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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. Safety is just like... your opinion man. I find them adequately safe for me on my longboard (along with my fellow longboard friends that regularly use the trail). What would really make the trails safer would be if people would use proper walking/jogging/biking/skating etiquette. I crashed into the grass and almost hit my head on a curb because a family insisted on riding 3-4 abreast instead of in a line. There was just enough room for me to pass on the side when one of the kids went wide and i had to run into the grass (skateboards/longboards do not roll on the grass very well) and had to do a ninja roll/flip to avoid getting hurt. Therefore, it is my opinion that the trail is safer for everyone that uses it if families are not allowed to ride it. The trail will NEVER be safe for all, there are risks involved in walking/jogging/biking/skating/breathing. Even with the new signals and etc., do you really think there will be fewer accidents? Really?
  2. I'm on the trails on a longboard. Not exactly the fastest accelerating or stopping vehicle. My wife and I (Young invincible DINKS) haven't really had any issues crossing streets. The only issue I could see is people being impatient. This I've seen several times People pulling into the street and waiting in the near lane for the car in the far lane to pass, but that car is actually turning on nicholson so they get stuck in the road with cars coming from both sides. moo.
  3. That reminds me of the urban kayaking segment from Jackass. I'm going to make up a statistic that perhaps will have value here: Total trips made by car/truck/bus/etc = A Total trips made on bicycles = B Total cost spent for roads for car/truck/bus/etc = C Total cost spent for bicycle paths = D does B/A = D/C ? Obviously not. It seems like a disproportionate amount of money is being spent for car/truck/bus/etc. to me, but then again I'm just making this formula up. (no references)
  4. I probably use these trails more than the average person in the neighborhood, and I've never once felt any form of danger for myself. I have seen a few teens and dumb adults barrel through these intersections without even looking though. I agree with Niche, I dont think we should receive a disproportionate amount of funding to make this happen. If the petition included a section for the neighborhood to raise funding necessary to make these changes I would gladly sign it. If the city approves of the desired changes the group could organize one of those websites to raise the money in a certain timeframe. I'd gladly throw a little bit of money to help make it happen (even though I don't think I personally need the changes whatsoever). I'd love to see the residents get more active in paying for improvements, I think enough people are willing to throw their own coin at some projects to get them done and stop waiting for the city to pay for it.
  5. I'm planning on doing a bathroom remodel at my house next month. It will be quite involved, relocating nearly everything, new tile, fixtures, etc. (i plan on moving a wall and stealing some sq. footage from a bedroom to make room for a shower) Anyone have any input on who does good work? My bungalow is only a 2/1.5 so I will have to shower elsewhere while this is going on, so i'm also looking for someone who won't drag things out for too long. If you've had something similar done that turned out well, let me know who you used and if you don't mind an approx cost of what you did. (PM if you don't want to share publicly) Thanks
  6. Jenni's Noodle House got broken into as well, they have video of the guy in the building, hopefully that will help officers find at least one of these crooks.
  7. I thought i read that ~54% of walmart's stock came from the US? By that logic, why don't you see a stop IKEA group?
  8. a bit exposed right? I mean, anyone driving by would have seen them doing it. Crazyness for sure
  9. saw an article today about fiesta getting robbed last night. They apparently crashed through the wall and robbed the pharmacy. Isn't that towards the Studewood side?
  10. probably... but thats just how it came out from the computer i was on... I didn't figure anyone would actually care about it...
  11. Maintenance fee is pretty high per month, I wonder how they will sell.
  12. It is sad to see people trying to make a profit off of so many peoples grief... The haunted tours i've seen in Louisiana (where they are very popular) were almost all events that anybody who would have been around during those days had long passed. Parents and siblings (not to mention friends) of the victims of the 70s mass murderer are still in the neighborhood. Very distasteful in my opinion.
  13. My guns are purely to fend off the impending Zombie invasion.
  14. Tell that to my neighbors (actually two different neighbors) who were robbed at gunpoint in the past two years, one of them being pistolwhipped.
  15. I heard people talking about this last weekend at Onion Creek. I don't mind little woodrows, I only went to beer island for a few scooter batallion gatherings...
  16. Aside from preserving historic bungalows, that is EXACTLY what i hear from people from The Woodlands. They Hate walmart but love Whole Foods/Trader Joes, want more bike paths and trails, and brag about how much they like shopping at the boutique stores (although a lot of them are not independent...) Apparently, now we have to worry about people robbing the "Heights" walmart with AK-47s. = ]
  17. 240 and medium height, yeah he better be packing because my granny could probably run him down.
  18. It is safe to assume, if you live on an alley, your garage is going to get broken in to. I think it would be wise to talk to your neighbors (not nice to just install them without notice) and install some alley facing lighting/cameras ASAP.
  19. a friend of mine got hit over the weekend. Same exact thing, alley access, jumped fence and got into garage. It is obvious they made several trips and most likely had help. I have this gut feeling that if the cops don't bust these guys soon, someone is gonna catch them in action and open fire.
  20. Thanks for the heads up, i've been meaning to drop by buchanan's anyway.
  21. I just want to know how Sale-Sucre plans on running a business when they obviously will be undersold by walmart, overrun by children and wild cats, while Yale is being repaved and Ruggles/not ruggles is indirectly competing against them, all while not having a developer like airbinder to get them a 380 agreement... I also am curious about their food.
  22. I just want to know more about Sale-Sucre. Anyone hearing anything about it?
  23. Red, maybe they can relocate Lupe's sandbox. = ]
  24. That reminds me... has anyone else been to the restaurant inside Nundini's (since they made a nice sit down area)? I have been several times and it is fantastic. I have seen a few children in their everytime I've been... Traditional Italian dining is always family friendly... I have not been back to Collina's since the Nundini's restaurant opened.
  25. I think what is trying to be said here is that there is an increasing amount of affluent families with children in the neighborhood, which I agree with. What I think is failed to be seen is that this number would need to increase 400% for it to actually be a significant. My observations... The only restaurant where I see a larger amount of kids has been Berry Hill... and I've noticed that alot of them are the same ones I've seen previously (pretty cool, I can see them growing up by comparing their size to the fountain). There are VERY few kids on my street, I only know of two in the immediate blocks. When my wife and I start having kids it will greatly increase the percentage of kids on the block, but the overall percentage for the neighborhood will still be very small. I do feel that I see a lot more babies in the neighborhood compared to 5 years ago. Only time will tell if these people stick around once there kids get to be school aged. I think we will see a lot of improvement in the area schools in the near future.
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