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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. I agree with you that the eradication of the homeless is a dumb argument to make, and that people can't move into places in transition and expect Eden. BUT, you only keep mentioning a person's job as their worth. A person's worth and contribution is better measured by relationships and the people they interact with. I bet you it's an easy comparison that the person with a job and family provides more in that arena than does the homeless person.
  2. 20thStDad

    Golf Modern

    That is pretty cool. I like the look of the course too, a lot of pot-style bunkers (small, deep, steep) that should be fun for players. It does look to be less of a links style course that the Scottish ones they rotate with. http://www.royalbirkdale.com/coursedetail.asp?id=2 Only thing I don't like about the British Open is I can't do my usual Sunday afternoon golf major ritual of sitting on the couch in front of my big tv, watching the final day in hi-def. The final round will probably be over by 2pm.
  3. I agree with you and MetroMogul on that point then. Just because you have a job and have a nice tight control on your life and space doesn't mean you are entitled to "wish away" others out of the world. I do believe though that the simple fact that someone is working and at least supporting themselves is a good thing compared to someone who can't or won't, regardless of where the fault lies. It's a bit of a silly argument though (congratulations! you fed yourself and wiped your own arse today!! - not very impressive), and I'm not trying to justify anyone's previous arguments. I don't think the bums should just be murdered and fed to livestock as TexasVines would like to do, I just think there could be programs in place that not only help the bums but help the rest of us too, by making them productive in some manner. There are TONS of easy, crappy jobs out there that anyone can do, and if you are homeless, guess what, you may have just bought yourself a ticket to the modern day poor farm (other HAIF topic), whatever that might be.
  4. Turns out you don't have to choose between inviting them into your home or eradicating off the face of the earth, there are actually many feelings/opinions between those. Jeez, some of you people just let your minds go wild with these things. I don't like homeless people pandering and dirtying things up, and no I don't really feel sorry for them because I get to be detached. I don't know any of them. Pick one and tell me his story about how he totally got screwed in life and yeah I might feel sorry. Then again, find one who was a criminal or lazy ass to get himself homeless, and I really won't care that he's in the situation he's in. I'm not about to believe ALL homeless people are victims. I would say most made their own beds, which is why they have none. MetroMogul, it has nothing to do with anyone's so-called "McJob". Past that, you make it sound like someone's contribution to the world and society is completely tied to their occupation. Being a contributing member of a family or friendships is maybe even more important than whatever daily grind brings home the bacon. You can say we're all "no different on the inside" until you are blue in the face. Yeah, deep down maybe no one is "better" than anyone else. But your ACTIONS do matter. You can be the best person in the world, but if you trash the neighborhood, piss everywhere, and spend every cent you beg for on booze then you just aren't living up to it. EDIT: I should post what I think should be done instead of just ranting. I think there should be better programs to get these people to work. Jobs are the answer, not endless handouts. If they aren't motivated enough to work themselves out of their situation then they deserve to remain in it. Every day I see dozens of day laborers who would do anything for a job. I bet you they don't live in a nice place either. But they know they have to WORK to improve their situation, they don't sit at the corner all day asking for it to magically come to them for nothing.
  5. Paranoid might not be the right word...more an intense curiosity and human desire to put faces/real people to those mythical internet people that I interact with from time to time. The longer I let it sit, the more I make up my own imaginary images (redundantly repetitious?) about what everyone looks like, which will likely be far from reality in most cases.
  6. Anyone else have a case of HAIF paranoia? Nothing close to fear, but as I jog or bike around the neighborhood and see random folks, I often wonder, is that Redscare, or Heights Yankee? Those who have braved a HAIF happy hour are probably immune.
  7. Awesome, I thought that area looked sketchy when I was riding my bike around there. I like biking and running through bad parts of town, it is great motivation to keep going even if I am tired and want to stop.
  8. ...so, I took a closer look, and I agree about the stone look. That doesn't make any sense.
  9. We have done a similar thing - our entire block all have an email list for each other, and back in April we did an alley party that went really well. Just knowing those around you will go a long way to helping feel safer. You start to watch out for each other better. We have a very diverse group but have gotten along great in the year that I've been there.
