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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I should go look it up before I start spouting numbers, but in one of those earth biography shows on Discovery they said that oxygen levels at the time of the dinosaurs was around 9-10%, and CO2 was a lot higher, maybe near 10% - definitely way higher than it is now. I don't remember exact numbers. Asteroid catastrophe, time, whatever else, and the levels became much different, which totally changed the dominant species on the planet. Anyway, the point was, the earth will survive. Nature will survive, it always finds a way. But humans...what we might not be ready for is a quick adaptation that might be required if the atmosphere goes through more major changes. We're smart, we can figure anything out, but I would hate if we made it extremely hard on ourselves.
  2. I'm with you here - I have no problem listening to a meteorologist point out things on a map and explain the models they are running. It's that a-hole standing in the rain outside the Denny's while everyone else is doing their normal daily thing that I turn off the tube for. EDIT: grammar freakout
  3. Thanks, Niche, that was great! At least I needed it. You're earning every penny that HAIF pays you to brave to horrible conditions!
  4. Like fire! I swore I wouldn't have a redhead after so many damn sunburns as a child, but apparently I can't just make that happen. I love it though, hers is beautiful although my has very much browned out. I keep hearing redheads will be extinct in 100 years or whatever, but I see them everywhere. Recessive gene, maybe, or maybe there's a genetic revolution coming... Just to avoid being too OT, I heard a silly rumor they were going to add gender testing to the drug testing they do at the games. I laughed it off like a chain letter, but the more I think about it, yeah, some of those chinese athletes...there is no way of telling one way or the other. And the east Germans back in the day.
  5. One of the 75,000 reasons I will never watch local news or really any non-sports televised news...the overreaction and complete lack of delivering any useful information. My wife was just watching in the other room, and some local news crack was standing in the rain, outside of a Denny's, commenting how the people inside are keeping safe while they get a bite to eat. Do these people have no pride? Do they realize how worthless they really are? Aren't there scientific experiments we could use them for to put them to better use?
  6. Has the Muslim link been confirmed? If not I would stay away from that, China has other enemies as well. But if it has been confirmed, it only further shows how the radical muslim actions land so far from true muslim ideals. This event is about friendly global competition, socializing, and making connections.
  7. I'm seeing landfall at 1pm. I think he meant morning rush hour assuming the predicted landfall time from earlier this morning? The more this thing slows down, the bigger chance of messing up my vacation plans. Some nice thunderstorms tomorrow, then done, and that is enough. Certainly down on the coast it'll be more, but I'm talking about way up here in this thing we call the loop.
  8. Toss up between water, milk, or when I get to mix coke and dp fountain drinks.
  9. This is totally going to screw up flying out for vacation early Wednesday morning, isn't it? Dammit! I love storms, but not when they mess up an already too short vacation! It better be well past or well weakened by Wednesday at 7:41am!!!
  10. I heard Las Colinas is a front-runner for hosting the next Olympics on US soil, and also that it will become the new capital of Texas as soon as legislators realize its awesomeness. I also heard Las Colinas is still a dry area, so it automatically sucks.
  11. Ours are not dropped. There might be a physics reason for it. Too high of a shower/bath area and you could end up making clouds above you if you like it hot in a cold room. I've done that before in a really big shower (this was a 10x10 multi-shower set up, we had no heat, and it was 35 degrees...not normal conditions, but it made clouds and rain with hot water). The lower the ceiling the closer the ceiling temperature is to your shower temperature. I know, hot air rises, but at a certain distance above the hot water, the heat dissipates and it gets cooler again. Then you might have condensation on your ceiling, which would be bad. I don't think this is a problem for normal 8-9 foot ceilings though. Unless you have tile on the ceiling which stays cooler, but then you wouldn't care too much about the condensation except for it dripping cold back down on you. I am thinking as I type so this could be way off base. Or maybe sometimes builders just take advantage of the extra space to run duct work in a space where the higher ceiling is not needed.
  12. Rain or even some cloud cover. The high temps the past week read 97-97-96-97-99-97-99. Just a day that tops out at 90 would be awesome. Last July, with rain almost every day, seemed almost pleasant compared to this.
