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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. That makes more sense, I am sure people running small home businesses are less in number. Either way I don't think I'll be getting charged extra for all my HAIFing.
  2. This may have just made my decision. I haven't liked Obama so far, and even though I believe in God, I still can't believe someone who thinks creationism is more than a moral story is fit to be 2nd in charge. Looks, maybe. Brains, sorry, can't check that box. BTW I actually know someone who lived in Wasilla. Weird.
  3. That's a ton for personal use - I think they're more targeting small businesses in some attempt to make them have business instead of residential service. For comparison, me and a dozen or so friends have a website with forum, file share, and I run two different websites (baby pics and videos for family and friends, not anything with commercial traffic) on of it, and we didn't hit half that for usage last month.
  4. Man, judges and politicians (difference?) are some messed up, horny bastards! It's like some get in office just so they can get nasty with ladies (or guys, whichever) while AT the office.
  5. Like Red said before, Houston proper is inland enough to not even be affected by a storm surge. Rain and wind, yeah that might be a pain if your place is not well built or directly exposed where there are 80 mph winds hitting you straight on. The winds will be less inland than on the coast. The real danger I see are the tornados that often spawn in the bad quadrant. You can't predict them, and they will mess you up.
  6. I'm glad you wrote that, I was starting to think I was on crazy pills the way I hear people talk about Dry Creek. Been there twice and both times was not as happy as the bill was high. Not unaffordable high, but just based on what you get.
  7. Sounds great - and super close to us. Thanks for the suggestions!
  8. We've been to 11th St Cafe (pretty good), Onion Creek (limited menu), Yale St (at 21st, pretty good), and Dry Creek (too expensive for what you get IMO) - are there any hidden gems out there for a great breakfast? Not fancy healthy stuff, just good old fashioned breakfast. We've seen a couple places further down White Oak, but never tried them.
  9. We had a similar experience last time we went. Yeah, they crammed more tables in there, but the help was much slower. And they changed their happy hour, time and prices I think. That's why my cheap ass goes there!! Full price sushi, unless it's a special occasion, is just not worth it to me. And I love sushi. At happy hour there, the two of us usually get out of there under $40. Same food not at happy hour would be closer to $65-$70. Nuh uh.
  10. There are TONS of uppity white people. I think they like lattes and arugula, something like that.
  11. I stayed home during Andrew, it was awesome. No school, got the frisbee out in the street and set records for distance. Got out the skim board and hit the water in the streets, good times. Except for the neighborhoods where tornados hit, that is not cool. I hate traffic too much to evacuate. It's hard enough on my sanity to drive to work, no way I attempt to go where everyone else is going.
  12. I haven't thought long and hard about this, but I think if there were some limitations on renovating versus tear down and build, the Heights would be in a much worse spot than it is. That's basically an anti-progress type of stance. Properties would just sit and rot, because obviously there aren't that many people who want to restore a bungalow. Otherwise more would be doing it. I know that on my block, before new builds came, there was a lot of drug activity. In particular in a couple of houses behind ours, the last couple months before they got torn down the people lived without electricity and would regularly start pretty big fires out back, all while harassing the neighbors. I'm sorry, but it's a good thing when that gets wiped out and replaced by just about anything, even an empty lot. But I do agree that it is wrong to tear down a livable, decent house for no good reason to build a new one. I would think if the house is livable the price would be high enough to deter that, for the most part, and push the buyers wanting to do that to the real hell-holes or already empty lots.
  13. The beltway is pretty much north of all evacuation zones. Inner loopers and those further north will be fine. I can't see evacuating from Spring with a cat 2 or 3.
  14. Why did I not know about this before? Seems like a perfect place to get lunch to go on my way to the tour at the new St Arnold brewery, whenever that is finished. I'm going to check it out this weekend, thanks for the tip! Not sure about their spelling of boudin (boudain on the website), whether that bodes well for their cajun-ness. I've never seen it that way anywhere in S LA, but then again I haven't seen everything everywhere. Anyway, to pretend I am on topic, something like that where Shady Grocery is would be awesome. Less than a mile away from me.
  15. Where? I am on my way there now. Tell my wife she can come see me there if she wants.
  16. Butcher shop!! With a deli or lunch type place. I want it now.
  17. We do the Fiesta for produce and Kroger for most everything else. I agree that Kroger has a crappy produce section. Costs more too. Anyone have clues on the new tenant the OP refers to?
  18. Um, we had just had a baby about a week before I signed up, so that was (and still is) pretty much what is on my mind all the time. She's hella-cute.
  19. Ugh. I knew it was only a matter of time before this got ugly. The Bible is great, it has a lot of great lessons and history (for one group of people at least), but it was written by people, not God. The creation story in the Bible is just that. It's a lesson about sin, good, and evil. Science, chemistry, life, and all of that are God's most amazing creations. I look at great scientific discoveries and am amazed at the way everything was made. The one thing that brings me back to the concept of a greater existence and a God is the infinite concept of space and time. Someone in a previous comment mentioned that everything is made from star dust that was just sitting around in space at one time. Ok, but where did that come from...you can ask the "and what was before that" question to no end. Something, somewhere, is bigger and more than the physical realm that we perceive. Time works the same way. I believe that all the geologic and evolutionary records/evidence shows us how everything got to this point. Just because the Bible doesn't explain that doesn't mean that God (whatever people want to call it) didn't create all of that. To me there is no reason to have to pick God or science. I find it much more amazing to believe they are one in the same, that God is so freakin cool that he didn't just do some magical finger snap to create everything, he used math, physics, chemistry, and all kinds of other sweet forms of "order" to do it. That's just my take. Obviously many will disagree, and surely you can poke holes in it all day. but like Editor said - some of us don't want proof - it would kind of defeat the purpose and make life not near as great.
  20. I wasn't afraid of "Dolly", but "Gustav" sounds like he hangs out with a tough crowd. This one, already a hurricane, might get up in the gulf and turn into a real monster. So...at G (6 away) in the Atlantic and J (6 away) in the Pacific, we are closer and closer to a Marco/Polo combo going nuts on Mexico.
  21. The arms aren't just for looks, they can also remove wreck/stalled vehicles from I-10 during rush hour.
  22. Transcripts are pointless unless you think the person is lying about the GPA on their resume. Everyone within each degree we recruit for takes the same classes, so we don't really care. I wouldn't expect a person to have to provide that past their first job anyway. After a couple years, experience is all that matters. Some our best folks had horrendous GPA's, some of our worst had good ones. Depends on the position you are hiring for though. TheNiche - they give "A-" in college? For real? Yeah, my high school didn't even do pluses and minuses.
  23. Only class I ever got a C in, materials, I couldn't understand the professor and just gave up on it. Couldn't drop it because it was only offered in the spring and I couldn't wait the extra year. I knew things were bad on the first day when he tried to explain the "atomic lumber" to us.
  24. How about "He said/she said...but none of you actually know anything for sure, nor will you be able to change each other's minds"
  25. I think this building it too big for its style. I can see this style in a 7 story little office park (sans crown) and it might be, eh, ok. But it is so gi-normously boxy... Have we already started the petition to mandate the builders to add arms? If not we are losing precious time.
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