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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. Especially in the areas outside of the Historic Districts. And guess what, we imagined it. This is why I bought in this neighhorhood, to reap the benefits of a rapidly growing/gentrifying neighborhood. I would appreciate it if you and your friends would get your hands out of my cookie jar and stop trying to slow things down.
  2. or he has a hole in his muffler or a leak at the exhaust manifold.
  3. it would be awesome if a homeowner stole his truck while he was trying door handles.
  4. I saw some utility trucks as well... must have hit the power line pole.
  5. S3mh is just mad because the walmart is going to pull the values of the historic district houses back up. lol
  6. slightly off topic, but everytime I read "Yale Bridge of Death" I chuckle. Someone needs to take a photo of the bridge and photoshop it to have demon eyes and monster teeth, eating a school bus.
  7. I think I saw this truck lurking the other day... i stood out at the end of my driveway and starred at it, and it drove off after a while. I get a decent amount of through traffic on my street, so it isn't unusual for cars to stop for a while and go (making phone calls and etc.) but I'm suspicious of everyone... northern part of woodland heights.
  8. They got me too about 3 weeks ago. They went through every last crevice of the car, and popped the trunk and went through there (they got an old gps and my wifes gymbag with her workout clothes, they also raided the ~85 cents in the cupholder, there were two apples and an orange that they left though).. I was awake until 3am that night and woke up at 6:30am, so I'm assuming they were there around 4-5am. Normally i think i would have heard them (light sleeper) but my neighbors AC makes such a racket right now I can't hear anything outside.
  9. Be glad you don't, it would only irritate you to no end.
  10. lol... you state your able to move on, then bring it all back up again. FACEPALM! Sale-Sucre update anyone???
  11. I walk/longboard all over the place still (as I did last summer), I just show up sweaty. A majority of restaurants have some shaded outdoor seating; I just sit there so my sweat doesn't offend those sitting inside. If you don't like sweating, perhaps you should be less of a wimp (j/k), but Houston is still a great place for you, because you CAN drive everywhere and there is air conditioning. I get baffled by those who say "its too hot to walk in Houston". Just go downtown on a hot summer day during lunch and what do you see, a crap ton of people walking around. Just because a lot of people will choose not to walk in the heat doesn't mean that there isn't a substantial amount of people who will. If you are one of the people who doesn’t go out in the heat, that’s fine. I still want you to live in and enjoy Houston (unlike S3mh who always thinks if you don't share her point of view you should move away) but I would hope you recognize any additional walkability will be used and beneficial, regardless of how hot it is.
  12. and because the joggers can't hear the cars over Alabama Shakes on their Ipod and the intersection is "inconvenient" it must be the city's fault. Lets create an ordinance restricting car usage near trails, and make all joggers wear helmets.
  13. wait... walking your child down the street... strollers.... pushing strollers, pusher.... I see whats going on here... j/k I live about a half block down from some of the most terrible apartments in all of the heights. They are the root of a lot of crime in my area; I've seen the police arrest several people there, and one time a lady with a knife chasing her babies daddy who was holding their baby (although I'm sure there are also plenty of good people living there as well). I really feel that it would be much more serving and directly beneficial for all the anti walmart or pro historic district folks to put their efforts into getting rid of these rundown apartments instead of their current plights.
  14. HAHAHA, did you read all the people saying the apartments are going to kill the home values in the Heights... gimme a break. This is a rather good location for an apartment complex as there currently isn't much in the immediate surrounding areas. Urbanization!
  15. Actually I'm going to raise this new animal... you've probably never heard of it. When did longboards become hip? I have heard that every hipster will probably have a penny board by the end of the summer, but that isn't really the same thing. I guess once walmart gets here everyone will be able to afford longboards though, even the poor kids will have some cheap pintail board they can cruise up and down their street on while wearing Faded Glory sandals. That'll stop the hipsters on their penny boards in birkenstocks real quick.
  16. People Eating Tasty Animals??? cock block all you want, I just want hens. There is absolutely nothing driving this need other than the desire to be a cool hipster with my own chickens that fertilize my grass and give me "organic yard eggs". (I recognize that I have to put money in the d-bag jar for that) That mixed with the nostalgia of the chickens from my family's farm growing up...
  17. I guess it is because i was raised in rural ultra conservative north louisiana that even though I'm now a liberal hipster... I still don't want to push my agenda down anyone's throat (except the petition to allow 4 hens on city lots). I remember when my small town finally got a walmart when i was growing up, it was awesome. If you needed something, you could just go to walmart (alot of times back then it was actually hard to find products if you didn't have a walmart). The anti walmart crowd just reminds me of the neo con christians from my college town that used city laws to shut down the porn shop that was outside of the city limits. Everyone knew it was wrong and wasn't legal, but nobody really made a fuss about it because it was stopping the porn shop (insert walmart to this and its the same story).
  18. funny, i was just thinking this morning... that is going to be a nice looking building when complete. Its rare to see all brick sided construction on buildings this size these days.
  19. too bad those that do like the new development didn't really get a choice of if they live in a historic district or not. (don't give me any BS about that sham of chance to opt out)
  20. I'm sure this is true, but this is one of the issues a lot of people were concerned about the "power grab" that will be possible by the HCAC. I'm not sure if it has happened, but I would not be surprised.
  21. violate the spirit of the Preservation Ordinance which violates the spirit of the neighborhood. I feel violated.
  22. Well, i figured since others were making up "facts" i might as well too.
  23. walmarts research, marketing, and strategy are all done in Arkansas, a lot is built in China, and assembled in stores in US. I guess it just depends on how you state it wheter it is ok or not?
  24. Being a bit of a tank... if an adult is in my way i have no problem mowing them over and apologizing later, if i run into a child they are at serious risk of injury so I will do whatever it takes to avoid them. That being said, get out of my way, I don't have any effing brakes on my longboard! And to the guy the other night wearing all black just sitting in the middle of a shadowy part of the trail listening to headphones (between nicholson and yale), my bad... even though you were being completely stupid, it is my fault for running in to you. How about getting some lights along the trail? That would improve the safety much more than some signals. I ride the trails very late pretty often, and i've seen several people lurking near the trail in the shadows. Few times people stepped out and asked me for money or whatever.
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