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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I like IAH terminal B. Even when there has been a line at security, they plow you through it. I've spent 4 times as long in shorter lines in other airports. I like Charlotte A because there is a bar and free wireless near the Continental gate that goes to Houston. Ditto for the Cincinnati-Northern Kentucky airport. Amsterdam seemed like a fun airport, but every time I was there I had a short layover and literally was speed walking what seemed like half a mile from the KLM landing spot to whatever gate took off for Aberdeen. My worst: Denver - seems to me they've had some infrastructure problem every time I've been there (e.g. power outages), Midland-Odessa, and Calgary on a Friday morning trying to get out (longest customs lines ever).
  2. Yeah. The Giants won the super bowl before, does that mean I should put all my money on them?
  3. I understand that suburbs weren't invented last year. There are many outer-city areas with great trees, older homes, and some even with some history. I lived in one growing up. My comments were mainly directed at the disgusting-ness I observed when they put together Shadow Creek Ranch, and the many new subdivisions popping up in Baton Rouge. Then again, there weren't any real trees in that mud pit (SCR) before they started. And in general, I think developers are getting lazy now. I don't think the new mega-neighborhoods are as well done as some of the older ones.
  4. Wow, someone went INSANE with a jigsaw on some plywood. Prolly a router too. I want to play. We were lazier in college, did something just as big but it was made by fastening pallets together. Those things are easy to build stuff with (stuff worth burning down, that is), they leave lots of air flow for flaming. Did you mean burn or blow up? I think this would be far better burned than blown up. Too many splinters for exploding.
  5. To some people's comments about my comment about traffic in the burbs versus loop, I agree there are some exceptions. Shepherd (northbound, for some reason south isn't as bad) between 59 and I-10 is one, I avoid it if possible. Also, Kirby sucks more now with the construction and loss of a lane. It always sucked between Rice Village and 59, but then again it was always under some construction. Those are a few exceptions which are easy for me to avoid, and I by doing so I don't get that crazy-kill-someone traffic feeling I get from the burbs I mentioned. I can fly all the way down Montrose from Washington to the Main circle without getting a red light, I have done it many times. The lights are planned (well, some routes). I find in the burbs I am always cursing at how dumb a light is, not doing at all what would help traffic flow well. But I don't hate the burbs. I like big trees, parks, and well-timed traffic lights. Wherever that happens, I'm good.
  6. Suburbs can be just fine, but I like the city for where we are right now. I bet in the near future that changes though. One thing I don't like about the burbs is the street layouts and traffic. I feel like I zip around, not using freeways, around where I live. but going out to the burbs, the damn wide streets, left turn signals, LONG traffic signals not timed to anything, and honestly far more traffic (see FM 1960 and 518/Broadway) than I get here. Even when I'm in traffic around where we live, it's bearable. But trying to go 3 miles down the road where I work (near Pearland) and I want to start shooting people. Suburb pros: typically bigger houses/lots, less crime, better public schools. Suburb cons: traffic/driving, everything is new, too much fake stucco, cutting down old trees to build new homes (I NEED OLD/BIG TREES!!), shopping centers (I hate them inner loop too), and the mentality that a new Red Robin being built = exciting.
  7. 1. There will be an assassination attempt on our president, by an american. 2. Chrysler will bomb completely and be bought out by a foreign company. 3. The Yankees will win the world series. 4. The DJIA will be back above 10000 by September 5. Comcast will raise prices
  8. With as much public money as they spent on new baseball and football stadiums in the past 8 years it's no wonder. I can't say for sure that there isn't a park above a freeway there since I haven't driven around much when I've been there, but in my 8 trips there this year I never saw it. Again, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. The freeway is still exposed, but trenched, between the CBD and the river. It's a really nice area though, there are trails along the river and several pedestrian routes across the river to Newport.
  9. Dude, stop making us look bad! 1. Win lottery 2. If not #1, find balance/happiness at current company 3. Make beer again...it's been 3 years 4. Use all my vacation days 5. Dunk consistently on a 10' rim (I did it...1 time)
  10. Stupid Sam Houston race park two guys race-peeing at the urinals made the funniest commercials tv show. Yes, my parents have the remote. But I brought my wireless router to their house to keep myself entertained. If America's Funniest Home Videos or Who Wants to be a Millionaire comes on I'm gonna find some errands to run.
