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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Best weather ever today. Made for a great bike ride.
  2. Whether you spelled that wrong on purpose or not, it's pretty funny. On the surface, yeah the Cardinals in the super bowl is a stinker. I would have rather seen Philly vs Pittsburgh for sure, but the Cardinals have gotten my interest a little bit after 3 unexpected playoff wins. At least they aren't the Ravens, that team is nothing but boring.
  3. I have read other articles that give the same kind of evidence. One argument I've heard (on sports talk radio) was it was also partially due to the location; Tampa just doesn't have as much appeal as Miami and New Orleans. I think this was a poor excuse, since other super bowl sites recently have included Detroit, Houston, and Glendale (AZ) - and people still came. I just think companies are cracking down on travel and discretionary spending, plain and simple. No business is immune right now, not even the king of sports leagues. They'll come out fine, but they'll have to make adjustments like everyone else. note: hope I didn't offend about the Houston comment, but seriously, we're not an awesome destination city. Not on that level. We make sense as a super bowl site because of 1) weather, 2) stadium, 3) airports. But if/when they have it here again, there will be the same whiners there were last time complaining that it's here. Screw 'em, whatever.
  4. I watched about the first 5 episodes of the first season, and I gave up knowing that nothing would get resolved unless I watched another 19 episodes (minus doubles I guess). On the other hand, I'm hooked on Lost, which promises no resolution at all as far as I know, and if there is one it won't be until 2 more seasons.
  5. Definitely, we've gotten a lot of used toys from there and saved a lot of money. Give it a good wipe-down with some disinfectant and the kid never knows the difference.
  6. Beat me to it! Yeah they were bashing everything up when I drove by today. For some reason they were knocking the sign down with the track-hoe too. That could have been used for another Mobil station I guess, but whatever. In the new design is the Kroger gas station going on the corner where this was, or are they moving things around? I guess if they were leaving any underground storage tanks in tact it couldn't really move. Just don't know.
  7. I think this is becoming more common. Our block has 10 houses built in 2004, and at first they each had a mailbox on the gate. I think it was only a couple of months until they put in a central box, which I like better because it's more waterproof and it's locked. Oh, and it's right on the street in front of our house. It's also big enough that when we go on vacation we don't have to make special arrangements, it's easily held 2 weeks worth of mail.
  8. I agree. I have been so close to buying me some sham-wow lots of times. Back to hate, I hate everyone who uses a public restroom and somehow manages to piss on the floor, wall, anywhere but the toilet. Judging by some roadside stops I've had to make, it must be everyone except for me.
  9. 20thStDad

    United Airlines

    From my email today...sucks. I get much more use out of the Delta linkage than I will out of United.
  10. Tuesday is when all the fun grocery store ads about what meat is on sale come. I like Tuesday mail. I don't think all carriers work 6 days a week, they are probably on some rotating schedule where they work 5 and alternate who has what days off. I could be wrong, maybe they just work less hours per day and pull 6 days. Anyone know? I think what they should do is cut down to half the staff and train them to scan and email everything to us. All while somehow having the sender represent the actual sender, so we can effectively deem some as junk mail. That is a really bad idea.
  11. This has gotten a lot of pub and people in the neighborhood I think are very aware and looking out for this guy (or others) now. I look forward to when he picks the wrong house and ed ends up posting him as another unidentified dead body.
  12. So in a few years I'll be able to use my old set/antenna to catch the police band or listen in on people's cell phone conversations? Sweet. I wonder what that'll look like. Nobody needs tv. We all need less of it, myself included. Flip the switch and let the rebirth of the productive american begin!
  13. Don't delay because people aren't ready, flip the switch and make them either realize they are fine without TV for a while, or get off their asses and make their TV work. TV isn't water or electricity, and if you think you need it that badly you should be motivated to get your box rigged up. For those who are too lazy to do it, they are probably better off without TV so they can stop getting dumber for a while.
  14. Is it just me or is this guy looking and acting more and more like a frat boy since all of this started? Granted, I didn't know who he was before it started, so he could have been that way all along. Just seems like an ass.
  15. IMO gumbo should have okra. The times I've had it without okra it's been because the person making it doesn't like okra. That's their loss, I love the stuff. It's best fried, but it makes a good gumbo better. Just check crossword puzzles - if the clue is "Gumbo ingredient", the answer is always okra. Tomatoes in gumbo...no. That ain't right.
  16. So where are the big screen TVs? I'm not going until that happens.
  17. All of it is good. I guess my favorite would have to be poboys - mostly fried seafood (oyster and crawfish are my favorite), but switching it up to catfish, shrimp, and even hot sausage, ham, or hamburger are good at the right place. Haven't found a great place here, but Mardi Gras Grill is good. Actually Boudreaux's can have good ones too, but I've had spotty not so good ones either. Nothing beats Julien's between Lafayette and New Iberia IMO though.
  18. I think it should be a rope and plank bridge, all natural. Like in Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. I mean, there are already some gators down there, so it's exactly the same. "Go ahead Dr. Jones...drop them! They will be found. You won't!!"
  19. We are in Baton Rouge this weekend, and I've been told we will be harvesting a king cake while here. I always liked the crappy grocery store ones here better than fancy bakery ones. Not plain though, with cream or fruit filling. EDIT: My wife is over my shoulder telling me to say that Hi Nabor (grocery store) in BR has the best ones. I guess we'll be going there!
  20. Tell the chron that! These "burglars" were actually robbers, but you'd never know it from the headline. Or does it not work the same for the offenders... Resident kills burglar at NW Houston apartments
  21. Our average trip is now around 10 miles. I could do 20-30 easy, but not fast at all. I can keep it at 10-14 steady with the baby trailer, depending on wind. I want to do that donut ride. For real. Do you get a donut-related prize if you end up with a negative time?
  22. Where is it? I've never been loyal enough to a dry cleaner to not switch. Do they do it on site or ship it off? One thing I don't like about Heights Uptown is they ship it off, so sometimes it doesn't make it back in time. Good thing I never urgently need it.
  23. Haven't tried the wing place, but I saw it and I want to. Hopefully I will in the next couple weeks and I'll post a review. Haven't been to that Chacho's, but the one on Westheimer was a popular lunch spot for us when our office was by the galleria. Huge burritos, pretty cheap. And huge margaritas.
  24. I am definitely interested, but I am way out of bike-shape compared to when we rode the MS150. That, coupled with having to change out my mountain bike tires for slicks again (don't have a road bike), and also pushing the limits of how long a 1 year old will stay in the bike trailer. now that I think about it, it's hard enough to ride in the wind without the trailer. Man, I sound like a little whiny baby don't I. I just need to suck it up and head out for some rides. Still have to convince 20thSt mom and baby though.
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