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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. No way! If she doesn't get into Juliard on the dance program we are disowning her! So kidding, we just want a place to work out and a pool for her to play at, and that does start at 6 months.
  2. Anyone know of a good gym in/around the Heights? We have a 6 month old so no meat market. We checked out the YMCA on 34th, which isn't too far and seems nice, it's just a little small. We're contemplating a city-wide Y membership and I wanted to make sure there weren't any other obvious, better choices out there. Thanks for the help!
  3. So...did I miss it yet? I clicked on the armadillo and it is still dead. Maybe I killed it when I killed that possum the other night.
  4. Ha! Those pictures aren't for God, they are for the diva/bridezilla and her mom who is living life through her.
  5. Any quick suggestions a baby friendly dinner spot? My daughter has grown out of sleeping through dinner (or anything else) , so we have to take her out of her carrier/seat and pay some attention to her most of the time we go out. So, casual atmosphere, inner loop (downtown, midtown, montrose, heights) place to hit for dinner with a 5 month old? Ideas?
  6. I hate the flying ones, but for some reason the scurrying around on the floor or wall is much worse to me. Ugh. I could live in a world with no insects and be just fine, I don't care what other ecological effect it would have. I would rather have to fight a bear or a lion than wake up with some kind of spider or cockroach on me. I remember in high school killing a roach with my bare hand as it tried to run by when I was sitting in the hall at school, so I think it's getting worse as I get older, maybe I should seek out a spider/roach-fearing support group. Specifically those two, I guess other insects don't bother me much. I get some pleasure out of getting stung by a bee by trying to find it so I can watch it die. Serves it right.
  7. I say autobot. It's a hospital, right? Helping people? It's a good robot. Possibly with an evil crown...
  8. Yeah I had heard about the park. The sign on the gate says it's owned by the HHA. This was a one-day members only thing that this guy wanted to try to get more people to join, and make people aware that the association owned and kept the park up. I think it was a decent idea, just 1 day for publicity and obviously worked.
  9. That makes sense, but I'm guessing would be a more expensive expansion than stealing space from next door. But what will they do with all that nice space on the Durham side - oh wait, it's a crappy ugly space where no one even parks, there are only nasty dumpsters. Grocery store dumpsters are some of the nastiest smelling things ever. Sometimes my running routes take me behind the Fiesta on Shepherd or the Kroger on 20th. I speed up at that point.
  10. We had great luck finding a nice dining set for cheap at Alabama Furniture on Yale at 22nd.
  11. Yes! And we have drive-thru daquiri places! Nothing but top notch from my home state.
  12. I know grocery stores can't sell liquor here (stupid law), I was just commenting that the Kroger has HALF of one row for all alcohol, which is weak.
  13. The first 2 words of that article are "Dikembe Mutombo" - I didn't know he was a qualification for a place being upscale or hot. Every time I hear his name I remember Jim Rome telling how he heard from someone in a bar in D.C. who saw Mutombo out, and said that he went to the center of the dance floor, towering above everyone, spread his arms, and yelled "Who wants to sex Mutombo??!!" I definitely have no direct knowledge of any such thing happening so who knows if it's true, but I can easily picture it and find it amusing.
  14. Would this just go down Nicholson, or does it extend down the old rail ROW that parallels 7th St behind Lawrence Park from Shepherd, heads east and then veers south to the old wooden bridge across White Oak Bayou that you can see from I-10? That would be cool if it went down there. People walk/bike down that ROW already, it would be nice to have some grooming to manage the overgrowth.
  15. Wow, what a great topic, how did I miss this one? I'm for the pre-wash - I know where my, er, junk, has been all day. Nowhere, I'm married. It's clean downtown. But everyone else's hands have touched God knows what, and my hands touched things their hands did. So washing before makes more sense than washing after, unless you have problems controlling yourself. Then again I'm a guy and I'm lazy sometimes. I wouldn't by any stretch call me a clean freak, I'm just not generally dirty.
  16. They do need a much bigger alcohol section. I think that's a given. I've been to gas stations in Louisiana that have twice as much beer and wine, and they have liquor too.
  17. Yeah I hate shopping where there aren't self checkout things. It's only a matter of time before I shoot some old lady in the head for fumbling around with a check forever in front of me (maybe this needs a new thread, who the hell still writes checks (except for mailing bills and rent)? it's called a check card, same damn thing and I don't have to daydream of stabbing you while you take forever to use it). And as far as bagging, no one that works at any grocery store knows how to do that any more. I would rather bag my own and have it done right.
  18. I'm a museum now! I feel pretty good about that. So, my first father's day has been nice. Got a chance to hit the trails at Memorial on the mountain bike while the lady and baby girl strolled around, it was a busy day there. Anyone know if there's a trail between 610 and the arboretum on the south side? My wife said she saw a guy on a bike pop up from the edge of the arboretum driveway, I'm not so adventureous that I'll just point the wheels down there without knowing what it might lead to.
  19. What the hell happened to this thread? I guess that's what the ignore button is for.
  20. Finally! Every time I get gas at the Pearland one I think to myself, this place is perfect, except for the lack of a car wash. And of course location.
  21. I wasn't saying I voted for any of those, the voting choices were all better than that. I was complaining that the existing set of places to eat are crap.
  22. We were doing a photo scavenger hunt there, and one of the items was a picture of a team member with a security guard. When we asked one, they told us that scavenger hunts aren't allowed. Didn't specifically say photos. We snuck a pic anyway.
  23. Definitely not! I drink way less now (how responsible of me!). But since I drink so little now, I only do the good stuff. So I guess the little girl has made me into a (worse than before) beer and scotch snob. I'll thank her in 20 years when she will understand that.
  24. I think one year I got my dad this hand painted rock thing (no bigger than my hand) for a buck from a garage sale. I can't remember anything else, none of it was any good. We went and played golf and drank beer one year (after I had moved out), that was the best. Is it wrong that I am hoping for something from Spec's for my first father's day? I think not.
  25. This guy and his stupidity reminds me of some of my back woods relatives. Sad thing is, you have no chance of teaching him or changing him at all, I have tried until I turn blue in the face. Best to just let them torture themselves. So, can we just designate some island for intolerant people? I think they would be all for it - "Come live here, there are no blacks, hispanics, jews, or gays!!" I think they would volunteer to go, we wouldn't even have to ship them off. And when they aren't looking we'll use that island to dispose of our hazardous waste. Everyone wins.
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