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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Our office at 521 and 2234 is closed tomorrow. I know people in SCR who are staying put.
  2. Yeah, I would, but I don't have a truck... but I know someone who has a Tundra (and gets 20+ mpg). Seriously, if someone needs a set of hands to help with that I've done it before. It is loads of fun. And it will leave holes in your house!
  3. Pictures (post Gustav) of a family/friend fishing camp that was on Little Lake in Louisiana. Yeah, those piers are where it used to be. Later in the gallery you can see the camp, it floated about a quarter-half mile from where it started. For Katrina/Rita, the same camp only floated about 5 feet off its base, and they were able to reset it and hook everything back up. This time, I doubt it. http://kdog.bdal.org/camp_gustav
  4. I'll be in the Heights too, the west side of it by Shepherd. I consider myself pretty young (30 next week!!), fit, and able, so if there is assistance you need with heavy lifting for any cleanup activities let me know.
  5. Like I said I'm not going anywhere. And if people are so concerned about evacuating and being able to get out in an orderly fashion, they should leave right now when it's easy. And anyway, my response was more directed at him calling people cowards, not the idea of a staged evacuation.
  6. I get the point they were trying to make, but I'm not about to fault someone or call them a coward for trying to keep their family safe if that's what they feel they have to do. I'm not going anywhere.
  7. Yes, because flooding is the only threat a hurricane poses... Baton Rouge is further inland than Houston is, and with Gustav I know of many cases of trees falling onto houses. Luckily no one I know was hurt, but there's a good chance that someone gets killed if a tree falls into their home. By your statement, if this happens does the city have to pay them since the manned up and stayed??
  8. Yep, this is the one I was talking about. 90 trips to Baton Rouge in 7 years finally pays off! Stuckey's of Winnie I-10 Exit 819 Jenkins Road Anahuac, TX Phone: 409-374-2132
  9. Frank's on Mangum!!! Apparently there are other Frank's but I haven't been to them. Bacon day-dream time....
  10. I was crying. Wait no, that's not manly - I was bitching and moaning. And whining. Much better... TV doesn't really affect my happiness, I just get annoyed when enjoyable sports highlights are interrupted with gossip BS. I get that enough when the wife has the remote!!
  11. Probably depends on the configuration of your house relative to open space and nearby trees. The front of my house faces south, which would seem to be the direction this junk will hit us, but I have a solid tree in front that should block a lot of things should they come my way. I am going to get up in it today to trim any dead-looking branches and any that I think could hit the house if bent over by high winds. I'm not boarding up though, just not prepared or willing to do it. I have 6 south-facting windows, the rest pretty well shielded by neighbors or facing north. I am most worried about not having cable for college football watching Saturday. I already have tequila and scotch, and if power goes out for a few days I will be smoking/grilling all the meat and frozen pizzas we have. Should be fun.
  12. I could be totally wrong, but I thought there was still a Stuckey's on I-10 between Anahuac and Winnie (somewhere on the 3-lane portion). I know there's one that is shut down/abandoned and one that is still open, but the shut down one might be the Stuckey's. I know there is still a billboard advertising biscuits and gravy. I'm pretty sure it is for Stuckey's. I'll check next week when we drive to LA.
  13. Red you wouldn't evacuate from the Heights, would you? Just want to be sure I'm not crazy. I just have no inkling to pack up and get a baby into the evacuation mess. I'd rather hang out with no power for a while, not working or driving or sitting in traffic.
  14. Liquor is still cheaper there, and you can buy it anywhere! Beer too. Electricity is cheaper everywhere since Houston is deregula-tarded.
