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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I am a cyclist and a driver. I drive like an a-hole, so sometimes I find myself yelling at some biker to get the hell over. But when I'm the one riding, my main goal is to avoid a-hole drivers like me. I avoid busy/crazy roads if at all possible, and I give every possible right-of-way to the car that can easily kill me. Doing the MS 150 training rides out in BFE was great, but equally dangerous if not more so than city cycling. Mostly because trucks/cars were going 50+, and most Texas (YEE-HAW!!!) pick up truck drivers could give a hoot about some fancy city cyclists with their "space helmets". If there was a shoulder, I was on it. When there wasn't I still tried to stay to the right of the white line. Still, every time a car was coming from front and back at the same time it could get scary. Maybe as I mellow out with age I will drive more sanely. Until then, I support bike-only trails for those who need to ride, and for those who ride to get from point A to point B I suggest they use roads other than main thoroughfares. Like riding up Huldy instead of going up Shepherd. It just makes sense.
  2. You can also submit then online, be sure to get the pole number. A few on our block just blitzed them with many requests to fix the 6 out on our block. https://webintake.houstontx.gov/web_intake/...ut&locreq=Y
  3. Lots of people, for some reason mysterious to me, care more about what Demi and Whoopi think than you would believe. I can't understand why anyone listens to them, or that anyone would give them a forum to spread their crap en masse. Besides it creating more headlines for me to ignore, it does actually comes up in casual conversation at work or with people I don't know that well. It's annoying more than anything, but in the end it is just another point of observation that I use to determine who is completely useless.
  4. I believe bikers are required to use the street, they aren't legally allowed on the sidewalk. But I hit the sidewalk when it makes sense to. Using trails and bike lanes really is the best plan. I coming up Shepherd having to deal with biker guy, there's enough to worry about with left turns and 8 foot deep holes.
  5. Just wanted to add one thing, I put bloggers at the same level as email forwards. One of my MIL is constantly forwarding my wife the latest scare-email about what company to avoid or whatever. Well, those, between the ones that ask you to forward to 10 people and you'll spread a trojan horse have good luck forever. Makes me angry. Anyway, bloggers are no better than spam is my point.
  6. The Texaco on North Loop between Nicholson and Ashland is typically cheaper than the Valeros. Don't trust the sign, it's the cash or Texaco card price, but even adding the extra few cents they stay low. I think I'm putting this in the wrong thread. Just responding to the previous post about no cheap gas here.
  7. My taxes better go way the hell down if they switch all roads to pay-per-use. Further, I am willing to bet people stop living way out in BFE unless they work there. Who knows, maybe your toll projection is what will kill the suburb. But that's another thread I guess...
  8. Why not Hess Discovery Tower or Hess Tower at DG. Probably not.
  9. I haven't been able to get into blogs for a lot of the reasons stated above - it's simply someone's commentary, there is no news. Or worse yet, it's just plain social commentary not even centered around new. Don't care about some blogger's bad date or how they got cut off while driving. I also agree about sports being the overwhelming majority of the truly local content, at least in the Baton Rouge paper that I was used to. I scan internet news headlines (chron.com, cnn.com), but don't often click on and read a full story. I've found that on cnn, half of the articles are just excerpts from Money Magazine, Time, or SI, just a marketing attempt for cnn's partners. As for chron.com, 75% of the real articles I click on there are AP stories. It's usually obvious when it's a local artical because it's 2 paragraphs and consists of a short description of an incident that occured in southwest Houston. We just ordered the Sunday Chronicle, mostly for financial reasons because we'll easily save more than $1.25 per week with the coupons. I like the puzzles too, but I plan to try to learn the chron better and hopefully will get some real news out of it.
  10. Also, if she was not trained in special education or expecting to have a special student in the class, it is likely she was not even close to capable of handling it. Well, obviously she couldn't. But she handled it in a dispicable way, and the lesson she taught the rest of the class is reason enough for her to never teach again. She should have sought help from her superiors, not turned it into a sorority initiation exercise. Not excusing her at all, but my mom taught special ed (autistics for 8 years), and though she studied it and knew what she was getting into, and made great progress with many kids, there were still some days that I remember taking a lot out of her.
  11. Does anyone think they have plans to restructure the stop signs down Nicholson? That would be great, it's a pain stopping every block. Right now I think there might be 1 or 2 intersections without a stop sign on Nicholson as you head from 26th to 7th.
  12. Sounds like my best bet is to just go during my lunch break at work. What are the chances there's a no firearms, even in your car, policy at my office? I'm betting 100%. A gunsmith as a neighbor, that can be both good and bad. Did he sport any Obama signs during the campaign? EDIT: I should point out that I don't have a handgun, just a .22 rifle. Fun for targets and running around the woods. So that's why I prefer outdoor.
  13. In somebody's house? Is that an option you can choose instead of the media room these days?
  14. I googled and there aren't any near here. I have been way out to George Bush Park (Westheimer past Hwy 6) before, I like it because it's outdoors. There's also one right by my office west of Pearland. Any around here? I'm guessing any in the city would be indoor. Never been to an indoor one though, not sure I would like it as much.
  15. I second these bolded ones...I also do not iron and won't make the wife do it for me - why should I when it's about a buck a shirt? Walking to the bank is fun. Riding your bike into the lobby is more fun. They asked for it when they said I couldn't take the bike through the drive through. I would like to add whatever they cook outside at the Fiesta 23rd@Shepherd on the weekends. I say whatever because I've had sausage, chicken, fajitas, tacos, and probably other stuff I can't remember. It just smells so good it lures you in. I like Gabby's too.
  16. Rode the bike down to the bridge yesterday, they have plowed some paths for trucks to be able to go down to the bayou, on both sides, but I didn't see anything started as far as a new bridge or clearing the old one goes. Anyone know if they have a drawing or rendering of a bridge?
  17. I second Collina's, it's just a great place to eat out, and you come off way cheaper than most places. Joshua's on 18th and Nicholson, they have always been really helpful. Jazzie Cafe. Alabama Furniture on Yale
  18. A friend of mine lived there and had all 4 wheels stolen one night while her car was in the parking garage. Very secure, and with great neighbors who notice strange things happening and do something about it. She was late for work the next day, having only 1 spare it just wouldn't work right.
  19. Jazzie definitely does it right, it's just tough to remember when they are open. Go for the shrimp or other seafood poboy, they use pretty big shrimp and fry them up right. I had chicken wings from there one time and they weren't the best (same oil as the shrimp I'm guessing...mmm...seafood flavored chicken), so I'm going to stick to what I know they do well.
  20. Went to Mardi Gras Grill (not the first time) tonight, always good stuff. Somehow among a bunch of places who try but fail they got the whole Louisiana seafood place thing right. My only qualm is I wish they would stuff their poboys just a bit more. But that's our place to go for a taste of home.
  21. Did they open back up yet? Been expanding/renovating the past several weeks. We need to try it.
  22. I don't like the directional ones, they just put an automatic smallness/unimportance to a school. And South Texas to me isn't near Houston, it's waaaayy down there in Zapata and Laredo. But that might just be me.
  23. Midtown is the hot place for 20-somethings who like to go out and party. Beer bottles and butts...that's how it's gonna be. Broken gates indicate lazy HOA and property owners, or perhaps young and immature ones. Anyone know what the renter rate is around there? Have many people bought and rented out? Perhaps a few bought back when they were new, and not having seen fast enough change in the area have settled for renting units out.
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