  11. Non traditional. Batteries for the other stuff we got, socks, boxers, sometimes snacks. Socks and boxers mostly after I moved out in college. This was a good idea.
  12. I agree with TJones. I never got offended, just annoyed sometimes, and when I did I would stay out of it for a couple of days. It's a good social exercise for everyone, because if they can't control themselves on an "anonymous" internet forum they are going to "debate" their way out of many real life relationships. If people really get out of line, there will be some consensus to remove or censor/ignore them and it'll take care of itself.
  13. I have no idea how we do it any more. Last year my wife was crazy pregnant so we did a nice, quiet Christmas at home together, no traveling. Typically we do Christmas Eve at my family's and Christmas Day at my wife's family's. But, when kid(s) get older, we'll want to stay home and do Santa. My daughter isn't yet 1 and doesn't care, yet. Growing up we always opened 1 on Christmas Eve night. Christmas morning there were all the rest of the wrapped presents, and Santa brought unwrapped ones for us. For a while my mom did stocking with little things, but she got bored and it eventually turned into a scavenger hunt type thing with clues that led us to places all over the house before we got the goods.
  14. Beck's is my favorite burger because they actually grill it I think, instead of griddle. I like the one at Memorial Park. The Kirby one is a bit hectic with the construction right now. I also like Bubba's. Both of them. Bubba's Texas Burger Shack on Westpark by 59/S. Rice has good buffalo burgers and great atmosphere if you like shack style dining. Bubbas on Westcott/Washington is fun too, although service can take hours or years because most waitresses have been working there for 40 years (literally) and either forget or don't care about you.
  15. Oooh, a town center that everyone in the "town" has to drive to, great idea! I traveled to Huntersville, NC for work (outside of Charlotte) a few weeks ago that had what I think this is aspiring to. But they did it better. Lots of spots to live along the main street, only parallel parking along most of the street. http://www.birkdalevillage.net/welcome.htm The main street and right off of it were very nice, but on weeknights (except the Monday night that the Panthers played on MNF, that was nuts everywhere) it was pretty quiet. However, as you branch out further from the main street, I saw a few areas that looked brand spanking new, with businesses occupying retail space that already had for lease signs up because they were closing down. That ain't good. I expect the same or worse fate for the Pearland Town Center. They just didn't do it nearly as nice, it seems to celebrate surface lots as much as it does retail space.
  16. And now when people are searching the web for bad cheerleaders, they'll get 2 million porn sites, and HAIF. More exposure and ad revenue!
  17. 290 at Hollister, homeless guy had a sign that read: "Ninjas killed my family, need money for karate lessons"
  18. Yeah we checked several grocery stores, not HEB because I just don't know one around here besides the small one on W 18th. They didn't have much this weekend, I know I have seen them with more before but I think they must have gotten cleaned out. Split some of my hurricane wood this morning, ready for some cold, fireside relaxing tonight!
  19. Website still hasn't changed. If you can still vote on the tenants you want (completely different than choosing who lands there), they probably don't have any signed up. http://www.waterlightsdistrict.com/
  20. Don't forget about the Papa John's in the corner of the parking lot, that place is always hopping with fun. Every time I've been there, there have been at least 5 other people there just visiting the people who work there. And everyone talks loudly. All good fun.
  21. 2-3 inches of sand in the bottom makes a great heat barrier. I've made huge rocket style fires coming out of those things and it's never hurt one. The metal ones I imagine get very hot to the touch, which is not a good idea.
  22. Cold tonight and tomorrow...ready to test out the chiminea we just got. Need to round up some sticks and leaves from around the block for pyro time.
  23. Barrio Antiguo on Yale between 7th and 8th. Definitely the best selection anywhere near here. We went to 2 Houston Garden Centers, and although they were having a 50% off chimineas sale, they didn't have any. Home Depot and Lowes each had 1, which sucked. There was a little place on Richmond just west of Greenbriar that had some nice ones, but no stands to go with them. Barrio Antiguo wins.
  24. I don't let them bag if I can help it. I'd rather do it myself. No official training, just started young on trips to the store back when it was paper only. I always hated having to fold the bags up afterwards, of course we re-used them for tons of stuff.
  25. I randomly see them at nursery type places, but is there a place that has good prices and selection? I know nothing about quality either, is there such a thing as a crappy one? I would assume staying away from the ones for sale at Kroger is a good idea.
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