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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. I don't think washington is going anywhere anytime soon. I find it amusing when someone refers to all the bars as d-bag bars then shortly after mentions they have been to a number of the bars. Doesn't that make you a d-bag? I go out to the bars on Washington pretty frequently with my friends. I wouldn't classify myself as a d-bag, and I doubt many people would lump my friends and I into that group. I normally go to the more relaxed places (Liberty Station, Taps, Pearl, etc.) but I like the variety of bars and styles on washington. The neighborhood can complain all they want, and illegal activity should definitely be cracked down on, but with the WAVE and other transportation methods popping up, I see that Washington really has a chance to become a entertainment district / tourist destination. Hopefully one day it will reach a density where they actually close down part of it at night to allow only foot/bike/ripshaw traffic.
  2. This is a complete fabrication. The changes to the historic ordinance were NOT driven by the neighborhood. The initial ordinance was driven by the neighborhood, but comparing the original to the new ordinance is at best a joke. Our elected officials did vote for it, and as such have misrepresented their constituents. I guess you point out that blue signs were in front of vacant lots because you don't think the owners of land get to voice an opinion?
  3. Aren't you the one that said your side would remember who opposed the ordinance when it came time for HAHC approval? Just because the HAHC is working "fine" now while under HEAVY review and pressure doesn't mean it will remain that way. Those of us that are here long term, and aren't going to move to some other place and again try to tell everyone how their neighborhood should be, are concerned about the future behavior of the HAHC. All it takes is a few bad apples to cause lots of issues with this process. Your support for this ordinance that it is what the original historic district petitions were for is a blatant fabrication, as are most of your arguments. Since you refuse to call it anti-ordinance and must use anti-preservation, I will now refer to your group as pro-racism-ordinance.
  4. what in the world would let me take the logical leap... hmmm... maybe the blanketing term of "anti-preservationist". You only prove my point that anti-ordinance is more accurate. I guess you could say "anti-preservation-ordinance" if you just have to use the word. We did work with the preservation coalition and that is the only reason some specifics were addressed in to the ordinance. But from the get go, your cronies were going to jam this preservation ordinance through with or without a majority of public support (which they have been quoted as saying). That doesn't sound like a group that is willing to work with anyone to me. Failed miserably... how can you vehemently deny that the card process was anything more than a show. Do you honestly think it would have won a straight vote?
  5. Ok... lets just pretend your right, and all anti-ordinance people hate bungalows and want them all smashed. Preservation isn't limited to houses. I personally have spent a lot of time and money on preserving other artifacts, allowing future generations to enjoy them. Art, writings, furniture, vehicles, photographs, these are just some examples of things i've painstakingly worked to preserve. So even if everything in your post was accurate (which it couldn't be farther from) it still is a gross generalization to call anti-ordinance people anti-preservation. Maybe you chewed on the window seals of a bungalow as a kid?
  6. I think you mean *anti-ordinance* nice use of hysterical language while attempting to call out... hysterical language. now for my hysterical language rant... I suppose CM Jones is one of your right wing conservative teabaggers you constantly imply are the only ones against the ordinance?
  7. So does anyone have a good source for having Columns repaired/replaced. My front porch columns are looking pretty rough. They have the brick lowers and decorative wood uppers, pretty standard Craftsman Bungalow look. The brick has lots of cracks and has been painted several times, I'm looking for someone who can rebuild my brick columns with new bricks (or antique) and rework my existing upper columns (decorative column around a 6x6) so here is what i'm replacing: 4 brick columns (two have upper columns to support porch roof) and reworking with the two existing upper columns. any references?
  8. are you just a troll, or do you actually believe in what you just said? "barely get half the needed votes" Are you serious? If it would have been the other way around, where the card had to be signed and returned for the ordinance to stay, do you really think think it would have did as well? Take off the blinders and work with your neighbors. The ordinance is in effect already, why not work with the anti-ordinance folks (quit calling them anti-preservation) on coming up with a solution that more people will tolerate? Do you really not care about 1/4 of your neighbors? You are the same person how said "we will remember who opposed us" and made your threats about preventing people from getting COAs, so yeah I would say the speculative vacuum reading was warranted. Keep on spewing your worthless rhetoric though.
  9. What about the repeated subsitution of the word "preservationist" for "ordinance". If you are against the ordinance, you are called anti-preservationist, even if you have spent a lot of time/money/effort on saving/rehabbing/restoring historical buildings. Just because it is less blatant doesn't make it acceptable.
  10. Those 4 lots on Pecore haven't paid their taxes yet... I wonder if anything will be happening their in the near future. The police have been putting a "this is your speed" display thing their lately. I wonder if they would sell them seperately?
  11. I'm sandwiched between two orginal two stories... and i still have a view of the sunrise. I can't really see the sunset due to trees (stupid beautiful river birch), but I get a sweet mirror effect off of downtown's highrises.
  12. given your logic, this development will provide amazing sunrise views for those living in the building... I'm guessing it will have even better views than the bungalows have of sunrises and/or sunsets (depending on the layout) and provide views for more people than currently do have them. Unreasonable densification? I don't think so, this development is the example of reasonable densification. What would have them do, move 4-5 bungalows to this lot? That isn't densification. This is a commercial area. If you want to prevent this from happening on your block, (you don't even want two store Victorian Revivials next to you so obviously you are in this category) why not talk to your neighbors and set deed restrictions. You can't have the mayor do all your work for you. ACTUALLY get out there and get something done. Or keep on trollin on the internet because your too lazy to really do anything, arm chair activist. I do feel sorry for the bungalows directly next door, but that is probably less than 10 bungalows that are really impacted. Meanwhile the other 3,500+ homes in the Houston Heights gain a neat mixed use facility (hopefully architecturally interesting). And is living next to a 6 story building really any worse than living next to a car wash? At least the guys who vaccum out there trunks while bumping their subwoofers with the volume turned to 11 will have more people to share their music with. You are saying that you want something that goes beyond the current restrictions and doesn't need landowners consent. Oh Hell No.
