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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. Using ideals from 40 years ago, when the heights was not anything close to what it is today seems like a very rational point of view for not wanting a LEED certified building from being constructed. Nice try. Now if KB homes wanted to build something here I'm sure your argument might have some merit (not really, it would just coincidentally be similar to others thoughts) Keep on Trollin' and for the love of pete stop saying "WE" when you mean "I".
  2. Your claiming “double-standard” where this is simply a case of the boy who cried wolf. After incessant fabrications how can you possibly expect to believe you on something (even if you are right). If you google things enough, you’ll eventually find a particular thing that you are right on. Good work. Nice attempt to label everyone as wing-nut conservatives again too. You’ve been wrong a jillion times, and called out on it. You “can take it” because your so blindly in love with your distorted ideals that you still thing your right. It is an internet message board, and that is how you get to be a lawyer/doctor/engineer/real estate mogul/ jesus/ environmentalist/ philanthropist without actually knowing anything about anything. I bet your also 6’2’’ and can beat me up.
  3. There you go.. speaking for everyone again. You must be a very special person to argue for mixed use mid rise, and against it, all while telling everyone how they feel and how things "should" be. People in the Heights are getting well organized your right... but that is to get this rediculous ordinance overturned. The two groups you speak of (walmart and ordinance) are actually the same small group of loud mouth internet trolls. FACT.
  4. maybe with all the additional people that are around, Decapo's will start staying open a little later. MMMmmm Carrot Soufle'.
  5. I'll definitely complain about not enough people complaining.
  6. Yeah, looks like its a mixed use development. The property is owned by these guys. http://vitanuovallc.com/index.html
  7. I heard it was going to be townhomes several months ago from someone, but probably just hearsay. We'll see. I've seen several cars destroy themselves on the entrance to that lot (its like a 2ft drop off). This is going to hurt the parking situation for Decapos and The Brazlian Arts Foundation (several of us Capoeiristas parked in that lot).
  8. I'm sick and tired of your rabble. You keep calling the anti-ordinance people anti-preservationist. Most of us are for preservation, and several of us have went to great lengths to preserve buildings/art/antiques/culture. Your labeling of "anti-preservation" is blatantly offensive, and I think you owe us an apology. And you have the audacity to constantly accuse others of Strawman arguments. LOL Some of the things said (paint color/political signs/hvac) were exaggerations yes, but that was the WHOLE point. You have to be concise/clear with the ordinance. If you leave an area open to interpretation crazy things can happen. Especially when people like you, who claimed after your "victory" that those who opposed it will pay for it. In truth, you must admit that the Walmart will have very little effect on your daily life. You blab about traffic, getting fat??, and all the terrible things that will happen from walmart (walmart chupacabra will eat your animals) but I know for me personally, I maybe drive by this location once or twice a month, if traffic really is bad on Yale (which i seriously doubt it will be any worse than Target on Sawyer), I'll just take one of the other choices to get back to the Heights. Sawyer should be even faster because Walmart is dilluting their share...
  9. Face it. You are pretty much always completely wrong/misguided/misinformed/inconsistant/misleading. Pot/kettle etc.
  10. There are at least 3 examples on Pecore alone, and that isn't a very long street. Although one no longer has a balcony (you can see where the balcony door used to be framed out from the inside of the house though).
  11. I hope you wear chocolate shoes, cause you constantly put your foot in your mouth. Saying you have been very clear and candid, in the very same response where you say the values of bungalows will go down, and will increase in value is such a blatant display of contradiction I'm dumbfounded. As far as your last sentence... I obviously like bungalows since I bought one. I could have easily afforded new contruction, but I like the character and feel of bungalow. It is MY OWN PERSONAL choice that I made (well my wife and I made the choice together). I also love the Heights, where it has the ecclectic mix of homes/cultures/etc. I wanted a bungalow, but I generally like the newer construction McVics and McCraftsmens. Just because I like my bungalow, doesn't mean i want to force all of them to be "saved" (or raped with a camelback addition). If it is run down and crappy, i have no problem with it being torn down and replaced with a modern version McVic/McCraftsmen. You have already demonstrated/stated that if it is in good condition then people are willing to pay more than list price, and its Homebuyer vs. Homebuyer instead of developer vs homebuyer. Your ordinance will really impact those who live (and bought within the last 5 years) in the 200-300k bungalows in a historic district, who are living within their means but aren't super rich. It will be much harder for these people to renovate, now that they will owe more on their houses than they are worth, or at least have much less equity. People like YOU, who bought a house planning on using the appreciation to fund a renovation loan. Way to shoot yourself in your chocolate shoe covered foot.
  12. Thanks for the suggestion, it has been added to my queue of "Must eat here soon" list. One of my other requirements for great Gumbo is it has to be affordable, and Danton's looks to be in the $10 range for a bowl of seafood gumbo, which I consider a fair price. How is the rest of the food there?
