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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Please pay up, all your chips belong to someone else now. As do mine...Ole Miss made sure all our luck/karma from last year continues to get thrown back into our face this year. Still, I can't complain.
  2. The music and quality reminds me of film strips we watched in class in the 80s. And it was just about moving heads. Tell me more has happened than that.
  3. The real party is always outside the stadium. Until you can bring liquor in that will never change. Yeah, I don't really like how they are not dedicated fans, it's not near the same as it used to be. I went to games back in the 80's and even through the 90's when we sucked, and the crowd was much more attentive. But not being like Aggies is a good thing, so I'll take that compliment any day.
  4. Most definitely, it is called television. And pop culture.
  5. Obviously my LSU Tigers aren't what they were last year, but hey, when you come back from being down 31-3 in the 3rd quarter to win 40-31, that's a pretty damn good comeback. I wish I was there to see it. I have a feeling that half the crowd left be halftime (anyone there know?), I bet most wish they hadn't.
  6. There are definitely different levels of ignorance. Some people just like to say, "I wonder what they're doing there...", but don't care enough to look into it. They are generally impressed and interested when you can answer the question. Then there are those who don't even notice the 100 ft crane, they just complain about the muddy mess in their street from "something". You can tell them what's going on, and usually they give a "that's nice" type of "I don't care" answer. Not that there's anything inherently wrong with not caring, just pointing out that yes, HAIFers are different.
  7. I just noticed today that all the channel names changed...that's going to take, like 20 minutes to get used to. I was/am XM. I liked Fine Tuning, random Celtic music is good stuff. Other than that, Fungus is the only channel I listened to on the XM dropped list. Are you sure NFL isn't extra? Of all the ones out there I would think that would be the one to be extra, since more people will pay for it. I'll take it if they want to give it to me though. Editor, what kind of radio do you have? In-dash or portable?
  8. LIMA TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cue the horrible Casa Ole commercial...
  9. I want to be an OINK! Pork rules. But for now we are simply OIOKs. Not near as fun to say. But hey we gotta start somewhere (one kid)!!
  10. They don't? I could have sworn I got bacon on mine. I only went their once, so I guess there could have just been bacon stuck in my teeth from another meal, who knows. You know what they say, bacon at every meal keeps those arteries oiled up and flowing.
  11. I agree. The SEC is a bit down this year from last. Some are up and some are down, but overall the big 12 is slightly better. It fluctuates every year. Bama will definitely lose. We have the worst QB ever and it still took them overtime to beat us. So many more things I could say, but let's leave it at that. I had a fun time at the game up until the end. Record crowd. There is no east coast SEC favoritism, I hear the opposite. Definitely southern SEC favoritism. I see Florida vs Texas Tech or Texas now. Depends on rankings after the OU-TT game, and how close it is. Obviously if Tech wins they're in, and Missouri isn't going to beat them. I think if it's a really close game, in Norman, TT might not drop past 5th, but voters would have to think really hard about who they like better. After the 3-way tiebreaker plays out, that is. Should be a fun finish.
  12. ATM lost to Arkansas St. At home. Iowa St has 2 wins, against South Dakota St and Kent St. Baylor's 3 wins are against Iowa St (suckiness mentioned), Washington St (1 win this year), and Northwestern St (LA). Impressive. Kansas St's 4 wins have come against the likes of North Texas, Montana St, LA-Lafayette, and...ATM. I don't see how that looks any better than your argument. Crappy teams are crappy. While no one likes to see Tennessee and Auburn lose more than I do, I'll take them against any of those 4 big 12 teams. Wouldn't bother to watch the game though.
  13. Who needs a wall? Headed to BR this weekend, brother-in-law scored suite tickets to the LSU-Bama game. Sweet!!
  14. Quizno's is awesome, why no votes? I mean, I voted for Burger King because it's awesome(ly bad for me), but whatever.
