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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Mine didn't, but it's an old radio that comes standard with Chevy stuff. I did check it out for a little bit, it appears that all you other drivers may be safe. So up in this thread someone said NFL games will be free with XM, but from what I can tell it's the only sport that isn't there. But hey, instead you have your choice between both flavors of koolaid, America Left or America Right. Just in case you didn't get enough of that vomitous BS during the election fun times.
  2. I now feel a strange, porky (I just don't know the pig equivalent of "bovine" for beef) connection to you. One time we wrapped a whole brisket in bacon. It was magnificent, and later painful, but well worth it.
  3. Oh I'm definitely not saying it's a bad thing. I might even enjoy it. It'll just be a weird adjustment. Unless it's way expensive, then I'll go bowl with the poor people and drink beer out of a plastic cup.
  4. I will check it out. In the mean time, pray for other drivers in Baton Rouge, Houston, and between. I just never considered Elton John rock or classic. Personal taste probably. I thought everyone was supposed to like exactly what I like, and dislike stuff the same way? I kind of saw it before as the same stuff, but later than stuff on Top Tracks. I just don't want it to get to pop-y. Yeah it was/is 80s on 8. Are they still going to do all the old top 40 countdowns? I think I heard a Rick Dees top 40 this week, but haven't heard the usual Casey Casem ones, or even commercials for those for that matter. Not that I could stand listening to an entire one of those, but I enjoyed flipping in and out based on the song, and remembering what was hot for the 3rd week of June in 1985.
  5. Were these restrictions for all lanes or just this reservable lounge place? Where can a guy soil himself and roll a few spares these days? Upscale classy bowling alley, does not compute...
  6. I am with you, in general, and I have a baby and young nephews/nieces. Playing and being loud at the table is one thing, I sort of expect that from kids, but doing laps around other people's tables and running around outside the reach of their table is just rude. When we were little, we weren't even allowed to go out to McDonald's until we learned our "manners". With 3 kids all within 3 years of each other this is a necessity. I think parents these days are a little too lax sometimes. Kids will be kids, but they should also be taught manners and shouldn't be running around a restaurant, just within arm's reach of their own table.
  7. That is a good idea, but me and 20thStMom are not what anyone would call creative. When my grandfather was alive he owned a wood working shop that built cabinets, so he built all of his granddaughters cedar chests (called hope chests down in these parts), but I don't think there's anyone we know now that could do it. That and back to the first comment, we would have no idea what to tell them to do. The painting and using different cartoon characters is a possibility, but our daughter isn't quite 1 yet so we have no idea what she will end up liking.
  8. After listening for a week longer, here are my thoughts: XM 41 - used to be the boneyard, now HairNation. This channel is way worse than it was before. Some good songs, but so many that are crap and don't belong. And I haven't heard any more awesome Iron Maiden type stuff, it's all glam, less substance. XM 46 - used to be TopTracks, now ClassicVinyl. This I think is about the same, but I think they are mixing in some elements that don't belong, like Elton John. Huh? No. XM 49 - Used to be Big Tracks, now Classic Rewind (what does that mean?). I used to be able to sit on this channel for a while without coming across a song that makes me change it, now I can't go near as long. Might be due to the too-much-Aerosmith affect. XM 54 - Used to be Lucy, now Lithium. This was an awesome channel with the best alternative hits from back in the day when alternative was good. Now there is way too much new crap mixed in that all sounds the same. Keep that shizzle on channel 47 and 48!! XM 8 - I actually like this one better, I think. This one is more completely random though, since it isn't genre limited. So it may have something to do with my mood when listening to this channel lately, or maybe they are just playing Genesis/Phil Collins less (he sucks so much, don't even get me started). And what happened to channel 77, audio visions? This was my anti-road rage channel. I could put it on and just relax during a 5 hour drive. Now it's not even there. Or am I on crack, anyone else know what happened to it? I know there is the Escape channel which I think is meant to be sort of the same, but it's more light jazz, and nothing kills my relaxation like retarded wussy vocals. I need a relaxing, instrumental channel, or people on the road are going to pay.
