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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Nah, it's been 5 hours since my last one. Planning on a long night. But if the power goes out and it gets too hot I will need drinks to keep from getting too pissed off, and eventually to be able to sleep.
  2. See the thread about adult beverages. If you do that part well enough you'll pass out and not care if it's hot.
  3. I want pictures - too bad this thing is coming at night.
  4. Our family has been calling all day, asking if we're sure we want to stay. But they don't know anything, all they warn us about is flooding, which is near impossible where we are. So I remind them we're much more likely to be wiped out by the wind.
  5. Apparently we're almost a mile from the 500 yr flood line - I think we're good.
  6. What's the average elevation in the Heights? I Googled topo maps but can't find anything useful.
  7. I just heard on 13 that it was 3%. That's a big difference. EDIT: Never mind, it was 40. What the hell was I just listening to?
  8. No comment on Vanessa Medina as 20thStMom is a lurker here! So far Fox 26 is pitching a shutout in the poll. Are they that bad? They always brag about that "FoxRad" super radar thing.
  9. #2 in progress. I think after this I'll switch to the bourbon, then if I'm awake scotch to top it off. I'm looking forward to grilling stuff this weekend too. But I was wicked disappointed that the Kroger didn't have any cheddar-wurst. Sausage is not fatty enough on its own, I need cheese in there too.
  10. Anyone else get lost in Neil Frank's facial contours? Age and the sun have not been kind to him. Bolivar is apparently under water.
  11. On 13, topless tattoo guy just can't get enough camera time. Another guy has a pirate hat on. Lovin it.
  12. Ok, this is the most distressed one I could find of her.
  13. I saw a post yesterday about blinds - my thoughts are that keeping them closed will at least hold back some glass flying in if something does come at the window. Obviously it won't help it not break but the less far broken glass flies the better in my opinion.
  14. Is it a matter of preference or is there a clear "better" between 11 and 13?
  15. Margarita #1 on its way down. More to come...
  16. No, I get that. The surge is so large because of the size of this storm, I've been watching the coverage. I just wanted to know what the planned maximum defense intent of the wall was when they built it.
  17. I would like to know what radio stations we should tune to if necessary - 740? I don't listen to anything but XM any more so I forgot all of the stations.
  18. I'm not trying to predict any certain level of damage. When they put the wall in, what it supposed to do? If the answer is keep the storm surge out of Galveston for cat 2-3, then it will not be accomplishing that. That's all I'm saying. Sure, it's better to have an inadequate wall than no wall at all, that goes without saying.
  19. Based on Red's post about how much shorter it is now than originally (due to build up at the base), it's been rendered pointless if it isn't going to protect against this category 2-3 coming in. If it were actually 17ft above the beach then maybe it would be somewhat effective. But it's going to get mowed over.
  20. So that seawall they like to talk about is pretty pointless. I can see it getting taken over by a normal summer thunderstorm.
  21. No, something far less threatening - my expert lip reading skills detected something about doritos and an inner-tube. haha...the guy just said "...those of you who are hearing this are..." something something, and she totally stumbled at translating it and made a nice face.
  22. During these press conferences that sign language lady always looks like she is confused and lost. no way she is translating all of that correctly. Reading her lips, she's telling a completely different story.
  23. The best part is the one in his back pocket...no Heine' left behind!!
  24. Yeah all my relatives in LA...but just one friend here. One other thing, if you are worried about cold stuff when the power goes out, go ahead and bag up ice from your ice maker, let it make another full batch tonight. That's a few hours of cooling in a cooler. If you have a deep freeze, like I'm glad we do, take empty milk or coke or other jugs, fill with water and freeze tonight. I have about 7 of these in my freezer. That's what we use to cool on fishing trips and they'll last a couple days in a good cooler that is kept shut. And wash clothes tonight!
  25. I have bourbon, scotch, and beer...George Thorogood told me it was the right thing to do. But as soon as the power goes I'll make some margaritas before the ice melts.
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