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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I'm annoyed that Notre Dame got off so easily. Hawaii, in the Hawaii bowl? Come on. I want their 15 year bowl losing streak to continue, having them play a cupcake to break it should not count.
  2. I like whiskey with about an ice cube's worth of water in it. As the night goes on it doesn't matter much. Ice is not allowed to touch my scotch, but it's good for my whiskey. Yes. But no ice in my scotch, only my Maker's and Woodford Reserve (thanks for that tip crunch!).
  3. Depends on the type. I always ask for it chilled, so it probably starts out around 50 and is at 70 by the time I'm done sipping. I like it cooler at first to let the taste buds get the first crack, and by the middle of the glass I get the full experience of the aroma as it warms up. Clear ice would be neat though, I thought as I swirled the Maker's Mark in the glass with my very foggy ice-maker-made cubes to chill it last night.
  4. Oooh, bring your own fake headset and you can sing-along to the recording with her! Yeah, poor Jeebus. I've never had a issue with McCormick & Schmick food so at least if you go there the pregame will be good. $1.95 bacon cheeseburger if you go during happy hour! (and eat in the bar area, assuming this one is like most others)
  5. They were $3.99/lb. They were about 8 inches long and had a bunch with a decent amount of meat on top. I would expect $7-$10 a pound for a standing rib roast, but not short ribs. Maybe they were just staffed up for Saturday, because they kept calling numbers no one had drawn yet, and when I drew mine they were already calling it. I definitely think some people must qualify for not having to draw a number. And yes, we were also in the minority. Most of the time that means good food where I come from, but not always. Anyone know if they do crawfish during that season? Seems like a place that would.
  6. Went there today for the first time, they had good prices on most meats. Also had several pre-cooked/pre-packaged meats that I am used to seeing in LA markets but not here. Nice selection of spices and marinades as well. TONS of sausage...something I admit I could stand to learn more about. It also appears that you can get large animal portions (side/loin of beef), I might have to explore that some day. I wish I would have spent more time shopping around but we were close to baby nap time and I was hungry. Got some beef short ribs, they turned out great after several hours of smoking with red oak. Any experiences/opinions of the place?
  7. Are there different time periods that different kinds of debt drop off of your credit record? Is it less than the 7 or 10 (don't know) years you get with bankruptcy?
  8. Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by this? Like move to another city and hope no one finds out, or just leave it on the credit report and wait until it drops off? I thought bankruptcy was the only way to clear that debt out.
  9. I just want a good old man hat since I feel old now. Bear Bryant style but nothing to do with bama. Because I don't hang out in malls. And usually hats come to me for free. I think I bought one when I was 12. Yes, that's what I'm talking about. Cool old man. Poncho or trench coat?
  10. Whoa! My 11 month old redheaded daughter wants to play with yours. She loves mirrors and we have rarely seen another redhead, I am sure it would amuse her to the point of insanity.
  11. What is LIDS? If it's hats, can I get an old school fedora there? Or is that not trendy enough for HP?
  12. No I'm pretty sure you're not a MILF. 0 for 2 on those qualifications!
  13. Depends on if she got her tolerance from me or her mom... I haven't been to Warren's but I'm thinking no babies there. Maybe we can work something out, but probably not. I would like to come.
  14. 5th or 12th, what was decided? Can babies come (before their bedtime)?
  15. This is a point you should all pay attention to. Although I do think the Big 12 is slightly better than other conferences this year, it has made itself look that good by playing....the other big 12 teams. And very few quality out-of-conference BCS opponents. So you really don't know one way or the other. The SEC all beat each other, that's what brought their records down and let there end up with few ranked teams, but it's not what makes them mediocre this year. It's losing to PAC 10 and ACC teams in their rivalry games that makes them a mediocre conference this year. Inbreeding never gets you the best outcome, you have to branch out for real comparisons. Florida vs OU!!!!!!!
  16. On MNF they just showed a nice huge freeway interchange from the blimp. Pure Houston.
  17. In Baton Rouge there were at least a few places that had quarter oyster night, in Houston I have seen none. I like them best fried and on a poboy though. Haven't noticed any shortage or price increase on the few trips I've made to LA since the storms this year.
  18. It was cold as sh$#$#@t here in Cincinnati when I went running across the Ohio River today.
  19. A black Friday for alcohol would be an incredibly good/bad idea. Good for me, bad for liquor store.
  20. What about drink prices? Happy hour type specials? A steak night or any other types of weeknight draws? I was worried that the prices would be similar to Dry Creek, but I guess it's not surprising. I'm sorry, your burger is not special enough to cost $10. No burger is.
  21. Whoa man, settle. To each his own. You can like new stuff, others can like old stuff. Don't have an aneurysm because of it. If someone likes it, they will buy it. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Everyone is free to give their opinion without the name calling. I live in a newer house by the way, but I get why others don't.
  22. It's not like he pulled that out of his arse, that's the current tiebreaker rule in the SEC. I think our rule is that if the top two of the 3 tied are both in the top 12 in the BCS, the head to head winner gets the nod. I think it's a much better method, it adds some objectivity to it by considering what happened on the field. Not that I think UT should get to go, I think OU is better. They weren't better back in October, but they are now I think. I don't think Missouri will win, but I'll be rooting for them just to shake up this mess. Poor Tech will miss out on a BCS game the one year they are good enough to make it.
  23. I'm glad Oregon St lost, the PAC 10 didn't deserve the 2 BCS bids it would have gotten if they won. I love to see ND lose like that - 0 first downs and 9 total yard in the first half. Awesome. Here's where it all gets interesting though - Missouri can completely screw the big 12 by winning the championship game, whoever they play. Because neither of the 2 teams that don't play next week will get to the national championship game, the pollsters won't let it happen, just like they didn't with Michigan a few years back. The SEC has all but guaranteed its spot, and I think if Missouri wins the big 12 the SEC winner will play USC, unless they either lose or barely win, in which case they'll have to choose to vote Penn St #2, which I think they would over the one loss teams that didn't win their conference. I don't believe they would vote Utah #2. And I keep saying "vote", because that's absolutely what it will come down to. You can't look at this week's BCS and say Penn St or USC doesn't have a chance, that is based on human rankings of 5 and 6. If either is voted #2 because that's who the pollsters believe should play in the NC game, they'll move ahead of the other 2 big 12 teams easily. All speculation of course, but it's fun.
  24. Plastic cup beers for everyone then!! I'll come walk by outside when they put up the big screens. Not going to be shopping or bowling there though.
  25. Someone needs to invent a keyboard that uses the energy from your strokes to feed back to the grid. Then TexasVines and his verbose posts could power a single Wal-Mart (or Whole Foods, whichever he prefers) and no one will have to debate the greenitude of anything. But then he would stop typing and it would lose power, so it's kind of a catch-22.
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