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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Yes, tell us where you live! We are coming over with appliances and electronics and electrical tape!!
  2. There's a really cheap one with real grass not too far outside the loop, near 43rd and TC Jester. Forgot the name, but I found it on Google. I don't like hitting off of the mats as much.
  3. There's a place on Antoine between Hempstead and 290 that has lots of huge signs like that. Every time I see the Burger King sign I dream of having it. Weird. It's one of the old school ones, not the newest marketing material.
  4. I agree that Auburn shouldn't have been ranked this week after 2 losses, but it wasn't SEC bias keeping them there. It was a 1 point loss on the road to a team who everyone wants to be good, Vandy. It's also all these journalists that do preseason picks, the majority of whom picked Auburn to win the SEC west and were still hanging on to that. Auburn sucks, I hope they lose the rest of their games. The big 12 is a great conference this year, but come on, when Kansas and Missouri roll like they did last year, it is not a "tough" conference, top to bottom. There is no defense. Even the team historically known for its defense, Nebraska, has a joke of a defense. The big 12 is basically what the PAC 10 wishes it was, a high-flying high-powered offensive show conference. But the PAC 10 isn't close to being that this year. I think OU and UT are legit, but the Missouri, Ok St, and TT bandwagons will be much lighter at the end of the year, after they each garner at least a couple losses because their defenses can't keep teams under 30 points. Eventually that wears on even the best offenses.
  5. Went to Java Java this morning, not really a fan. My "best in town" waffle was not near as good as ones I've made myself at the self-service Holiday Inn Express breakfast. As to the coffee, it was so watery that my wife had to double check after it was poured that it was indeed coffee. Prices remind me of Dry Creek, way too high for what you get. Why go here when I can spend $2 less per food item for better food at Frank's? Exactly.
  6. Don't people in this thread get tired of banging their heads against the wall? You know who agrees with you and who doesn't, the arguments I have read go nowhere. Can we possibly start an "independent" thread to actually discuss issues and avoid people constantly and myopically defending their "team" at the cost of a good discussion? I doubt it. I wish I hadn't read any of the posts in this thread, it has soured my opinion of a lot of HAIFers. For that reason, I'm out of this thread for good now. My own fault for not keeping out from the beginning.
  7. Titans just signed Chris Simms...weird. Maybe Major Applewhite will come out of retirement next.
  8. But what if I run fast enough.... Ok I'm against that, so it's a bad idea. Just do it along Hempstead and don't cut through the neighborhood unless I get to ride too.
  9. I think that would be neat to be able to take the rail a block and a half from my house to downtown. But yeah, there would be a fight. Maybe about the bike trail, but more from all the people who live right along the right of way. It's not that wide of a right of way any more either.
  10. Please explain. I am not convinced by exclamation points alone.
  11. Not saying I believe the numbers any more than Trae's favorite site, but I like how they point out the "safe" and "leaning" numbers more clearly instead of painting a landslide. The page is also interesting to flip back and forth between 2004 results and projected numbers for this year. It just shows that there is the possibility for a lot of surprises on election day. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/calculator/
  12. I don't know, except for two freak plays Sage was awesome. There's a new MMA gym right by my office, I say Sage and Schaub settle this like men, once and for all.
  13. To take that further, "average" is pretty dumb I think. Down with democracy!!
  14. Sooooo....most of america (really most people on earth) on average are not smart. I think that's a fact, don't feel like looking anything up on it. Going by that, appealing only to smart people is a horrible way to win an election. This is part of the reason why politics will always be ugly.
  15. I guess I was speaking to other people through you then...or something. I could have used a lot less words by just saying I don't think anyone will be completely basing their decision on whether McCain will die in office. I think the people bringing up that reasoning have already made up their mind the other way. It's not a pretty way to look at things, but the crazies with guns didn't let the president who freed the slaves or the first Catholic president survive their term, so I wonder what those actuarial odds are on the first black president making it.
  16. 8 VPs took over for a president who died in office, 4 just died versus being assassinated. That's the number you want to quote if you aren't anticipating McCain would get impeached like Nixon. And 20% (10 if you are banking on natural causes) is low enough for most people. If the advice is to think of your vote as 80% presidential candidate and 20% VP, that really doesn't change anyone's mind. And medicine is much further along than it was the last time a president died in office without getting shot. Life expectancy is getting longer and longer. All I'm saying is it's a lame excuse for the argument (he's too old and might die), and there's a huge statistical chance that neither VP will ever be a factor in the presidency.
  17. They lost in typical Texans style, and not being a fan I was amused by it. Bout time a team came along and tried to take the joke of the league title away from my Saints. That's not just a one-year title either, there's a different goat every year, but I'm talking about decades of losing and humiliation. Texans are well on their way. Unless the Bengals take the title back...
  18. Those voting for McCain don't have to be crazy about Palin, they just have to think she's good enough. It's been a long time since the VP has mattered anyway, they are basically useless. And for the McCain is so old and he's going to die in office crowd, very doubtful. It's much more likely some crazy redneck tries to shoot the first black president. Both are very low probability anyway, but I put that above the old man croaking so the argument doesn't factor into my indecision.
  19. Holy h...I mean, I can make a mean margarita, come to my house with your friends and I'll mix 'em up. Bring your $10, I'll put in my 2 weeks notice. But seriously, drinking at bars not during happy hour sucks.
  20. Got one load from Shady Acres today, some good oak. There is so much more left, I just have to make the effort and I'll be hooked up with wood for years. Only hard part is most pieces are too big, gotta sort through them to find the good sizes.
  21. Dubai is going to be an amazingly extravagant wasteland in 30 years. Instead of all this excess they should be doing 2 things: 1) using the money to come up with the next way they're going to bring all that business when the oil dries up or alternative energy takes hold, and 2) finding a way to reverse global warming, because a few more degrees and no one will want to be near that place.
  22. I had one flying dream when I was about 17, but it wasn't as fun as you would think. The ball had gotten stuck on the roof, and I flapped my arms really hard and slowly flew up to get it. After I did it I didn't want to do it again because it was so much work. I have lots of travelling-fast-on-the-ground dreams though, some where I just scoot on my knees down the freeway at insane speeds. And tornadoes. With secret underground passages.
  23. HA! That popped in my head but I couldn't remember the reference. Actually in my mind it was Norm from SNL doing his Bob Dole impression, not Bob Dole himself who I thought of.
  24. It's not just Minnesotans, people in the Dakotas, Wyoming, and Montana talk like that too. I am amused with Biden going 3rd person on himself. Reminds me of Rickey Henderson (only older hard core baseball fans will know what I'm talking about).
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