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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Maybe this goes without saying, but whatever you send include some sort of coupon. Us cheap bastards love to think we're getting some deal, and it's a great excuse to try a new place.
  2. I had 7:30 classes pretty much every semester, definitely my first. I remember loving getting the best parking spots, and being done with all my classes for the day by 11:30. The biggest adjustment is that your schedule (outside of classes) is completely up to you. Some people don't handle this well, but if you just make a point to set aside time for homework/studying and stick to it, you'll find you have way more free time than others without discipline. I never once stayed up past 11pm (11pm for finals, every other day it was all done by 4:30) to study or do schoolwork, everyone else I know had to pull some idiotic all-nighter at some point. Not my gig. Get as involved as you can (or care to) with clubs/activities outside of class. That's one thing I wish I would have done a little more of, but what I did I enjoyed.
  3. I think the point is there is no Heights stereotype. The "journalist" was trying to be clever, but it was a poor attempt at best. McLatte/McVictorian on one hand, chicken coop on the other. We span the spectrum.
  4. Same here, never touched the stuff. Nice post to come out of lurkdom on! Down with inaccurate Heights profiling!
  5. If the bush will survive a trim down to about 3 ft, or whatever gives the window some light and view, I would do it. That thing is huge!
  6. My wife took these on our walk along Allen/Memorial/Buffalo Bayou this morning. We have ourselves a nice pollution haze just like Beijing, maybe not as bad. Also, we have a huge problem with trash/litter. Nonetheless, it was a nice walk and she took some decent pics I think.
  7. Yeah that diving finish was awesome. I had already looked online at the results so I knew that China didn't win and he did, but with 1 dive to go I still couldn't see how it would happen. That dude manned up though. Sucks to be the 1 Chinese guy who messed up the sweep.
  8. Didn't they learn that keeping the lie alive will only make you tell bigger, dumber lies in the end?? This doesn't sound remotely believable. http://sports.espn.go.com/oly/summer08/gym...tory?id=3550793 Redeem team!!!
  9. The more experienced fighter, 95% of the time. It's still a moot point - if a 14 year old is eligible and wants to compete in a tournament with 23 year olds, let him do it. He won't make it to the final. But, if somehow he does, and wins, so what? They're in the same weight class, so about the same size, which physically is a fair fight. The more experienced, better trained fighter is supposed to win. If for some reason there was no age minimum in Olympic boxing, maybe you'd have some huge 14 year olds wanting to fight heavyweight, but they wouldn't even qualify for the games (unless they were freaks), so it would never even be a story. These 14 year old gymnasts are as good as the 16-20 year olds, so there's no harm in letting them compete. My point is that the 14 year old won some, and the 16-18 year olds won some. So it's already proven that it's a competitive field with the young chicks participating.
  10. So many side roads need resurfacing. With infinite funds, I would implement burial of utilities, or at least a switch to rear servitudes to improve street-scape. I know, that was a long thread we've already discussed somewhere...I said infinite funds. Then street cars/trolleys. I just feel like it would fit with the area. On rails, street or median or whatever, a la St Charles in NO or like SF. Then I would make them have the Greek festival every month, because it is wicked fun.
  11. Can you say sportsmanship?? Matos faces lifetime ban after kicking referee following match
  12. As I predicted earlier, I think this opens the door for some Dateline or Geraldo nonsense to bust up in there and make tons of trouble. Possibly with no result, but some american press group will get all over it and "prove" something. I'm with webdude, I don't think there should be an age rule, not for gymnastics. Best against best. It's just not the same as featherweight against heavyweight at all. We're talking 14 versus 16 year old, and in this competition each won their share of events, so it is a level playing field. This girl obviously competed in the world championships last year, was the age restriction not in place for that, or was she already falsifying documents? Anyway, if it's good enough for the world championships then why not olympics. I'm not so worried about the work they put into their sport as a form of child abuse, the ones who really really hate doing it know how to suck just enough to get kicked off the team. And they do it. I'm more worried about all the math/science/literature classes they missed growing up, and when they are too old to do their sport they are pretty useless. Too small to dig ditches too.
  13. I like it. I have memories from when I was very young of crossing over the Mississippi River bridge eastward into Baton Rouge, and you can see the Exxon refinery and a handful of other plants all just north of town. I used to think it was some magically bright city, but even after I figured out what it was I still enjoy the sight. I haven't experienced the same view in Houston, what's a good vantage point?
  14. Louisiana is booming with filming right now. My brother-in-law in Baton Rouge has been working as location manager for more than one movie at a time for over a year now, and things aren't slowing down. Most of it is due to the cheapness of filming there, and double bonus that it is bringing a lot of business to the S LA economy.
  15. The q-tip warning is along the same lines as the don't play with plastic bags warning. Yeah, if you are an idiot you can really do some damage. I do it everyday, the trick is not to shove it in your ear. You don't even need to get down in there, just clean the outside. I've never had any problems. Well, with q-tips. One time I was diving into a pool trying to catch a football, and I landed smack on my ear. Pretty sure I busted the eardrum or at least some kind of seal. When I came up everything sounded echo-ey, and I noticed that I could breathe straight out of my eustachian tube, out of my ear. Hurt like hell, but I was drunk, so I bummed a cigarette, and sure enough, could blow smoke out of my ear. Freaked some girls out. Also could blow bubbles out of it underwater. Also hurt like hell. But after 2-3 days it was back to normal, hasn't happened since and it's been at least 1000 q-tips ago.
  16. Damn straight I do! My eye candy just comes in a different flavor. I'm not about to claim that I don't watch things that are completely idiotic. Wait, no, I loved Wild Things for the cinematic presentation.
  17. I'm undecided. I think most 18 year olds are idiots, like I was, but at the same time lowering the age might in a weird way throw some responsibility on the 18-20 year olds drinking. Right now with it being illegal there is automatic irresponsibility. Kind of like saying, here, now you can drink, and don't be an idiot about it. Eh, but there will be so many idiots anyway. I don't care. Lower the drinking age to 18 and raise the driving age to 22.
  18. Why can't I vote for check cashing store or cell phone store?
  19. I bet they have school at the gymnastics academy, so that's rigged to help hide it all too. If they can prove she is 14, she'll lose the medal. It's out there and enough people are talking about it that some Dateline or other news whore with find the real truth. Whether the IOC gets some balls and does something will soon be revealed.
  20. If you are getting rid of it, bring it to my yard so I can let it kill and eat the annoying little yippie dogs my neighbor has. That will keep me from having to deal with PETA for doing it myself.
  21. Yeah after seeing one of his movies, and then the same one with a different title, no way I fall for that again. Completely pointless.
  22. I didn't and won't look up the definition, but to me "tram" is that thing on wheels (read: regular tires) that takes you around the zoo (don't know if Houston zoo has one, Baton Rouge one does/did). Basically an overblown golf cart train. This is rail.
  23. If you are I'll be there to keep you company. 30 in her dreams, that dude is at least 45.
  24. I'm way out of the club scene in Houston, but talking to a friend about a place I noticed that was empty, he commented that he thinks that Houston has a migrating scene. A hot new place opens up, catches fire, keeps going for a bit, then the crowd moves on somewhere else, almost completely abandoning that place. No rhyme or reason most of the time, and with lots of re-treads, places opening under a new name. I'm talking "hot" clubs, not laid back, icehouse, hangout type places. Maybe it'll calm back down for Pearl Bar. I won't go near it unless it does, I can't stand a clubby atmosphere. Trendy=annoying in my book.
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