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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Based on that, I am not sure this will help that much, but it sure will cost a whole lot. I think people should have to deal with the problems they made. Since when is ignorance, or even stupidity, an excuse to have someone else fix your problems?
  2. !!!!!!!!! DO IT!! Best idea I've heard for that thing yet. It's already air conditioned, just add a lot of tonnage/units and make it downright polar.
  3. Yeah they did that at lunch at the one on Kirby/59. I think they even put some kind of stopwatch at the table right after we ordered and told us that, and I told them to take it away because I really don't care. I have been to a couple Bennigans here maybe 5 total times, and every time the place was pretty empty, depressing. But I do like the parking lot like Puma said, nice trees and pavers.
  4. I think one of you, Niche, memebag, or Red, have to be my old roommate. That would be interesting. He also used all disposable cups, washed clothes only once a month, and therefore would have to buy various clothing items all the time. So when it was finally laundry time, it took him 2 days to do it. I think the recycle people got mad at me for putting glass in the bin 2 times in a row, after the second time my bin was cracked. They take paper in that thing though? I'll just start putting all my trash in the green thing and let them deal with it. What are dirty diapers classified as? We are winning that race.
  5. Was riding the bike over there today, never seen this place before. Looked like a decent happy hour crowd, but not crowded which to me is a good thing. I didn't roll up to the window to read the happy hour specials in my bike helmet, but I noticed a sign that I think had food and drink specials. From the above posts I'm undecided on whether we'll try it. If anything it'd be for the beer and barbecue, not expensive mixed drinks. I mix my own drinks, with liquor and my mouth, nothing else needed. I love that old historic sixth ward area. It might be my favorite area in Houston for some reason. So close to downtown, it reminds me of the Spanish Town area in Baton Rouge. I figure it must be a rehabber's paradise, but I saw some new construction that looked out of place. Then again, there are some places there that are not at all salvageable, could have been tear-downs before.
  6. Panda Express has achieved mattress store/cell phone store/check cashing place status.
  7. Great, that ends going down to the 288/518 exit for lunch. I'll stick to Almeda Diner and the Church's chicken that's stuck in the gas station. And the taco truck at Almeda and Bluebonnet.
  8. I've been wanting to go there since it's so close, but if that's how you're supposed to say it I'm not sure I want to any more. Makes all the difference in the world.
  9. most avatar changes - Vertigo58 best post-edit comments - ricco67 (with "general stupidity" being the most played)
  10. earliest posts (wake-up early, not stay-up early) - RedScare most random responses - memebag best HAIF sex change - heights_yankee (disclaimer - not literally...see this thread) biggest (asking question) to (providing info/answer) ratio - me. One day I'll be useful though, I swear.
  11. Yes! I hate that crap. What was it called, "Dick Enberg's Olympic Moments" or something? Every time I hear the sappy music it's time to change the channel. Bring on the world records and USA gold!
  12. Ok, some German dude posted that on some random forum. Good for him. I didn't say there wasn't anyone there to excited see Obama, and I did say it was a good event for him overall. But 200,000 people did not go there JUST to see Obama. People, anywhere in the world, need more motivation than that. There was alcohol being served according to that guy, there's half the reason people stuck around, we're talking about Germans here.
  13. I don't like any sport whose winner is decided by judging. If there are judges then it's not a sport. Not saying it isn't hard, or entertaining, but I want a clear winner, someone to beat someone else. Not a subjective decision on who did better. I'm looking forward to track and field for sure. Swimming not so much.
  14. I rode through that area a couple of weeks ago, past the park. Not the best area, to me it seemed like sort of an isolated bad spot in the middle of goodness. The area between I-10 and Center St, just north and south of the railroad tracks is what I'm talking about. I'm guessing it's still kind of crappy due to proximity to I-10 and the tracks. My opinion, of course. I would say it's on it's way to being better, but I'm not sure it'll be very quickly. If you're hoping to jump in there and it be nice and safe in a couple years, I'm not seeing it. Give it 5-8, but that depends on your own scale of progress. It has just moved at slower pace at getting better than other nearby places. But I don't feel unsafe there at all.
  15. Hasselhoff and....Scorpions!!! Seriously, I don't believe for a second that 200,000 Germans would have gone out JUST to see an American politician. Think about it people. It was a good event no doubt, but don't get caught up in the so-called Obama-love. That was only part of it.
  16. It's already a complete pain, forget waiting until the construction is done. The traffic lights are all extremely long and not "smart", and if you don't start out behind a dump truck, you will be by the time you get where you are going. For that reason forget about washing your car, trucks will make sure the road has a fresh coat of dirt/mud every day. And all so they can finish that Taco Bell everyone is excited about. Yeah, I love having to work down there. I avoid 2234 like the plague.
  17. I think you're right on. And the whole 2 party system is working less and less for me personally as I get older. There are just a lot of issues where I sit on different sides of the fence, so there isn't one candidate that feels right for me. I just don't get excited about picking the lesser or two "others".
  18. I was hoping that reading and following this thread would get me more interested in the election and politics in general. Nope.
  19. Will most dry cleaners take all these damn wire hangers I have? I hope so.
  20. I still can't get over the 7 inches of space between them. One day that'll need painting or cleaning, no way it gets done unless a 7 year old is willing.
  21. No cool concrete post, but in River Oaks there is at least one sign that says Timberlane (one word), others that say Timber Ln. One is wrong. Google maps says Timber Ln. Neat.
  22. It has been too long since I played there, but Hermann Park golf course, I don't know what hole (front 9 I think between 6-8?), from the tee box there is a perfect view of downtown, with the park right there all around you. We used to stop and enjoy for a bit if time permitted.
  23. I put in addresses for 2 different apartment complexes less than a half mile from the Galleria and they only got 72. I guess movie theater and park brought it down? But to me if you can walk to the Galleria, you can walk to whatever you need. Flawed indeed, but still an interesting tool.
  24. Does the Galleria fit into your "walkable" range? If so I imagine the score would be crazy high like that.
  25. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seriously? You can make beer as good or better, or much worse than you find in any store. Depends on the ingredients and brewers. Alcohol % depends on style. We have made anywhere between 4% and 13% beer. Kit!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!!!???? Not over my dead body. Milled grains and original recipes only here. Kits are for cheap crappy pasta dishes. Bah!
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