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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I found the NASA tour depressing. There wasn't that much to see, and even less to do. I can't imagine going there more than once. A new huge venue could give an opportunity to do something much more interactive. They could even have space camp there or something for kids, with different exhibits and demos and exercises, who knows. They call it space city, but last I checked I have to drive 45 minutes to get there, and I can see downtown from my roof.
  2. Yes, that's when I am glad there are multiple channels with coverage, so I can switch over as soon as they start that human interest crap. Show me archery, synchronized diving, ANYTHING but that crap. I just don't care. I am stoked about track. Watching the 100M prelims, those 2 Jamaican dudes were not even trying, and smoked everyone. I just don't see how Tyson Gay can win, but that's why they run the race. Anything can happen, and I'll hopefully be watching it. Pole vault is awesome too. I love that one. Best chicks in the whole games. EDIT: Traveling makes keeping up difficult. We already lost, didn't even make the finals! But Jamaican dude did blow everyone away.
  3. So then we all agree to vote write-in for RedScare with Niche as running mate? I don't see how that isn't a much better option.
  4. Proof that Obama is a sound-byte wielding robot. Just insert that statement anywhere, and as meaningless as it is, they will love it.
  5. Ah, see, I learn something if I pay attention. I really do know nothing about this, like I said. I am pretty sure I'll be ok living with that $1 million exemption level. I assumed (yeah, I know) there was tax on all inheritance. From that I suppose there is not...no?
  6. Our OLD chicks just won gold and silver in the women's all-around gymnastics. I guess being 12 years old isn't all that. Screw age excuses, if you are better and you bring it, you win.
  7. And you'll get taxed when you spend your inheritance money, so no loss to the government. But looking at it as income, I don't think you should tax income twice just because someone died. Why should the government get any piece of what someone spent their life building, just because they are dead now? If the assets are not monetary, inheritance becomes nothing but a burden since you would have to sell a portion just to keep the rest. Unless I don't understand how it works, which is quite possible because I have not researched it one bit.
  8. memebag will be in mourning I assume...
  9. That is cool, I had heard this pool was different somehow but wasn't sure how. Are there not regulations that are pretty strict for events like the Olympics and world championships? If not then why wouldn't everyone just dig a slightly deeper pool and spend the extra few hundred bucks on fancy lane buoys. I also hear that it's the suits - they didn't wear these 4 years ago? I can't remember. I can't imagine the Olympics 100 years from now, with technology and humans advancing, it might be nothing like today.
  10. Isn't there already an inheritance tax? I'm sorry but that is so freakin dumb. That money has already been taxed, to tax it again is bull.
  11. But then a couple of my friends would be homeless! I guess they could stumble over to Kinneally's. Seriously though, being torn down for what? I don't like what they've done expanding the crappy parking lot eastward, it looks like crap.
  12. Oh I'm not even saying he wasn't completely accurate and right on. I'm just displaying my disdain for tv news. For a proper judgment, yes, I should watch it first. I just get so mad when I see any kind of reporter lean so heavily, in general, to one side.
  13. Oooh, Larry King ripping the right, now THAT is news....where's that barfing emoticon when I need it? And I bet lots of dems get ripped apart by Bill O'Reilly too. Make that 750,038 reasons to not watch any news.
  14. Ok, so in general younger girls might have some advantage. So what? Our best still screwed up time and time again. Their performance looked and felt like anything but a championship one. I don't care if China used robots to compete, our team didn't deserve to win because of how WE performed. I'm fine with claiming China cheated but I can't honestly whine about us not winning. That's all I'm saying. The only reason I even watch the Olympics is to watch our country destroy other countries, I seriously doubt anyone here (Americans at least) actually pull for the other countries, although at times you can appreciate their efforts/accomplishments (sportsmanship). Speaking of which...basketball up 23 in the 3rd quarter. The dominance is back!!
  15. DANG!! I was hoping there wouldn't be pictures, but then I couldn't stop looking at them. Not cool.
  16. Rode by yesterday, looks about the same as last month. They definitely aren't in a hurry to put the finishing touches on, anyone know the holdup? Makes me think it's the same guy who took 5 months to not finish my parents' kitchen.
