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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Yes that was incredibly vague, I mean this place at 777 N Post Oak, which is apparently a sweet retirement home. Forgive the crappy google street view screen shot.
  2. I don't mind the visual blight. Monuments to things are interesting. What bothers me is that this church decided that it was better to spend tons of money on this rather than feeding or clothing some poor people. Let's me know what that group is really all about.
  3. I didn't read through all 800 posts to check, but does anyone else think OPP looks incredibly similar to that building (hotel?) on the SW corner of I-10 and west loop?
  4. More like today from the easement, tonight from your garage! OOooh, I call Wednesday nights manning the tower. I haven't made it to the range with my new .22 rifle, need some practice.
  5. Sweet Temptation was good stuff. Very small inside, but still it was busy and loud enough that it didn't matter that we had a baby also making noise. Anyway, food was great, we'll add it to our rotation.
  6. This pretty much sums it up. The "media" are not moral organizations out to make sure evil is thwarted and people are well-informed, they have to air the crap that people want to see - otherwise no one watches and they go out of business. Not what they need to see. And I think you (OP) would be very wrong to assume that people in general are smart enough to even understand the complicated issues that are being "hid" from them. They just don't care, they want to work 8-5, save up for going to Disneyworld every 3 years, and eat at Chili's.
  7. This is the clearest shot I have of the chopper, I didn't see any words on it. The colors make me think police but I didn't see any official looking markings. I would believe it's a training helicopter, what they were doing looked a lot like training and it's a small one. At full size the pic is clear enough to see the side well. If the police memorial is the pyramid type thing right along Memorial then yes, it's near it, but I'm pretty sure it touched in the larger grassy area where the trail cuts north of Memorial.
  8. Don't know what the chopper was doing, but I think it did a touch and go. We were on the Allen side where the parking lot with the swingset and volleyball court is, and it looked like it touched down in that area where the trail goes on the other side of Memorial and there's a big, open, grassy area. In the 3rd and 4th pics it's right above the bridge, I wish our camera had more zoom.
  9. So I guess it'll be relocating to Laredo then? Or can I just start telling people I live in the midwest just because I like the way it sounds?
  10. That's it, no honking? Quiet zones don't involve large walls? It should take about 2 seconds to implement a no-honking zone, I don't see the big deal here.
  11. 4.) They were a-hole idiots. The one time I drove out there, the sales guy was a complete flake, couldn't answer any questions I had. Then we got inside and since he was useless I eventually talked to a manager, who was so stubborn and idiotic on pricing. I told them straight up, here's what I want and here's what I am going to spend, and their best answer was to say "you should be looking at used cars, we can't do that". I went straight to another dealer who never even fooled around near those high prices, and I got what I wanted for LESS than I figured. So I never made that dumb drive again.
  12. Houston is not south Texas at all. This would be a very stupid choice. Just do East Texas, it's much closer to being correct. They might as well just sell the naming rights if they go South Texas. GoldenNugget.com University!!!
  13. Tourists and upscale downtowners won't be drawn in by fruit and veggies. Downtown needs life, culture, and people milling around. That's why I'm thinking Jackson Square. Go there on a random Tuesday night, stuff is happening. I have no idea how to bring that kind of stuff to a place, but a start would be not driving it out. Sausage on a stick is not the answer. Maybe daiquiri to-go places that sell to anyone over 4 feet tall are.
  14. No one is exempt from buying the next king cake if you get the baby! Ain't nothing religious about that rule.
  15. The one on Ashland? No, but I drive by the sign almost every day and say I should check it out. Then when I'm bored it never comes to mind. It's like 5 blocks from me, I should just walk over and check it out.
  16. We're gonna check it out Friday, will report back with impressions.
  17. Why a farmer's market? I'm not going downtown for my veggies. They need to fill it with street artists, fortune tellers, and productive homeless people (beggar musicians). Jackson Square rocks.
  18. Wow, did the baby's (last year), and validated that I haven't listened to anything pop for a very long time. At least a decade. UK - Leon Jackson - When You Believe (???) US - No One - Alicia Keys (hey, at least I've heard of her. Not the song though) Aus - Apologize - Timbaland featuring OneRepublic (????)
  19. Raptors http://www.theindychannel.com/news/18620871/detail.html
  20. Oy... US - Boogie Oogie Oogie - Taste Of Honey UK - Dreadlock Holiday - 10cc Aus - You’re The One That I Want – John Travolta & Olivia Newton-John (behind the US much? a year?) and the wife... US - Truly - Lionel Richie UK - I Don't Wanna Dance - Eddy Grant Aus - Come On Eileen - Dexy's Midnight
  21. Yeah I meant Roethlisberger's last throw of the game. I did see the last drive, the Steelers did a great job of making them throw across the middle and have to use timeouts. I think that call should have been incomplete pass, I wanted to see Fitz go for a jump ball for the win.
  22. Maybe it helped that there were babies running crazy everywhere, but I thought the game was pretty interesting. As for the last throw, the one before that was just as perfect so I don't know how much you can say is luck. Should have bet with my gut and gone Steelers straight up but not covering. My gut gets it wrong most of the time though.
  23. Ooh, I thought of the answer to this thread. All sex offenders. Find the pieces of near you!
  24. I do like my fence, but we live a pretty busy street, not all tucked away in the middle of the neighborhood. Although I do agree with you - the only time we've been affected "all of the crime around here" was when we left something open. Hell we've even accidentally left our garage door open all night and nothing was taken. People just need to stay vigilant, and above all else look out for each other.
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