  13. I can see a 75 story building from my house... I actually find that to be awesome. I would absolutely love for the run down shoddy apartments near my house to be replaced with a development like this.
  14. I wasn't around during the cell phone tower issue, (neither were you). Does the company that owns the tower own the land it is on, or is it city owned? Saying you will see nothing taller than two stories is simply not true, there are several 3 story original houses in the heights. I almost bought this one. (The third story may have just been a built out attic, but regardless this thing is tall) (http://www.har.com/HomeValue/3401-HOUSTON-AV-HOUSTON-77009-M8387210.htm#) The buildings on 19th are taller than this will be. Just because you don't want it, doesn't me that should become the rule. How are the exceptions a better argument for a rule against building? Don't they just prove that buildings of this size do indeed fit in with our neighborhood? I think the true issue is your wants aren't achievable. You have stated the Heights is like a small town, but you don't want to allow any development. This means to go to restaurants, retail, etc. you will have to travel outside of the heights. Then you say there is plenty of places to build in midtown/east end etc. NIMBY. If you got your way, you'd complain about traffic to go to these new places in midtown/east end. It doesn't matter what happens, you are going to complain. If you get your way, you'll complain. You got your Historic District, your still complaining about something that is NOT in a district. What you really want isn't a small town feel, nor an urban environment. You want suburban master planned community, with cute bungalows. You want to prevent anyone who doesn't live in the heights for having any reason to go there. I don't know about the rest of the neighborhood (I can't speak for them all like you do) but I personally, and many of my friends/neighbors I've spoke with want more retail/restaurants etc. in the neighborhood. Adding some density will increase the draw for these things. If your so worried about lots having 12 story buildings built on them (there are not that many lots in the heights left that are big enough for this 6 story development, much less a 12 story) why don't you and your cohorts buy the property and put some deed restrictions on it? You wait until someone else buys it (will full rights to build something like this project) and you start complaining and trying to stop it when they start construction? You aren't willing to spend your money on the lot, but you want to have control of what gets built there, after someone else has bought the land and started construction? Makes you sound a bit like a spoiled brat. If one of these buildings gets built in someone's backyard, i'm pretty sure that would be illegal, it would be beyond their yard, in a totally different lot. Your backyard does not extend pass your lot line.
  15. Wrong again buck-o. You get attacked becasue you are blatantly misleading, dishonest, and unknowledgable. The only benefit you have provided is comedic relief. Foxnews.com is the epitome of dissenting voices. How wrong can you get with one post? Now you want to prevent the elderly from living in reasonable housing in the neighborhood too. Not nice. The buildings we are speaking of are like what, a mile and a half away? I bet you consider 19th street stores as part of the neighborhood, this is between them...
  16. Of course there is some business motivation, she wouldn't be any good at her job if she didn't try to get return business. But according to you that makes her Satan, and she wants to feed on the flesh of those who buy bungalows. Face it, some realtors are actually just good nice people. Crazy! There you go with your lies again, there are multiple buildings in the neighborhood that are even taller than this one will be. Yes, it will be next door to a bungalow, but don't try to make it sound like it is "block busting" or anything like that. There is a self-service car wash also next to it, as well as a hole in the wall burger shack. Pull your head from your hindquarters and look at the buildings along 20th near Heights. They IS taller.
  17. This is probably true, but how else do you propose they get built?
  18. I was certain you were going to say help people buy/sell homes. I guess they aren't good at that though. My realtor (who lives in a bungalow in the heights) was very helpful when I was looking for a home. She has stayed in contact with me since then, and has helped me figure out people to use for work at my house, as well as look at her renovations as a point of reference. I'm sure the commission was nice, but she has been very helpful even recently, which is more than 1.5 years after I bought the house. I also know a realtor who can juggle really well. But good job on adding yet another for me to think you have no clue what your talking about. I hope you aren't this prejudice against all groups of people that are different than you. We already know you hate realtors, developers, the poor, conservatives, and your neighbors. (and since you never seem to catch on sarcasm, that is a deliberate gross generaliztion).
  19. S3mh, I thought you were about preserving History. Creating Zoning laws with be the most destructive thing one could possibly do to destroy the history of Houston. Culture Killer!
  20. his self appointed position as voice of the heights is "inconceivable"
  21. Have you ever even slowed down to think, the most populated houston architecture forum is overwhelmingly against your thoughts. Now obviously there are some that don't really care (or have some sick distorted view like yourself) but most people that join this forum do so because they are interested in architecture. In all likelyness this is THE group of people that would be first to bash inappropriate architecture. Your are the minority. Remember where you are, people who ACTUALLY CARE about architecture (even a sub-group to people who care about architecture specifically concerning this neighborhood). Please try to wrap your mind around that. YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR THE HEIGHTS. Jesus Christ, how many times do we (people on this forum) have to say that. If you want Zoning so bad, i suggest you take your ignorant self, hop on your high horse/donkey and GTF out of Houston. More people will probably live in this development than the amount who oppose it. They'll shop at walmart too.
  22. I wonder if S3mh is one of those people that also complain about people parking in front of his house types too. I'm betting so. Probably even has some big rocks out there to block them.
  23. did you seriously just promote the parking situation at Stella Sola?? GTF out of here.
  24. They should build something like this where blockbuster is on Main @ 20th as well.
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