  9. This topic has me seriously craving strawberry pie, and I find that I am stuck in Baton Rouge where the internet knows no place that has it. Strawberry cream pie at one place, but that's not what I need. I mean the stuff loaded with syrupy strawberries topped with real whipped cream. I might be hitting the frozen section at ye local grocery shoppe.
  10. If I wasn't clear, that was my hidden point. More like sabbath>>>>>>rush. Um, to pretend I am on topic sometimes, what do we know about the bowling alley? Since I'm not the least bit trendy I won't be buying any clothes at this 21 place, and paying for parking to buy books isn't at the top of my list. But if there's a bowling alley near me with late/early specials and rented shoes, sign me up.
  11. No it's fairies that wear boots...and there's nothing to fear about Canadians.
  12. Anyone have suggestions for where to look for a toy chest? For a girl, but not necessarily looking to go mega-princess-pink, since the current furniture we have in her room is just normal non-boy/girl, I think it has a "cabernet" finish for the color. Whatever. I've looked around on the internet some and have found a few that might match, but I don't want to restrict us to having to match anything. I have seen chests, benches, drawer-type things, crazy pink mega princess action, and tons more. If anyone has experience or advice on 1) where to get a good one and a good deal, or 2) things to stay away from (for instance, don't get XXX type because it will break or doesn't fit anything or is a pain in the ass...), we would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance!!
  13. Really? $35? That is crazy cheap. Tickets for big games I've been to the past 5 years always go above face value. I know people who were selling LSU-Alabama tickets for $200-$300 each, to bama fans of course. And that's a damn regular season game! So, in checking out the polls, I now have even less faith than I did before in voters. LSU (my team, not just hating here) got enough votes to land in the top 30!!! What idiot still thinks we should be ranked? And I don't mean the talent argument, it's too late in the season for that to mean anything. We don't deserve to be ranked, plain and simple, and whoever voted for us is either an idiot or just doesn't pay attention to what teams do every week.
  14. There are some huge red ones in front of Target if you have a forklift and a huge truck, and can stage a massive diversion.
  15. In Baton Rouge, doing the family thing. Thanksgiving was always a bigger deal to my wife's family than mine, so we do it over there, about 30 people, this year we'll have 4 whole turkeys (2 smoked 2 fried), a turkey breast and of course way too many sides and other things. Then we head to my parents' for fish that night, and then Friday I'm smoking a pork butt for pulled pork as we watch LSU lose to the worst team in the SEC so that we can then become the worst team in the SEC. And after all that, I'll go do my every-8-weeks blood donation so a lot of that new cholesterol becomes someone else's problem and I can start fresh by making me some new, clean blood.
  16. Definitely inject. Turkey is crap meat in general, it needs the extra pockets of flavor even when you fry it. I always use creole butter by Cajun Injector, it is awesome. Going with a butter base is the way to do it though, beyond that just stick to flavors you like. Your list of ingredients sounds good to me I agree that 180 is too high of a temp. 170 is definitely too high for the breast, it will be dry and you'll be searching around for that injection juice just to make it bearable. 155 in the breast is when you should pull it out, it will rise to 160-165 after you pull it out. The dark meat should still be fine. The best advice I can give you is to ditch the turkey, because like I said turkey meat sucks, and get 4 chickens instead. We deep fried some chickens after we did our turkeys one year, and there was no comparison. Turkey meat is so much tougher and less tasty than chicken, and I am not even that high on chicken. Trust me on this. There is a reason that people always cook dressing and gravy and everything else to pour on their turkey every year. Or, have your dad and father-in-law go down to the coast and catch their limit in redfish, and fry those suckers along with hush puppies. This has worked many times. This year we will be smoking fish, and doing a boston butt (pulled pork) all day Friday. Better yet, get a whole pig and find the biggest pot ever and deep fry it. Be sure to schedule the triple bypass beforehand though. So worth it.