  10. The lanes are narrow, and speeding on a wet road that is an older asphalt is never a good idea. They can't get rid of the Dunlavy turn lane, and they are only going to need it more once all of this gets built. I still haven't seen anywhere in the design that proposes any changes to the current set up, has something new come out maybe? They could always dig it and make it a double underpass to Dunlavy, with easy service road type access just continuing from the Waugh intersection. Someone needs to figure that out, otherwise it'll just end up less safe than now. Has anyone see visible progress? It's been a couple weeks since I drove by but it looked like nothing but cleared spaces. Are they waiting on something?
  11. Thanks for the suggestions, at least there are a few we can try out. Even if they aren't the biggest, maybe we'll find one with a few things we enjoy that we can regularly pick up. And maybe once a year or so drive out to the sticks for the real thing.
  12. Is there another tree that closely resembles the tallow, or is it the only one with the spade shaped leaf and often twisted trunk? I'd love to start telling neighbors they have trash trees and should cut them down but don't want to mistake it for something else. What others might be close?
  13. I say shut them all down. I think empty calorie coffee drinks, along with french fries, are why americans are so fat now. That and the laziness.
  14. We've been to the market on Richmond at Eastside, and also that mini-market they do at Onion Creek on Saturdays, but there HAS to be something bigger and better in a city this size. Those are tiny to put it mildly. I'm sure there are more way out in places like Hempstead or Richmond, but I'm looking for one inner loop or at least not too far out. Doesn't have to be on weekends, whenever is good.
  15. I did flip to that channel a few times, and when I wasn't asking my wife "who the hell is that?" since I don't know country and don't care to, I really enjoyed when they zoomed out and you could see the 2 trucks flanking the stage. For some reason the Team America World Police song came to my mind. "AMERICA, #*$% YEAH!!!" Next year it just needs to be a concert right in the middle of a monster truck rally with Dukes of Hazzard reruns on a huge backdrop behind it all.
  16. I agree there is way too much country going on in concerts here. Same goes for the rodeo. I know, it's a rodeo, but not that long ago I was going to see Bob Dylan, REO Speedwagon, Styx, and Bon Jovi. Now every year when I look at the lineup it's all country, some teen act, and maybe a couple I've never even heard of. But hey, if they sell out the shows they are doing the right thing. I don't have to like it. If I liked everything mainstream America liked, I would suddenly find myself a few (dozen) IQ points dumber. Good taste is often a selective thing, not a default mindset. But a big HELL YEAH for America that we have to right to enjoy whatever our personal tastes lead us to. And of course the right to whine about whatever other people like.
  17. I'm sure some chemical fun enhancers were involved...makes everything funnier.
  18. Do they look similar? I need to get better at identifying the bad kind.
  19. Don't know of any on the east end, but San Jacinto Stone on Yale isn't too far from downtown and I have always had good experiences there. Lots of selection.
  20. What side of downtown will they be coming from? We used to be able to see the ones uptown looking down gray from our old place. My parents will be in town and they would probably enjoy watching if it's a decent show.
  21. I accepted your definition by law of premeditated, I didn't know how the law defined it until you explained it. I was just saying that I classify it as a very poor reaction to the situation. That's not fantasy, it's fact, and it also negates my previous disagreement that it should be termed premeditated, which I'm fine with. I think we agree here. I'm not celebrating anything about this incident.
  22. The law is what it is and that's fine. I'm not trying to redefine it. Intentional, yes. A reaction, yes. Stupid, yes. Necessary, hell no. Probably should have been indicted, but I wouldn't have convicted him. I wouldn't have sentenced the 2 idiots to death for stealing either, but life isn't alway fair. I will never feel sorry for criminals who run into trouble while committing crimes.
  23. Dexter is awesome. My crack is baseball, scotch, and HAIF. But I sleep awesome.
  24. 1. He shouldn't have done it, but I disagree that some of you are saying it was premeditated. By definition yeah he said he was going to do it, but you could hear him getting all worked up, worried, and slightly panicked during the call. The situation is what caused his demeanor to change. Premeditation to me is planning, this was a reaction, and just because we could hear it unfold for 5 minutes doesn't mean it wasn't one. It's not like he was plotting to kill those dudes the week before. 2. No, I don't feel sorry whatsoever for the guys that got shot. Did they "deserve" it? No, but they created their own situation. You screw around stealing people's things and you are playing with fire. Deal with the consequences. Like I said earlier, the thieves in Houston are still winning by a wide margin over their victims. They hardly ever get caught, much less punished. And we NEVER get our stuff back even if they get caught.
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