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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Agree with the first 2 replies - I scored tent tickets once and had a WAY different experience than the general public. Free booze, way more food, and an all day party. Unless you just like to walk around, people-watch, and smell barbecue it might be boring watching everyone else go into private tents to party. I did talk to a lot of other barbecue teams while walking around, but they weren't offering food or entry into their tent. There are so many people, they just have to limit it to tickets/invites/wrist bands or however they keep track of it.
  2. I think this is sad, but it's a natural evolution. Media organizations are much different animals than they were 50 years ago, and will be much different 50 years from now.
  3. I blame VH1 for starting the countdown/top 100/top 50 craze. It's way overdone and rarely ever relevant or accurate.
  4. I know some Christians who are the most tolerant, accepting, helpful people I've ever met, and I know some atheists who do nothing but hate and judge. What's your point?
  5. There are 5 crime threads for the Heights now so I figure this is as good as any - yesterday we were riding our bikes and noticed a car driving around aimlessly, not looking lost but at the same time not going anywhere direct. They ended up pulling into the alley and just parking on the block of Arlington, Columbia, 16th, and 17th. This was just before 6pm. I didn't see them do anything and being with wife and kid wasn't really going to approach them, but if anyone knows of something that went down around there, I have the license plate and make/model of the car. It was not someone who live there.
  6. Yeah this is so much BS. We walk to 5 different parks from our house all the damn time! I could walk to one reasonably from my neighborhood in Baton Rouge, the rest were more bike-to distance.
  7. i LOVE me some 80s...but crunch is right, the 70s wins. The 90s were so bad in general, save a few hot spots (Soundgarden). I flip between 70s and 80s on XM a lot. I find myself sticking more to the 70s lately.
  8. Did we not just learn the lesson that if you don't really qualify to buy a house, you shouldn't be allowed to do it? FAIL
  9. I agree that the current separation is practical and working well. I guess they just want to make it more "one park" and give walkers/joggers access to the hardly-ever-full parking lots on the south side. Lots of people park there already and just walk across at the light, this will just make it safer.
  10. I've got a mean hankering to do this, soon. Anyone know if the hurricane did any damage or rearrangement (fallen trees and such) that would make it difficult? Canoe trips are fun, but not as much if you have to get out and climb around stuff a few times.
  11. A parallel killer would be much more effective. If it's that I want to know.
  12. So what is a good chinese buffet around here? The only one I've been to in my 8 years here is Jin Fu super buffet in Pearland (near work) - it has chinese...and of course, Italian, and Texas. Yeah that makes tons of sense. Only time I ever had food poisoning was from a chinese buffet in Baton Rouge (Great Wall). I remember standing 3 feet from the toilet and not missing a single drop...anyway, I went back 3 weeks later.
  13. Our best option for fair pay based on usage of roads, or the best option for driving us away from fossil fuels? I think the latter, but definitely not the former. I understand the theory behind charging those who use the roads more, but everyone, even those who use only mass transit, depend on roads. Hell even someone who walks everywhere - all the groceries they walk to go buy come in on the roads, etc. I don't think our current system is unfair, what is the driver for change? I think as hybrids and alternative fuel vehicles become more common, and less tax is realized from fuel purchasing, I think we'll see a drastic increase in vehicle registration fees and also toll roads.
  14. Not always. I've had lots of good times with beer and margaritas at airports, with someone else picking up the check.
  15. Everyone on sports talk radio today can't figure out why the Rockets would do it. Maybe the GM knows something we don't. I don't follow them very closely, I haven't really heard of any of the players.
  16. Is that from the beginning of Zoolander - idiot models just before they kill themselves by spraying gasoline on each other and playing with fire?
  17. What's wrong with a little jack-in-the-box after slamming appletinis all night? There are 24-hr options all over the place!
  18. But even Richmond is more spread out, it seems. These are getting stacked on top of each other. This thread depresses me because when I see a place called "Pig Stand" I have to eat there. And now I never can.
  19. I think the latter, if that means I was just a bit too late getting through. Really it doesn't bother me much. I always get angry when pulled over for speeding, but now I just don't care.
  20. Thanks, I may do the internet then. I doubt my wife wants to watch that on the tv anyway. So a red light does count against my driving record, right? Just making sure I need to take defensive driving. According to the materials I got with the ticket it's 2 points for a moving violation not involving an accident when violating state law, and 0 points when violating city ordinance such as HOV violation. I have to think red light is at least a state law. It's not the most comprehensive table, however.
  21. Woohoo, got me a ticket! It's been 5 years since I did the defensive driving thing so I can do it for this. Has anyone taken it from on-demand Time Warner? Would you suggest not doing that for any reason? I'm thinking that's the easiest option because I can drink while doing it, without shoes on.
  22. No worries, I figured it was just a startup thing you're working through. We definitely want to try the place - any idea when the high chairs will arrive? I think we'll just call ahead next time to be sure.
  23. I bought scotch (x2! MacAllan and Caol Ila say hello!) and tequila and played downloaded video games on an emulator - is that good enough? It feels right so I'm going to run with it.
  24. Went to try this place out today...didn't quite work out because they had no high chairs. The staff didn't seem to know if that was on purpose or if they just didn't have any yet, but I'd like to know. It looked pretty cool inside, very trendy. Maybe a few babies here and there would kill the trendy vibe or something. Ended up going to Tomo, which was ok but not as good as it was last time we went.
  25. No, that's the mattress store. It'll be next to the cell phone store.
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