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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. I'm curious as well about pricing. I've read a lot about repairing windows and there are so man things you can do to improve upon them (they typically have no insulation at all). If the price is reasonable, i might just pay someone to do it vs. DIY.
  2. They should put a railing or bushes or something to force joggers to cross heights/11th/heights if they aren't going to make a crosswalk (or at least make them knowingly leave the jogging path). I nearly hit someone there one evening who was jogging w/ headphones (i ended up slamming my brakes, swerving across both lanes as i was in the inside lane, and running up on the curb/grass, and they looked at me like I was crazy). It is dangerous enough out there with all the non-attentive terrible drivers, you have to really pay attention when your out there. I'm part of a Heights Friday Midnight Longboarding crew, and we were reflective gear, lights, etc., and we still have to be super careful because people simply do not look.
  3. I wanted a suit from there, it was on sale (50% off), but it still cost 2800 bucks... I could have flown to a host of countries and had a suit custom tailored to fit me and be every bit as nice. (i could actually have done this twice). I understand premium goods come at a premium price, but holy crap that's expensive. (mind you I think 1,000 would have been totally reasonable, i'm not one of those "my $99 suits4less suit is just as good" people). I think Harold's had completely lost touch with the neighborhood. That said, I hope to see a unique business take its place. I feel 19th street is ripe for business right now.
  4. I know there were several garage break-ins on Pecore earlier in the summer, but I caught them stealing my neighbors lawnmower and called the cops who picked them up shortly after. One of my next door neighbors and I are both night owls, so we keep a good watch, but this was during the day which I feel these guys will get caught fast that way. The guy in red looked like he rolled his ankle when jumping the fence. I hope he's limping now.
  5. intencity77, that is weird because my experience (march 2011) wasn't like that at all. Bill came by everyday during the process, and was very easy to reach. There were also at least 1 or 2 guys on the crew that spoke enough English to communicate with me. Bill made sure they did a good job, and the piers all look great to me (i actually have a little experience leveling houses too). I'm guessing the workers didn't know your walls were all sheet rock (do you know if they removed shiplap to put the sheet rock up?) Mine went up about 6" the first day, but the old shiplap/plaster/10coats of paint held up very well. Bill was always quick to call me back if he didn't answer when I called. Sorry to hear it was different for you. I'm guessing that is more of the exception than the norm.
  6. I had Bill Marks from All Texas Foundation raise my 1300 sqft pier and beam one block (8 inches) as well as repair any damaged or broken peirs, and add an additional 'shaker' beam. I had some cracking in the walls, but nothing too bad. One thing to consider is a plan for what to do with your porch if it is not attached to the house, i hadn't thought of this and now have to add a step for the front door. Bill is a nice guy and his crew were great. They were done in like 3 days if I remember correctly.
  7. No i didn't see the act, but I saw them leaving the parking lot really quickly, and noticed the damage/red paint aftewards. That was the only place i'd parked since leaving my house, and I had just cleaned that headlight before leaving (it had bird poo on it, so they actually hit the one clean spot of the car) If I'd seen it you'd better believe I woulda chased em down and got the plate #.
  8. So this was nearly 4 months ago I brought this up, looks like they painted one wall (terrible booger green) and replaced a few windows that were broken (there are still some held together with duct tape). So much for their "going under renovation over the next months" claim in the HAR listing.
  9. My wife an I went the other day, good burgers, good shake, good service. I agree its a great addition to the neighborhood, some tool in a Red Dodge Ram hit our car in the parking lot and ran though. That sucked.
  10. Frosted Betty is on Studewood, somewhere between ruggles and antidote i think.
  11. I'll have to go try DownHouse for dinner. I went back to Happy Fatz the other night for dinner and my wife and I tried their hotdogs. I wasn't expecting anything too special, but i was greatly surprised. The franks are high quality, the bread is incredible, and the fixins are good too. They need to do something with their parking lot/fence setup so it is more obvious there is a restaurant there, because everything I've had there so far has been awesome. Highly recommended. Went to Frosted Betty and had an Almond Ricotta Raspberry cupcake, it was pretty dang tasty. I look forward to trying the Maple Bacon cupcake soon. Went to Chilosos yesterday, and they have changed their format a bit as well as raised their prices. Still not expensive, but part of my prevoius allure to going was how cheap it was. I'm guessing a lot of people didn't like the changes, because I have never seen Chilosos this empty on a Sunday around 1pm. Food was still just as tasty, but I felt like something was just missing... (general feel of the restaurant was just off I think)
  12. Sounds like you need to go to a basic pre-remedial civics class... it is a representative democracy. Your unbelievable bullcrap statement that there was support just further shows how ridiculous you are. There was NOT majority support for the current form of the ordinance, you used majority support from the previous ordinance which is basically saying filet mignon is the same thing as dog crap. The petition process was blatantly set up to be impossible. You say it is a free country yet you want to steal everyone's property rights. Your only here to cause problems and try to stir the pot, you think your clever and hide behind the vail of internet ambiguity but all your really accomplishing is giving clear examples to the anti ordinance side how insane the mindset of some members of the ordinance side are. Now go worry about the troll lair under the yale street bridge.
