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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. You had to? That really sucks. I changed the channel to check baseball scores. The conventions annoy me. Gatherings of too many long-winded like-minded people of any variety are scary to me. I keep thinking they might start chanting and bust out the kool-aid. Hmmm...that might work...
  2. I entered my address on their website today, and it said not yet. Maybe the website address thing isn't up to date. I should call.
  3. South Toledo Bend State Park (just in LA) is not that far and has some pretty nice camping areas. Definitely a boat landing, hiking. The two times we have been, it's just been us at night so it wasn't too bad at all.
  4. I'm gonna go with not yuppie. Some of us just love drinking outside, possibly without shoes on. And we aren't yuppies (still haven't been there yet, but planning to).
  5. Don't even try to act like the Republicans and Democrats are different in this regard. Al Gore and his 15 houses burning power day and night while he preaches his crock of ... same damn thing. I can't figure out why people cling to their party like it is their alma mater's football team or something. Nothing but excuses for their own side when they are in the wrong, but their school's biggest rival can't even read, is responsible for world hunger, and is wrong on everything, ever. I hate that the parties get in the way of the issues. We should be able to vote on issues and not candidates, since they are nothing but talking heads for the most useless organizations in our country.
  6. I'll just post again instead of continuing to edit that last one. 3 houses on my sister's street (dead end street less than half a mile long) have trees that fell on them. Lots of shingles blowing off of the roof of the old lady across the street from them.
  7. Update from LA - in Baton Rouge, both parents, in-laws, and both sisters without power. There are some trees down on my parents' street and in my sister's backyard. In New Iberia the in-laws were getting nailed an hour and a half ago, haven't checked back with them since. Picture from my sister's yard in BR. Yeah, they have too much junk back there already, but you can see branches down, part of the fence down, and in the 2nd one a pretty decent size tree laying down. EDIT: My sister tells me there's actually a tree that fell into the house on the left in the second pic. Not their house, but sucks either way.
  8. Yeah I'm totally not judging the daughter - she made her decision and has to live with it, that's enough for her. I can just envision her mom with the shotgun, and it amuses me. I'm not saying I'm any better than them, 2 of my cousins had these types of wedding in my family (at least they were in or right out of college). Good times.
  9. Hehe, I love this comment by Palin: (source http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/20...alin-says.html) I want to see photoshop (or real) pictures of her with the shotgun within the hour. Yes, McCain is throwing this on purpose. It seems so easy now that you watch it implode.
  10. Definitely not everyone's posts are one-sided junk, but there was a run on this thread for a while where it seemed like nothing but. I enjoyed membag's graph about taxes - taxes is definitely an important issue, along with education, and definitely the economy. Seems like any route you take with the economy takes from one thing to help another. So I'm still trying to figure out what I think and what they plan to do.
  11. So, we can't even get the u-verse nonsense here yet. Is that years away, only up in new MPC and burbs? I would love to switch away from Comcast, but there isn't anything better out there. They all have promotional intro rates, but after that it's all the same cost, basically.
  12. Looks like it's sliding directly west to me. Path still projected at NW though.
  13. I just want to say that ALL the houses pictured in this thread look just fine to me. Obviously I haven't seen the inside, but based on curb appeal I would never consider them tear downs. When I say tear-down I am thinking of something much, much worse, so I hope I haven't made anyone think I would knock any of these down based on my previous posts. Getting rid of these houses is bad for our neighborhood. No doubt.
  14. Sounds awesome to me...I'm going to do my best to make it there once the weather cools down. I'm generally anti-trendy, down with the neighborhood feel, but the only thing holding me back right now is my inability to take the heat. You mentioned people cooking - do you mean they just bring their own stuff, and there is a place to cook it?
  15. I've driven by Shady Tavern a ton of times, and I always want to stop, it just looks like a place I would dig. Well, not in August, but in months where being outside is ok. I love drinking outside, and I could easily walk there and stumble home...but alas, just by appearance it isn't my wife's kind of place. And something about having a baby means I don't get to bars much, but I was just wondering what others' experiences/opinions are of the place.
  16. You could have used up a lot less space by just stating the obvious, that she is a Republican and slightly further to the right that most people can stand. That's a good way to put what I've been thinking. No one is switching teams, and us independents are just annoyed by both sides.
  17. My family and my wife's are in Baton Rouge. Hopefully we'll have some nice, harmless, but interesting stories after this passes. They are far enough inland that the main threat is flooding and tornados, if any are spawned. Hope your people don't live in a flood zone, and have trimmed their trees.
  18. That's about as reliable a news source as the one-sided junk that has been spewed on this thread in this forum (from both sides of course). It's simply tiring. I know, it's my own fault for continuing to check this thread, but the ratio of well-reasoned posts that think/talk through an issue to those that just keep re-stating their already obvious positions is not very high.
  19. Hehe. I love it. Nothing is more annoying than the A&M fan and their expectations. It's almost exactly like Alabama every year, except Alabama actually has championships in the past to brag about. Maybe they should try to find a 13th man, 12 is apparently not enough. I agree that East Carolina over Va Tech wasn't that much of an upset. Va Tech is consistently overrated, and consistently perform less than expected. They always have a sub-par offense, you can't be a top 8 team without being able to score a lot.
  20. 288 @ 2234/SC Parkway. If you have to turn left (from either 288 exit), you will wait forever. Not a long light, but one that is always timed wrong - Durham at 14th. I can fly all the way down Durham without hitting a light, except that stupid one. Same with Yale at 14th. Sometimes I just run it since it's often before 6am on the way to work.
  21. I think I'm with you. I'm guessing you're in Norhill or Woodland Heights. I live way on the west edge of the Heights, which is really a different make-up. Even moreso outside the old Heights boundary, where there are ghetto-type 600 sq ft shacks, around Lawrence Park and just east of Sheperd between there and Nicholson or so. Those are the ones I think of, and every time I run or ride the bike past, I'm thankful to see the new ones coming up, even if I hate the way they look. But I totally agree that the older bungalows are completely livable even before renovation in most cases. I'd gladly live in an old one in Woodland Heights. But we ended up buying newer (already built) because we could afford it, liked the house, and liked the location. Maybe for our next one we can upgrade to a good old bungalow further east
  22. Cuba is right in line for Hannah, too. Not a good time to be there.
  23. Michigan sucks. I'm watching with 5 minutes left - even if they come back and win it will be because Utah gave it away with stupid penalties.
  24. I am so stoked that football is finally here. Why would you watch that game when the champions game is on? Div I champs LSU (GEAUX TIGERS!!!!) vs. Div II champs App St on ESPN Classic - moved up to a 10am kickoff due to scheduled Gustav evacuations. And another for good measure, GEAUX TIGERS!!!
  25. Tried to go to Java Java - lazy asses weren't gonna be open until 8:30. What kind of breakfast place is that? If the baby ever sleeps past 6:30 on the weekend maybe we'll try Java Java. So...we ended up at Frank's Diner on Mangum, and it was awesome. So much food for so little money. I had a waffle, grits, bacon (best bacon in town), biscuit. All good, and great service.
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