  17. Dumb...right. Gymnastics is a skill sport, the more practice - in general and at your routines - the better you get. Yes, at some point the body starts to deteriorate and get worn out. But I don't believe for a second that it always goes downhill after age 12-13. Please. If that were true why did China bother to keep the one 20 year old on their team? And if they remove the age limit are you saying that you are positive that no one would have anyone over 15 on their team? I doubt it. The only point to understand is that we didn't win because we fell off the damn beam and stepped out on all of our floor exercises. That's how you get silver instead of gold, it's a simple formula.
  18. This is what's holding me back from successful, safe, time travel. If my contacts get lost, I will get eaten by a dinosaur. After laser surgery though, it is on.
  19. I agree with you. In that regard I would like to amend my statement from "...how great our country is." to "...how the freedoms our country offers allow for us to recreate in the spirit of fun and competition, which to me is far better than government forced lifetime participation in sporting events."
  20. Yeah I didn't really get the pro-China angle Jeebus mentioned. I guess I didn't read the post(s) indicating that. Maybe I only speak for myself, but I feel that we lost it rather than they won it, so I'm disappointed in us as opposed to mad at them. Mostly I wanted someone to feed that girl whose liatard wasn't even tight on her. Is that even possible? Those things fit crazy tight on everyone, and this girl has hers flapping in the wind. One thing I can guarantee is that if we set up these Olympic academies or whatever they call them where we ship our kids off when they are 4 years old, we would win at everything. But we (mostly) have kids with some kind of life/family outside of their sport, which to me is a better way to do things. To see that we still win a ton without going olympic-death-camp on all the sports says a lot about how great our country is. EDIT: One added thought, I just don't believe on going back and trying to win on a technicality. And busting the minimum age is not the same as busting a max age like Danny Almonte pitching in the LLWS at age 14. Our best should beat their best, whatever age they send. Just like in my Y basketball league - the week we played the best team (they won the league), they only had 4 show up. minimum to play is 4. they beat us. at one point one of their guys got a technical foul at had to sit out for 1 minute, leaving them with 3 on the court - meaning technically they should forfeit, but I'm not about to call that out. They had 4 people (3 for a minute), we should have beaten them anyway. I get nothing out of whining and trying to get credit for a win like that.
  21. Wow, apparently I left a dangling comment...my "Shut up, dude" was directed at the biased announcer that I had commented on in the previous sentence...so, not you by any means. Sorry for the confusion. I just don't buy that as you age from 12 to 16 and keep practicing you get worse at your sport. These girls are all tiny anyway, and as they train, they train with what little size they gain. I believe the reason we lost is because we messed up, not because China used 12 year olds against our 16-18 year olds. And I don't think we would automagically win it if we went and grabbed our best 12 year olds to go against theirs.
  22. IMO the age thing shouldn't matter. Why is a 12 year old better? The 16-18 year old should be better from more years of training. We lost because we fell off the beam and for some reason can't decide to take one less step on a floor run in order to not step out of bounds. How simple is that? Anyway, I don't care about age. If a 10 year old is the best whatever in the world, let them compete and win. Are we trying to say that we have a bunch of 12-14 year olds that would have come in and blown this thing away? Doesn't change the fact that we just screwed up. And it was pretty painful to watch. Biased pro-US announcer didn't help, just kept telling us we were going to nail this trick or beat this score. Shut up, dude.
  23. I remain undecided and not excited about voting. If I base anything on TV commercials, which I don't, I'd be deciding between the shallow pretty boy puppet who is reading cliches out of the annoying book of politics (complete with face/hand gesture instructions), or the old man who can't seem to look at anything straight. Maybe he's blind or something, he's always staring off into nothingness in the damn commercials. And don't show oil platforms in your damn commercial. Is that supposed to motivate me in some way? Still leaning toward going to work that morning instead of voting. It would seem to be more productive. Hoping that changes by November.
  24. Was that from Jurassic Park? I can picture the dude but not the context or scene.
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