  13. Isn't Las Colinas a dry area? At least 8 years ago when my friend lived there it was. Yeah, dry areas are no fun. People need liquor to properly enjoy work or mass transit. I've done hundreds of personal studies that support this.
  14. Care to explain your logic on this one? ...takes the language/communication barrier out of the equation I guess
  15. Michelin LTX M/S is the way to go. If you want to do more over-researching this site was good for me. http://www.tirerack.com/tires/surveyresults/index.jsp
  16. I didn't know it was an official Christmas thing, I figured it was just December's 1st Saturday action when we went by there last year. I guess there was more going on at night than usual. We'll definitely hit both this year, and White Linen if I don't get heat stroke doing the yard tomorrow morning. Are there any special rules/ordinances allowing walking around the streets with alcoholic beverages during these events? I'm from Louisiana where basically anything is an excuse to forget about those laws, wouldn't want to end up with a ticket here. More likely one of my nutty friends would be guilty, but just wondering.
  17. For the first time in my 7 years in Houston I got to visit the Williams Tower today, it was great. I had a meeting on the 54th floor, the view was incredible. Well, aside from the ridiculously visible haze that our city has this time of year. Nasty. Downtown was all fuzzy, even from that close. It was still cool though, a very nice building.
  18. I whine about the heat, but we will still probably go check it out. We were shopping around at 1st Saturday last month and they were giving margaritas away somewhere. I'm not sure what good the dry area does anyway...doesn't Shade have a liquor license? I see a bar through the window. Street parties require alcohol, they better not try to ticket people. I've been to the past 3 Christmas things (lights in the Heights if that's what you mean), and honestly this past year I was sweating my junk off. The year before was great, about 45 degrees I think. That is perfect weather. None of the extreme/10 UV warning nonsense.
  19. I've heard that suggestion also - maybe they will do it this year? I guess it would mess with the trolley thing they have going, but I'm sure it's not so difficult to have those be the only motor traffic. All you need are 2 cops at each closed end, and cones on the cross streets. So hard. Anyway, it's going to be 5000 degrees outside this weekend, so I'm not super eager to get out there.
  20. I don't even notice work any more, and I do it pretty hard for over 40 hours a week. I think I enjoy my job...I'm here right now and it's all good. But when I leave the office, it's gone. Don't think about it, don't talk about it. Life is about the other stuff. For me, playing with the cutest little baby girl in the world, who will have nothing less than complete attention from mommy or daddy, or both if she wants it. She is hilarious. I used to tie my purpose to my life's work, whatever that is, but now I'm falling more in line with crunch, it's the other, little things that make it what it is. One day I have dreams of running either a brewery or a barbecue place, but really that's just because I'll need something to do after I "retire" or I will go insane. Or 20thStMom will. Anyway, 25 wasn't that long ago for me, but I remember hating coming to work every day. Since then, that's just faded, and I think I'm slightly schizo the way I separate my work time from the rest of my time, but it works for me.
  21. Does it come with the ladder? I imagine there are no stairs inside, so it should.
  22. I can't remember, but I remember having a time trying to find one for the right type of lawn and right insect. None were only for chinch bugs, they were mainly for other main pests with chinch bugs listed like an afterthought. I'll look and post when I get home. My grass was literally growing back green in a week, so I assume that must have been the problem.
  23. If you just have patience and give them time, yes. That's what happened to my yard. You can probably help them work faster if you can get your hands on some insect steroids to increase their eating potential.
  24. Is it dying in an even fashion, or are there brown spots? We had chinch bugs earlier in the year, which made brown spots, but eventually most of the yard was "crunchy" and sort of dead. but 2 weeks after an easy chinch bug treatment from Home Depot it was growing back, and now is fully back. There are many other potential things it could be, that's just the one I know of. And since you're in the same hood, it's a possibility.
  25. Blasphemy!! How can you put down a ham and cheese sandwich that is battered, deep fried, sprinkled with a little powdered sugar, and served with jam! It's as American as high fructose corn syrup!
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