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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. Off topic... but I like possums, they are not aggressive, they don't carry rabies (body temp doesn't allow them too), and they devour bugs and other nasties that we don't want in our houses. They get a bad rap just because they are ugly.
  2. When I was a child if it wasn't chuck e cheese or a place with a "arcade" area, i was expected to sit at the table and behave. The whole "kid friendly" concept was completely foreign to me, if it was a restaurant I could go. I doubt anyone really cares if they see a child in a restaurant, it's if they are acting out in some way that they see as annoying. I occasionally see kids with their parents late night at Onion Creek and I think its pretty cool, as long as they aren't running around uncontrolled. I think for heights restaurants it is a good idea to have some "kids" portions or items on the menu, but no further accommodations need to be made. I think a lot of the households that "will have kids" will probably move once they have had kids, and be replaced with more young couples without kids...
  3. I didn't expect a serious a response to my sarcastic jab at silly old sayings... = ] The infinite cake eaters also like to talk out of both sides of their faces.... i guess that allows you to talk and eat at the same time?
  4. Any local Houston business should be provided with a parking exemption promoting local business. This would fit in to the whole "Houston First" thing I believe (until someone later removes the exemption and screws all the local beneficiaries). Red, While i agree with you, I never will understand the expression "have your cake and eat it too" what the hell else am i going to do with the cake?
  5. Funny that they couldn't get someone living in a 1910-1925 original to be the face of the group... this makes me think they have even less support than i thought they did (which was still rather small)
  6. I had such high hopes for that center when they redid it... not a single store I will ever go to. At least it isn't a subway or something like that i guess.
  7. Myself and other non thugs use the basketball court at Hennessy park EVERY Tuesday @ ~5PM. We regularly see others there, often times younger guys with tatoos and what you would probably call "urban wear". We've never had an issue with them and regularly play with/against them. Saying "remove the goals and it will be safe" is a rediculous blanket statement. The real issue is people gathering in the courts and hanging out (not using the courts). I'm not sure how the goals being there or not would matter, someone told me that after they took the goals down at Proctor Plaza they still had issues for a while, but the cops continually showing up to run people off is why they moved on to another park.
  8. I typically describe "foodies" as people who care about the flavor of the food, regardless of price/background/setting. Although the food at Downhouse is good, it is far from excellent and grosly overpriced. But i get what your saying... maybe there needs to be another term for the type of foodies i think of... (I'd be more excited about eating at Sparkle Burger than Downhouse... what does that mean?)
  9. But the pubs are where the "Sour middle aged men" and the "kids" get to hang out in cross generational social settings... I'm a sour hipster yuppie. FACT.
  10. I'd like to see a comic book store open up in that building that is actually open late. I don't collect comics, I can count on one hand how many I've ever bought, but in other cities they seem to have these and I've always thought that was an interesting sub-culture. Definitely more legs to it than vinyl I'd think. I guess maybe "the kids" don't read comics anymore.... = P
  11. Downhouse is NOT a pub. It's an overpriced sceenster spot. (these aren't necessarily bad in my opinion, although i dislike Downhouse).
  12. I also found that hillarious, I have a feeling they were serious, making it even funnier. The owner of the white oak record store lives nearby, and will be walking to work. There is definitely a market for vinyl, but I think it is pretty much a break even business. If a mild profit is all this guy wants/needs to keep the shop running I think it can last. If he is trying to make a solid living off of this, I think the store might be doomed.
  13. Haven't other neighborhoods done this already? I also remember previously that the places on White Oak couldn't serve hard liqour... that is only in the past what... 2 years?
  14. lol, please tell me this post was made in jest.
  15. I think any pub (brewpub, beer garden, irish pub, etc) on 19th-20th would be awesome, and make a killing. I would love to see something like that (geared towards locals) come to the 'hood. Get rid of these rediculous "dry" lawe and more importantly the rediculous blue laws. Sunday liqour sales would be a nice tax boost.
  16. Excuses. Why did they redo Pecore's sidewalks? While I appreciate the nice new sidewalks, they weren't that bad before? I spend a lot of time on my longboard in the neighborhood, and I can tell you that a majority of the sidewalks are completely fine for strollers (if 70mm wheels can roll over them without issue, they are fine) There are sections of sidewalks that are completely not passable on my longboard (i think a stroller would be fine). There are other sections that are completely destroyed, but I find those to be more of the exception than the rule. Now don't get me wrong, a majority of my riding takes place on the street, but when i see traffic coming I make my way to the sidewalk (or if its just a busy street). I think its the stoller pushers self entitlment causing the issue. They also push 2-3 abreast on the bike path and expect me to yield to them. I do yield (crashing sucks for everyone), which takes some effort/risk considering i have no brakes and can't ride through grass well.
  17. Half the time that i longboard the bike path cars are blocking the path (houses on Nicholson where their driveways cross the path.) Also, a lot of families use the path in this area, a fast rider would probably want to opt for riding in the street to aviod a collision. Bicycles are traffic.
  18. They are terrible this year, for most of the summer they have been bad at dusk/dawn, but the past few weeks they are bad 24/7. I've notice the "no-see-ums" are much worse this year too. (i feel like you normally notice mosquitoe bites immediately, these take a few minutes to notice and then you have like 10 bites). My friends and I got in from Longboarding Friday night around 1am and we were quickly chased inside by those vampires.
  19. I've been wanting a french bakery/cafe in the hood for a long time. (who knows, maybe i'll open one eventually)
  20. I found some of the weights under the house when i had it raised... so i'm sure some are missing lol. Yeah, i've worked on them before (my brother had a 1930s cottage). I'll just take on one at a time, see how it goes. There is one window (basically the whole wall) off my dining room that is obviously not original (aluminum frame). I want to replace that one with a doublepaned modern window that fits the houses character more.
  21. Mine are all painted shut, missing ropes, probably broken pullies, some are missing weights, overall pretty crappy but normal for the 'hood. I'm guessing mine would probably be more in the $100+ per window range, for all 18 windows... i might want to learn how to do this myself. Can anyone post a picture of a fixed window?
  22. Did I say all intersection? Only at the ones with lights. Yes this is one incident, but i know I personally nearly hit someone here because they werent paying attention (I've heard from others that people have been hit here before but not seriously injured). I honestly think this was an accident waiting to happen (because of the nature of people). BTW it isn't a barrier on the trail, it is a barrier to keep people ON the trail. Inconveniencing everyone??? Having to slam on your brakes and slam into a curb to prevent hitting someone is pretty dang inconvenient.
  23. I say line the edges with shrubs and make people use the trail as signed. If they want to cross the bushes to cut across the median, they will know they are no longer on the trail. Something needs to be done here, as mentioned earlier, I nearly hit someone here and I know others have as well. I don't care who's fault it is, its tragic if anyone gets hurt. The neighborhood needs to work with the city to do something to make this intersection safer.
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