  15. Koolaid comes in 2 flavors (at least), and I never enjoy both sides acting like rival high school teams. I prefer to stick to beer and water, so it was a painful decision I didn't feel really happy about, but I ended up voting for McCain because of his experience, because he's a bit more toward the middle, and because it was starting to get really sickening how everyone else was making Obama into such an icon. Celebrity and leadership are not the same. In the end I'm not too upset by it, I agrees with a lot of what Obama is claiming that he plans to do. Doing it, on the other hand, will be a completely different ball game. But I hope he does well for all of us. He's my president now, too (well, after inauguration).
  16. Well damn just vote for me then! I said that 8 years ago. I bet you wish you all voted for me 8 years ago.
  17. SEC vs. Big 12, I think the top of the Big 12 (top 4 teams) are better overall than the top 4 SEC teams. But top to bottom I give the SEC an edge, the Big 12 north is just so ridiculously bad, plus ATM. I actually like Baylor this year, they have played tough. That would have been awesome if they knocked overrated Missouri off their high horse.
  18. I always look at the computer polls as pure strength of schedule polls, with random other biases. In that way, it is interesting that the computers have Texas ahead of Penn St even with the no losses. I agree with it, it is just interesting since those human pollsters couldn't possibly vote that way. TT and Bama tied in computer rankings, TT actually ranked 1st by more computers...I like it. There is a misprint on ESPN.com's BCS page, OU's computer rank is 6 and not 9.
  19. That's exactly what I meant. You know the bat cave always had appropriate landscaping.
  20. Get a fancy, hidden gate...with a lock. Anyone who really wants in can jump a fence in 2 seconds. Locks keep them from walking in.
  21. If you have a problem with early losses versus late losses counting against your team, then your problem is with the pollsters, not the BCS. The BCS happens to be 2/3 human polls now, the computer polls (which don't care when losses happen) are a mere 1/3. Rankings are out, Florida and OU are 4/5 in the Harris/USA Today polls. AP doesn't count any more. Florida has a 3 total vote advantage, about as close as you can get. It'll be all about style points, look for both to try to run up the scores as usual. Whoever ranked Texas #1 in the Harris poll needs to lose their voting privileges. One more thing, Oklahoma St could end up in the final as well. I don't think they can do it, but if they win out they would.
  22. It's all about when you lose, not even how and to whom. For that reason, Florida and OU, who keep pasting people, will be the higher ranked 1 loss teams. Maybe USC, but I think Florida jumps them after what they did to Georgia. But to say UT is out of the championship hunt is way premature - remember last year? My tigers were out of it twice, and still pulled it off (thanks to the big 10 really sucking). Here's how I see it going down this year: TT will lose to OU or OSU. Their 1 loss just won't look as good as OU, UF, USC, UT, because they don't have history propping them up in the polls. Bama will lose 2 games. I can almost guarantee this, Saban is notorious for the let down games. They'll either lose to LSU (I hope!) or even Auburn, and then they'll lose the SEC championship game. They will be out of it. Then we start looking at the 3-way tie rules in the big 12 south. I know in the SEC, if there is a 3-way tie it was broken by BCS ranking after they look at division record. Anyway, if TT beats UT, UT beats OU, and OU beats TT, there's your 3 way tie. Whoever gets the nod to the big 12 championship will win it and will play in the national championship. Florida will roll through the rest of the year including the SEC championship game. For them, their hopes lie completely in voters since they are already at a ranking disadvantage. When TT loses they'll jump ahead of them, and they will be ahead of UT after this week and will stay that way if they both win out. I don't know if they can jump OU and USC though. Penn St won't lose any more. I don't think Penn St will lose because the big 10 sucks so bad and they are pretty good.
  23. My uneducated opinion is to agree with you - if they ask to take your blood and you ask for a lawyer, can they still get it, right there? The obvious solution is to not drive drunk, but I'd hate to be driving along after 1 or 2 beers, turn my head to try to see a sign about a future development, do a weird swerve, and have a cop want to take my blood. Then I'd be calling you, Red!
  24. Yeah, I agree that every president has had some looney at least think about taking them out. I just think some automatically come with a lot more looneys taking aim at them than others. Until we can breed or teach ignorance out of the human population, that will always be the case.
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