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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. i was weaving in and out of trashcans and parked cars on heights one time (on longboard not bicycle) and car unexpectedly opened their door. I almost ate it, and scared the lady nearly to death. The car had just been sitting there the entire time and had no signs of anyone in it, apparently she was on the phone for a while (we talked for a few seconds after the near miss). Be mindfull of car doors while riding the bikeline on trashdays! I recently was skating on the sidewalk on studewood and there was a truck parked across the walkway, i let my board go under it, jumped into the bed of the truck ran across and tried to jump back on to my board (FAIL!). I plan to practice this maneuver everytime I see a truck blocking the sidewalk with the truck bed. Bicycle Scavenger Hunt tomorrow!
  2. I bet they open just in time for Black Friday.
  3. It is okay if only a portion of the post is devoted to flaming... So does anyone know what the official opening date for the walmart is? /relevance
  4. I'm confused on how the weight reduction has anything to do with the walmart and trucks... the 18 wheelers weren't supposed to use that bridge anyway... however your 4,000 lb prius with 2,000 lbs of smugness driving continously over the bridge in search of walmart trucks will definitely put the bridge at risk.
  5. That can't be used as a comparison because it makes s3mh's point invalid...and s3mh being s3mh said that we know it would take longer. WE KNOW!
  6. it is a unique 2 mile strip of a devided 2 lane road with bike lane, on trash day blocking the lane... lets use that as the example for all bike riding scenarios.
  7. Heights from I-10 heading north is less than 2 miles. I ride the entire length of it on my Longboard in 9 minutes. Pretty sure the bicycle would do the same in less than 10 minutes (i'm guessing around 7-8 minutes)... while it would take a car around 4 minutes. I seriously doubt it held up the 100+ cars you suggest, even if it did only a percentage of them would be going the entire length of heights.... Exaggerate much? Even your example of a jerk rider seems like a perfectly normal, fine non jerk thing to me... There are jerk riders out there though for sure. I drive a jeep wrangler... obviously I don't care that much about mpg... (although my Vespa gets almost 100mpg).
  8. yeah just turn the whole bridge into a pedestrian bridge to nowhere. = ] S3mh... not sure if you know this... but WE is a plural pronoun...
  9. I would be willing to bet that more than half of the bikes riding around are on neighborhood streets... and complaining about the Yale Heights merge near memorial... the bikes are going more like 15-20 mph, the speed limit is 35.... and once they are merged there is an entire lane to use to go around them. Get over your caged self entitlement.
  10. heaven forbid you have to wait 10 seconds to safely pass another vehicle. I was riding on the shoulder one time and this guy kept honking at me and yelling for me to get out of the road. After a few seconds of him yelling at me, he swerved towards me to "scare" me. As someone who has been hit by a car on two seperate occasions I didn't appreciate his threat, and he left the next light missing a side mirror. Using a 2 ton vehicle in a threatening manner to cyclist should be treated the same as a using a deadly weapon.
  11. WOW. So much just blatantly wrong with this post I don't even know where to start... I mean are you for real or are you just a habitual HAIF troll? How much multi-family construction is happening right now? If the demand isn't met with this current boom... they will just find more available land, commecrical businesses, and dilapidated garden apartments and replace them with more dense multi-family residences. "Rapidly diminishing supply of available land" from the same person who says contruction like that on studewood and 11th street can pop up ANYWHERE in the Heights. HAH
  12. So it is too spread out... forcing other areas to shoe horn (be more dense) and you don't want either?? Emes Place is like shoehorning a size 5 shoe into a canoe. It is barely even near single family residential, next to other multifamily residential, and a lumber yard. Yet again you simply ignore the truth, and try to pass your opinions as the gospel truth. In my opinion, Emes Place is simply put, one of the best locations in the entire city to build a multi family. Great views or the city that most likely will never be blocked due to parks and highways, ease of access (close to I-10) and if they go from 5 1/2 street even FreeLand Historically Whiny Neighborhood won't be bothered by a few hundred more cars passing per day, and being right on an excellent walk/bike path that connects to downtown (eventually most of town). Sounds great to me. Calling the almost 40 acres a major waste of space is also just your distorted utopian neighborhood view again...
  13. This potentially whole foods esque grocrey being touted will prevent the same outrage... until it turns out to be something else, then S3mh and the rest of the haters will find something to get all worked up about... I hope San Jacinto stone relocates though... I like them.
  14. you have to drive slow because you are in fear of running over one of the joggers. I've seen soo many joggers nearly get obliviated on yale and the bike path as well as Heights and 11th. Red, after seeing your images I started thinking of a song revolving around Wal-mart, but decided not to... Wal-mart is a silly place.
  15. Traffic is slow because people are terrified of the BRIDGE OF DEATH!
  16. although not sushi or indian food = ] ... i look forward to it.
  17. I think the mix up of information here is the Buffalo Bayou would benefit from the removal of concrete sides and being altered back to the more original meandering path. This is all part of the buffalo bayou project (and is explained in their little advertisement documentary). Not all bayous are the same... buffalo bayou needs to be slowed down, white oak is a completely different scenario (size, elevation change, input field, etc.).
  18. General Store Themed Bar maybe? Did you see what type of TABC license they were applying for?
  19. So its even less trees than I thought... on a section of sidewalk that wasn't being used, the city still has some control on the development (you see they actually like what has been done unlike you), we got 1ft wider sidewalks (improvement!), and your last point is just your opinion again. So I say it again... How can you say 8-9 live oaks is a travesty, while saying a house and a driveway is "hardly development". You pick and choose your exaggerations at such a rate it is mind boggling. Opinion: This is going to be a very succesful development Opinion: This will greatly increase the tax base for this area within the next 3 years. Opinion: The prior two opinions apply to both the condos and wal-mart Fact: More people agree with my opinions than yours... (at least on this website.... which is frequented by those who appreciate architecture....)
  20. what happened to Torchy's? 19th street could really use an old style general store with all the old school candies and etc. That would be pretty cool.
  21. your content still has no facts behind it, despite being posted 3 times. Keep on latching on to your distorted utopian views though, it makes for a good laugh. I like how you see where this space was cleared and buildings were on it previously and your are like "it was just one house not really developed blah blah blah" but you see the removal of what 18 or so 30 yr old/young live oaks as the coming of the rapture. Still speaking out of both sides of your head... and neither are compelling.
  22. I've seen lightening strike a million times.... I have heard through a completely unverifiable source that several potential restauranteurs are already in talks... Killen's problems with the landlords probably won't go away your right, but someone else might not have these same problems.
  23. Maybe some of the people already lined up trying to make offers/deals?
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