  13. I have trademarked the image of my house, any usage of its image is illegal. = ] jk S3mh, I realize that you really just can't see the difference in using someone house as an example vs. using a picture of someone's house to get back at them for not supporting their cause. This is very much in line with your victory day claims "we won't forget" post, and truly saddens me that you are a member of my neighborhood that I love. How can you support an Emotional Ordinance (it supposedly supports the "feeling" of neighborhood) without giving a crap about your actual neighbors emotions? Your self entitled know it all attitude is sad at best, the fact that you and your cronies were able to ram this crap through without majority support is slap to the face of everyone else in the neighborhood, and democracy in general.
  14. No it isn't. Pro-ordinance people are doing this to attack specific people on a personal level, the anti-ordinance realtor was making examples to make their point to try to get the ordinance stopped. The realtor was not specifically doing it to threaten a particular individual, nor was it to later use to prove a violation. What the pro-ordinance crowd is doing is dirty and vengeful on a personal level. Your support for this shows you truly are a terrible neighbor and a detriment to the neighborhood.
  15. That sounds like a lot of work, especially if you are just going to replace a door and some windows... so rediculous.
  16. Believe it or not... 3800 sq ft new McVics wouldn't be the only houses in the heights if the developers had their way. A mix of new McVics, McCraftsmens, Moderns, McCamelbacks and old Bungalows with lots of personal flair would all coexist, adding a wealth of diversity to the neighborhood. People were saving bungalows long before your silly power grab historic district ordinance, even in areas outside of what are now historic districts. This is pretty much my biggest issue with your side, you basically say there are only two possibilities, strict restrictions and being told what to do with your historic home, or all historic homes will be destroyed (probably by walmart). You refuse to agree that there is some middle ground that all could probably accept and you try to strong arm your values on everyone using your political ties (Parker and friends). Your unwillingness to budge to appease the majority's opinions shows how much you really care about the neighborhood and neighbors. None.
  17. Red, this building is more than 75ft tall..... emotionally. lol after all it blocks all of north norhilll of their evening sun.
  18. Valet for that building??? Whats next Valet at Someburger?
  19. of course you think this is a good idea, you get to tell other people what to do purely from your own thoughts. I think it is a terrible idea. I'm fine with having something like this possible... but requirement should be the neighbhorhood apply for it with a majority of homeowners approval.
  20. Interestingly it was after 2005 when they realized they needed to be much more active in tree trimming. (Ike caught centerpoint with their pants down basically) I guess what i'm thinking is based on the trees I see near my house. My pine tree is quite tall, and if the limbs above the lines were trimmed, the tree could easily still fall onto the lines. It could fall across the street and take out the lines of my neighbors house probably. I highly doubt that centerpoint would intentionally cut a tree so severe that it would put your house at risk. They could be held accountable (more likely the tree trimming company they contracted out to do the work). They aren't doing this to piss you off, or because they are mean, they simply want to protect the power supply. You could easily flip your last statement around, by them not trimming the tree and holding homeowners accountable for trimming it, homeowners would continue doing as they please at the risk of other people's (centerpoint) property. This isn't some evil ploy to kill the trees.
  21. I'd pay Centerpoint a few hundred bucks to cut down my massive Pine Tree in my yard that is growing all above the lines. I hate that dumb tree. The "U" cut mentioned above is a standard thing utility companies do when a tree is growing in the easment, and I believe (can't find a reference at the moment) it is done in an attempt to SAVE trees instead of just cutting them down like they would have in the past.
  22. I find their gumbo to be much like what I grew up with. I would say there should be big chunks of tomatoes and Okra in your gumbo. Its just like 20thStDad said, gumbo has tons of different variations. My first 23 years on this earth took place in Louisiana, and everyone in my family makes its slightly different.
  23. If i remember correctly I ordered a bottle of Artemis when i was at Sonoma, and the price was pretty decent. Your probably right regarding the location causing that observation I made. I haven't been drinking much wine lately... i need to remedy that.
  24. I went to Sonoma once, and it seemed like a bunch of trophy's wifes spending money. Maybe it was just the day I went? It was fun though, i had some good wine and i liked their pizza. With Corkscrew opening back up in the heights i doubt I'll go to this location often. I do however need to go back to Sonoma Valley...
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