  17. It is definitely not a certainty. There is no rule against it, and if Bama and Florida both lose their last games, you might be able to bank on it. I can see OU and UT 1-2 in the human polls, which is way enough to keep them 1-2 in the BCS. So pull for Auburn and FSU if you want that. I for one do not want that, a rematch in the title game is dumb. Especially intra-division-conference. It makes it much less of a "national" championship. Like that year everyone wanted Michigan-Ohio State again. So dumb! Then both got rolled in bowl games, I think. Maybe Michigan won, but Ohio State got rolled by Florida. You really don't know if a team is the best of the best until they play someone outside their little circle who is also supposed to be the best.
  18. But is there prostitution in the yard also? You need to talk to those Garden Oaks people with the bus stop problem, see how that sign worked out for them. Or put up a huge electric fence, with sniper towers and a moat with gators. And children of the corn.
  19. What about best fruit pies? I don't do chocolate or cream or meringue or pecan. I have had strawberry pie at HOP, it was pretty good.
  20. Please, that is completely absurd, there will be at least 2 dogs there. Better than only a few LSU fans remaining, all of the irish fans will still be there to witness it.
  21. There's a real decent chance it could be OU-UT in the national championship. The computers aren't loving Florida, their comp avg is 6. Then again, winning out could adjust that a good bit since they would have to beat Alabama. But I'm just saying, it's going to be close if all these teams at the top win out, and there will be some arguments. Less arguing if Bama wins out, but still they'll be arguing that OU or UT deserved a shot if they miss out. Here's my personal complete-guess opinion of what happens: Bama beats Auburn Florida beats FSU, beats Bama big in the SEC championship OU beats OSU UT beats A&M, maintains a better BCS and wins Big 12 South UT beats Missouri in big 12 championship USC wins out, but so does Oregon St, and USC doesn't even win the PAC 10 so voters don't put them up there TT wins out but voters will not get over 65 laid on them (however, comp avg for them is 4...) Voters will put Florida, Texas, and OU as the top 3, with Texas grabbing those few votes over OU after winning the big 12 title. Florida will barely be 1st in the BCS, and only because of the human polls being 2/3 of it. UT will beat out OU by less than .01 (about the same margin they have now). Bama will drop to 4 in all the polls, and will be closer to OU than OU is to UT in the final rankings. BCS bowls: Sugar: Alabama vs Utah Orange: Cincinnati vs Florida St Fiesta: Oklahoma vs USC Rose: Oregon St vs Penn St NC: Florida vs Texas ..and most importantly, my LSU Tigers will whoop Notre Dame in the awesomeness that is the Independence Bowl. Sad defense of a title for sure, but at least we get to beat Notre Dame in a bowl game for the third time in 12 years.
  22. Where's that puking smiley?? It would fit perfectly. Reminds me of how the Chinese and North Koreans treat their leaders, except they have the excuse that they force them to. People are way too delusional about this politician.
  23. You sure about that? If it's a two-way tie between UT and TT, TT gets the nod from head-to-head, I would think. Unless it's about common opponents for the first tiebreaker, which would just be idiotic. And Mizzou still, maybe, could possibly win the big 12 championship, at which point UT probably gets into the national championship game even though they didn't win the big 12. Seriously, it could happen. Did before, with Nebraska one time.
  24. Yeah I thought I wanted to see Florida and TT, but I think that would end up much like tonight did. It's hard to predict what the scores will be like when juggernauts meet. Would OU-FLA end up 56-52, or more like 23-17 in some crazy hard hitting bash-out? Don't know, let's find out. 2 more games for each still. Actually maybe not, if Texas ends up higher in the BCS they go to the B12C. Still some scenarios yet to unfold. I was pulling for TT at the beginning of the night, but the sadist in me really wants to see 70 up there against any highly ranked team.
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