attached.
  12. I know I'm over a year late on this, but what's up with truck stunt commercials? Toyota started it, Dodge has copied to an extent. On the surface they look like they could be neat, but I just know that those are staged in such a safe way to where nothing can go wrong. And if they aren't, where's my youtube footage of incredible destruction? Or have I missed it on Max X?
  13. I always say something to the geniuses who park on it. It's fun being a hall monitor sometimes.
  14. I REALLY hope so. He's the political equivalent of Paris Hilton - does nothing of any value, yet gets attention all the time. This country functions much better with TWO healthy parties, and right now one of them is very much ill. EDIT: I like the term "media (or attention) whore" for Paris and Rush
  15. Chron article: http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/headli...iz/6289157.html Can I not read, or does this not make sense? The Reliant brand name is part of the deal, the companies said, meaning billing and marketing — including the name of the Houston Texans' football stadium and surrounding facilitites at Reliant Park — should continue to look the same. I'm expecting a "not" after the first "is" for it to make sense, unless I'm just reading it way too hard and missed it completely. Any other ideas as to what this deal might mean? EDIT: never mind, I see that the retail part that was sold keeps "Reliant", and that the remaining unsold Reliant operations will get a new company name once they finish the deal.
  16. So what I'm hearing from everyone is that we shouldn't try this place out...was thinking about it, but not specifically so much as part of a general effort to try every place we can in the 'hood.
  17. It is still open. They still have some stuff, a few tvs. Good place to get blank DVDs, cables, and ipod accessories. Headphones too. The music and movies are down to absolute crap. If you have an HP printer go loot some ink, too. I looked for our Epson ink but they had nothing. They did still have printers.
  18. Anyone know if the San Felipe/610 location is still open? Thinkin about seeing what TVs are left. Their phone message still has regular store hours, don't know if that's old news or what.
  19. Someone in our row of houses looked into this, and said it was possible. They were quoted around $35k for doing the work, which sounded low to me, but what do I know. It may be different for your situation. Anyway, if the slab is good that's your only hope of avoiding complete demo, otherwise you can reuse some stuff.
  20. Yeah why the hell can't Houston catch up and do it this way? No BS separating, they should take glass, and it's a bigger container. If Baton Rouge is doing it already, Houston is way behind.
  21. Mayor White takes the blame for this. Story goes away. link
  22. I went to one in Dillon, CO that was big for that town, and most of the teams there travel all over the country doing this. The way they pay for their travels is to sell plates to the public after they submit their competition food. I thought it was pretty good. This one in Houston just has a totally different flavor, it's all about sponsorships and parties. Yeah there are probably smaller teams all about the cooking, but mostly it's not.
  23. Anyone going to participate in the regatta this year? We're not going to be in the water but were planning on checking out the finish line festivities. Has anyone done it before? Is it a good time, worth checking out? Next Saturday, March 7. http://www.buffalobayou.org/regattabayou.html
  24. That bum won! See, it's not so bad for them.
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