  13. So... why did we need the ordinance again??? To stop the builders.... but you just said... methinks someone is a believer in Fuzzy Logic. You aren't saving any bungalows, because as you have already said, it will be impossible to get a loan to rebuild a bungalow. You just ensured that all crappy bungalows will remain as... crappy bungalows. BTW, I'm still waiting on your explanation on how I bought my house (renovated excellent condition) for 30k under appriased value (at time of purchase) after it sat on the market for over 9 months. This is a 250-400k range bungalow. Hotcake! Heights Homeowner, I have a 1925 2 story Greek Revival next door to me. The original front porch balcony has been removed and replaced with just a normal roof for the front porch, but it is still very much a Greek Revival home. I
  14. I'm definitely willing to call at least one of my neighbors an idiot...
  15. either way, their posts lack Truthyness.
  16. You don't think the 20% number could have anything to do with the extreme short notice, short term, during holidays, and general apathy of the public to return/signup for anything? That number means the 1/5 of your neighbors were soo pissed off about the ordinace, they went out of their way to try to get their historic designation taken away. 20% is a pretty big number fool. What about my house? It did not need any renovations. It was exactly what you describe as the most desirable type of bungalow.
  17. Calliopes is awesome. True New Orleans Poboys. Big Mamou owners are from North/Central Louisiana which is a totally different planet than South Louisiana. I've ate at several "true cajun" places all over Louisiana. Some were good, some were bad. In my opinion, the Creole seasonings where they have a solid kick mixed with proper French/Southern style cooking are what makes the best "cajun" food. I've yet to find anywhere in Houston with what I'd call great gumbo or etoufee. I haven't been everywhere yet though.
  18. your claims of bungalows selling like hotcakes and paying list price make me laugh so hard. When I was in the market for a bungalow, i was well aware of pretty much every pre- 1930 property less than $400k in both 77008 and 77009. This was 3 years ago, until 1.5 years ago when i bought my house (although I still keep up with the inventory even now). So many of these were available for 6+ months I couldn't count. The house that I ended up buying is a 2/1.5, renovated/well kept, new 2 car garage, had sat on the market for over 9 months, i paid under asking price (which had been reduced a few times) and required the seller to pay all closing cost as well as contribute cash back after closing for repairs. The appraised value of the home when i bought it was 15% more than what I paid. Although I did an insane amount of research and I do believe I got a little bit lucky with timing, if they were selling like hotcakes this NEVER could have happened. I did have two houses I tried to make offers on sell at list price, but both times the price had been reduced that week by over 10%. I'm going to assume that you never actually get out in the neighborhood, because if you did, you would see that the same houses sit on the market for long periods of time. (often they are eventually pulled off the market, then put right back on a few months later at a lower price, or the same price with some new paint/minor renovations) I drive by about 10 of these a day in Woodland Heights.
  19. Big Mamou has definitely improved from when they opened, but I feel they are still a good ways off from being a great restaurant. It has been a few months so I'll try it again soon. The do seem to improve upon each visit
  20. what makes this neighborhood great... is the people (minus one). The truth comes out that all you care about is not being bookended by two story mcvics. Selfish Selfish Selfish.
  21. You didn't get min lot size done because it requires a majority... not a strong arm, vote rigged, bait and switch, blatant disregard for democracy. But you sure told them! What an awesome neighbor. The historic district was EASY because when the petition was signed it was something COMPLETELY different/reasonable. The only continuity of the Heights is the lack of continuity, which is what makes it amazing. Restaurants, offices, houses, condos, apartments, gas stations, car washes (haha) all next to each other. If you want your 100% historic block preserved, that should be the choice of your block, decided for your block, and limited to your block. "we'll take a McCamelback over McVic" further proving the "preservationist" have no taste, and only care about telling everyone else how to modify their property, and not what the actual property looks like. Saying I can only blame the same people that put up the mcvics and etc. is the dumbest thing I've ever heard. I blame YOU, the "preservationist" for the rediculous ordinance. I don't mind someone building a McCamelback, I just don't think they look right/fitting. Just because I don't like it, doesn't mean I want to prevent them. Your allowing them is laughable, because it defeats the entire purpose of your rediculous ordinance.
  22. you know what would really make one of those Sears Catalog homes ugly... adding a hemroid addition to the back of it that is more than 2x the size of said Sears Catalog home... Seriously, is nobody concerned about the aesthetics of the back of these houses? And don't give me this McVics spilling off of their lot BS. It would be very easy to get your block to commit to Min lot Size. (if it isn't easy, then the whole historic district relevence is moot). This would require the "Preservationist" to actually go talk to their neighbors and get them to sign the forms, i guess that is harder than strong arming. A McVic on a ~5,000 sq. ft. lot looks better than a McCamelback on the same lot, and would probably take up less of the lot. If more than 66% of your house is new, should it still be considered a "contributing" property?
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