  15. I'm with Mark, there's somebody new in charge and for some reason they feel they have to go "Outside the Lines" so to speak. I only watch shows on ESPN that are 1) an actual game or 2) highlights like Baseball Tonight. I can't stand the journalistic shows because either a group of guys spends an hour arguing about who is better than who or they explore some tabloidal story like a-rod's divorce or everything Brett Favre. Sportscenter used to be the best show on tv back when it was Patrick and Olberman. It was witty as hell, and not full of a bunch of fluff. Now there's too much push to cover crap evenly, which to me is a mistake on their part. I almost can't watch the show now because there will be updates on so many things that no one cares about, and an important baseball game might get an 18 second run. I stick to baseball tonight which still has great substance and lately some very knowledgeable ex-players and coaches. I do watch college gameday, but mostly because I'm up that early and so stoked for college football every Saturday. The content is pretty much junk. Let's not even talk about the extreme regional bias that so many people on that network have (read: Boston, it goes beyond east coast). It has gotten better but there is WAY more focus on Boston than there should be. I promise you, even with Brady out there will be Brady new and all kinds of Patriots crap all year.
  16. Right, but even the models I was talking about yesterday, tomorrow they will be from 2 days ago too. And will probably point somewhere else. My only point is that based on the previous models, you and others have stated that New Orleans/LA is toast, we are toast, and now we are not toast. It changes, and we all love to watch it change. I think it's fun. Weather prediction technology will never be able to tell us 7 days out where a storm will make landfall. You just can't model something that is effectively turbulence that accurately. Just be prepared, keep your eye on the progress of its movements, and when it is T minus 2-3 days until landfall be ready to make a decision, depending on how fast it is moving.
  17. I've been to 3 different Collina's (don't know if there are more), but I would say 19th and Richmond are tied for best and have the same menu as far as I can tell. Anything past pizza or a calzone and what's the point anyway? The one in the village, I love the little patio, but the food wasn't as good as the others. We walk to the one on 19th all the time and always come away happy. My new favorite is Frank's downtown though, we went there based on a suggestion in this thread I think. I love all pizza though. Cheese and greasy meats? Ok, I'm in.
  18. I appreciate the models, they keep us on our toes and thinking about preparation. But the problem is that it's too early. All of those models point south, yes, but one change in what it's doing and they'll all point further north. For instance, those same models all pointed at us yesterday, at LA 2 days ago. See what I mean? I'm not saying they are useless, but right now we know what we know. It's nice to know general (large) areas, like whether Mexico needs to be worried versus MS/AL. Past that it's like picking stocks.
  19. Anyone else reading this thread get confused between westguy and westguy76? I keep getting all mixed up.
  20. In all fairness I have seen people from SW LA do the thing where they sprinkle seasoning on afterwards, so it could have come from LA. It's still wrong though! I can't make myself pay for them at a restaurant when it so much fun (and tastes way better) to get a bunch of people and boil them ourselves. Good excuse for an all day party too.
  21. Oprah's influence over women is disgusting, I'd rather not see her involved in politics in any way, for either side. Just this once, can we say winner gets president and loser gets VP? That way we don't risk being stuck with Palin, and it'll be a fun bi-partisan experiment. They could even do a sitcom about it. I would not watch.
  22. Update from LA - over the weekend my grandmother, sisters, and parents all got their power back on, despite initially being told it would take 3-4 weeks. So that's good news. I think this just proves that Bobby Jindal is infinitely more capable than that idiot Kathleen Blanco. Instead of crying and screwing things up he had a plan in place, and it has been much much better than the last go-around. I hope Ike stays south and west, LA might not be able to take another hit.
  23. Speaking of Cuba, that place has gotten wasted with storms this year. I don't watch news, but I haven't heard much about how they are faring. Right now Ike is basically driving the length of it, that has to be doing some damage.
  24. That would suck! If those idiot apartment developers think that's a good way to integrate into the neighborhood then they are dumber than I thought. And how can they just be leasing having been there so long?
  25. Nowhere near Katy, but Mardi Gras grill on Durham between I-10 and Washington is the best LA seafood place we've found here (originally we're from Baton Rouge). With the name we had our doubts, sounds like they are trying too hard, but the food is great.
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