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Everything posted by 20thStDad

  1. Shiloh is in my 'hood, but I'm not sure I'm ready for my first HAIF alcoholic beverage event. I need more time to meditate and mentally prepare for what insanity might occur. That, and a babysitter.
  2. Ok, so it's not natural, but are you saying the "natural state" is better? Lots of things are not the "natural state" of humans, I don't see how that matters at all. In a natural state, if I see someone taking my stuff, I get to kill them, keep my stuff and take theirs. In a natural state, the bigger, stronger man gets whatever woman he wants, whenever he wants. "Natural" or not, monogamy is a pivotal part of society and family. If there are kids involved, it's definitely not the only way, but I think it's the preferred way for having the stability needed to raise a child.
  3. We are not the only species who choose a mate for life. And those that do, do it better than we do. I still say it is too easy to get married. Gay or straight, you should have to run the gauntlet to get the privilege, otherwise you make a mockery of it and end up wasting taxpayers money - either with divorce court or prosecutors and judges to try you for your own idiotic version of divorce.
  4. I definitely re-filed for the exemption for 2008, I was just saying I am glad I got to keep it for the 07 taxes. Stupid question - since I've now filed for us living here, do I need to file again for 09 when it comes around?
  5. I was under the same impression, but I bought in February of last year so I got to latch on to the previous owner's homestead. That worked out nicely.
  6. Clearly the Kroger and Walgreens are still there, but any new word on what might be happening here? 20th St between Yale and Rutland in case you don't want to read up to see the thread name is wrong.
  7. Gay or straight, I think people take marriage way too lightly in this country. It should be way harder to get married and even harder to get divorced. Especially if benefits come with it and taxpayers have to pay for divorce court to be overbooked.
  8. So I have a question, as this is something I know nothing about. In states that don't have an explicit ban on gay marriage, is it legal by default? Are there marriage laws that restrict on anything besides age? I would think it's like getting a driver's license. You're old enough, you pay, get one.
  9. The local news commercial, probably in some attempt to cause mass panic, also indicated the are "resistant" to pesticides? Maybe to a few of them, but I guarantee I can find something to kill some damn ants. Lighter fluid if need be. Bleach. Depends on what kind of damage I mind giving to whatever they are on. Haven't seen any at my place though.
  10. My sister and her husband just moved out of SCR, they had built there 2+ years ago. When looking at selling, they would have had to take a $20-$30k loss based on comps in the area. So they decided to rent, and it worked out well. They ended up getting $200/month more than they were asking because 2 tenants outbid each other, and on a 2 year lease. I can't really make sense of that in my head - having to take a loss on the sale but being able to rent for basically more per month than the people could have bought it for. Oh well, it worked out. One more thing - they are doing the rental with one of those property management companies that does everything for you, mostly because they live out of state now and can't deal with it. Just be sure to look at the comps in your area to get a good picture of what market value would be.
  11. The last few times I've been there it's been dead, save a few teens roaming around. We go to the NY Pizzeria sometimes. The Cafe Adobe is ok, but doesn't compare to the one on Westheimer as atmosphere goes, and on top of that their drinks are more expensive. I've never felt unsafe, but I have gotten that ghost town feeling the past couple of times.
  12. The LA incident was way crazier. The hole created a whirlpool in the lake that sucked down the entire rig and barges. http://www.youtube.com/?v=Y4Of8cm0kS8
  13. Today is a rare day off from grilling. Last weekend was a smoked chicken and smoked pork ribs. Tomorrow will either be burgers or steak, depending on the Kroger specials I see. Gas is blasphemy! Grilling should be dirty and smoky.
  14. The one by SCR by my office is the best lunch place around there. Doesn't say much about the rest of the crap available around there. Always the cheapest gas too. My favorite thing about Buc-ee's is the billboard the have way the hell in Louisiana that says "only 280 more miles [to Buc-ee's]...you can hold it!"
  15. To add to that, if you're searching zip codes on har.com go for 77006 (Montrose/Midtown), 77007 (Rice Military/Washington), 77008 (Heights in the east part), 77009 (Heights in the west part), and maybe the eastern part of 77019 (parts of Hyde Park). I may have missed some but that's what I remember searching when we looked (we ended up in the Heights).
  16. I agree, graffiti gangs should standardize to Arial or Times New Roman, it would greatly increase effectiveness of messaging.
  17. If you take care of the mower and cut every week it's no more than a decent workout. Nothing wrong with that. My piece of grass is too small to warrant anything more. I miss the days looking at the crude price display at MMP when it was around $40. If only I knew then what I knew now...
  18. Sure you can. My mower doesn't have a motor, it's the old fashioned reel type. Works great, nice and quiet, no exhaust, and no gas costs.
  19. So maybe I am just ignorant on hate crimes. Do they only specify race, religion, and sexual preference, or does it cover any type of profiling or targeting when committing a crime? If so that leaves out so many other things that are "hate" crimes. Targeting or "heat of the moment" are separated in 1st degree murder, 2nd degree murder, manslaughter, etc. That's why I'm not sure why there are separate and additional penalties. Premeditated is premeditated whether you target someone for being black, gay, or because they slept with your wife. Obviously I'm not a lawyer, but I just don't get the point of it. I
  20. I see your point, but how is that different than targeting anyone for murder? If you killed them chances are you aren't that fond of them, whether it be because of race or whatever. I hate tow truck drivers. If my car gets towed again and I go kill one, it's not some magically different crime called a hate crime. It's an idiot who did something illegal. It's not illegal to hate tow truck drivers, or to be an idiot racist, so being one shouldn't make other crimes MORE illegal. I know this is off topic, I will stop now.
  21. Separate legislation for hate crimes is bull. Murder is murder, assault is assault. Just because you do it out of racism doesn't make you more criminal than if you didn't, it just means you are a more ignorant, more idiotic criminal. Unless they also make it illegal to be a bigot racist then it doesn't make any sense to have more penalties.
  22. After getting my original Heights layout map print I had questions about Portland/Tulane, Railroad/Nicholson, and Durham/Nashua, and this post had already covered those. This forum rocks so much. Thanks HAIF!
  23. Thanks! I am completely obsessed with her, which I think I am supposed to be at this point. Cutest baby ever, if you ask me. And there's no bias there. Ok, I drove down Yale and got myself straight on what is where. Also ate at Someburger, which I thought was good for the price. But griddle-cooked meat can't beat fire cooked in my opinion.
  24. I would love to do that for a living. Does it pay wicked lots? If not my dream is crushed.
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