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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I think the problem isn't thinking it, but thinking it's funny. I consider it a real threat to happen based on our history. The guy that freed the slaves got offed, the first Catholic president got offed. I'd be surprised if there weren't attempts in the first year.
  2. I agree with most things in this thread, from nurturing vs. pampering our children to the changing work ethics. I've noticed these things since college. I was an engineering major, and 90% of the kids in my classes got by on having previous years' exams and homework results (complete with answers of course). They could not learn without them. I was one of only a handful that just did my assignments on my own. They would actually whine when it was a new teacher/course for which they couldn't get old papers. Annoying. This sense of lazy entitlement has started to show up at work as well. Employees for which I do performance reviews are constantly whining and expecting things they have not yet earned. They want special recognition and rewards for simply doing their job requirement, they are not even close to achieving anything I would classify as above or beyond. I can only hope that I am able to raise my children to appreciate REAL hard work and a sense of earning things instead of being entitled to them.
  3. Went here last weekend, loved it. We went for happy hour because it's perfect go-out-with-a-baby time, and they have all kinds of appetizer type food specials. I loved the sauces, and with the happy hour prices it was wicked cheap. Didn't have any entrees so I don't know how those are. The patio was neat, but being right on Shepherd it's kind of loud. Not that my squealing 10 month old cares, so I don't really care either.
  4. Rode by today...anyone else think the paint job made it look even worse? Too many shades, so busy.
  5. I agree completely about the poor writing skills of today's graduates. As part of our interview we have a technical writing assignment, and usually reviewing that part is where we all get a good laugh. I think it goes way past college, all the way back to grammar classes up through 6th grade. I don't know if those classes are what they used to be. Also, I had Civics in high school. It was fun. We did a mock trial exercise and learned about voting, elections, etc.
  6. We've actually gotten 4 or 5 papers delivered to us since we've moved in, and we don't order it. Not the promos to try to get you to sign up either, just a random paper. Our front yards are fenced and they toss it all the way to the door, so it's not like I can leave it there so the proper neighbor can come get it. I am contemplating a subscription though. Jumble and coupons...
  7. I might have to check that out. I am really lazy when it comes to researching helpful things like that. EDIT: WHOA! What magic is this? Can you teach me any other magic tricks? Can you make traffic get out of my way?
  8. Our office had minimal damage. There aren't any real trees down there so not as much to fall on lines and houses. Just mud everywhere.
  9. We don't have the chron delivered, but i get it every other Sunday or so. I like reading the paper, and we typically save way more than $1.75 using coupons we get from it. And the word jumble isn't online. That's the best part. I hate online ads, they get no clicks or even attention from me. I like getting internet info for free. Something, someday, will have to give.
  10. Good luck with "temporary". There are MANY temporary trailer parks still booked full in LA with "evacuees". Most capable people with ambitions past mooching will be trying to get out as fast as they can, but you can't totally avoid the lazy asses who see it as a lottery ticket or something they deserve for as long as they want it.
  11. What an awesome reason to never own a pet. Yeah, how fun it would be to have to follow an animal around and pick up its crap! No thank you, I'll stick with babies, who will eventually grow out of crapping themselves and will even take care of me when I start crapping myself again.
  12. This made me angry. First because a bunch of a-holes will walk, but second because of all of the money and time of police and prosecutors it ends up wasting. People who do things like this should somehow be forced to pay the monetary consequences as well.
  13. I'm with you on a national championship buying you some amnesty. But some schools have a very short term memory, my LSU being one of them. If Les goes 8-4 this year and the next 2, I bet he is gone. There are already websites about firing, him, but then again there will always be stupid fans. One thing about Saban is he hasn't earned anything AT bama. They could care less that he won one at LSU, if he doesn't win an SEC championship this year or next, he will be gone. Bama takes the cake for delusional, ridiculous expectation fans. That used to be Notre Dame, but somehow Charlie Weis has gotten a pass. All he's done is take a 10-2 team that was given to him and turn them into a joke. Honestly I think they've been a joke for as long as their bowl losing streak runs (12 bowl games, 14 years I think?).
  14. Drove west this morning from loop to Eldridge, and it was very pleasant. Used to have random slow-downs, but smooth sailing today. I dig it.
  15. We just got a trailer and kiddie seat for the baby girl, it'll be nice to take her down this when it's finished!
  16. Ok, she wasn't an Aggie...even worse, a Tennessee volunteer sweatshirt!!
  17. No more FMB references! Now upgraded to MB, or NMB til the new-ness wears off.
  18. You must have missed the version(s) of Red vs. Niche where the "half my age" comments came out!
  19. Aggies...so weird and awkward. We don't even help them along, they do it themselves!!
  20. The Phantasm series? That was the one where the metal balls were in the dudes head. No idea why, but the part in Superman 3 where the big computer/machine pulls the old ugly lady in and turns her into a robot has always freaked me out.
  21. Do you mean White Oak Bayou? I have tried to walk across that bridge before, but the first few steps totally crunched up the huge railroad tie where I stepped. Not a good sign for being able to use it. I assume you mean the bridge behind the Alexan that sort of heads right at Studemont/I-10 toward downtown?
  22. Figuring this out changed my life...come over to the dark side, HAIF will possess you shortly!
  23. Yeah that was awesome. Wrong, but funny. I'm an LSU guy and it shouldn't have happened, but they scored on the drive anyway. I honestly think he had flashbacks from his linebacker days, there's no way a ref tries to cheat in such an obvious manner. Much easier to get away with bad calls than tackling people.
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