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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. I hear that microdistilleries are the new "in" thing. I actually had a friend talking about them the other day, he seems to think we will start seeing these pop up all over the country (kinda like wine bars in the past several years) I'm wondering if that is what this is going to be?
  2. high visibility??? There isn't that much traffic on that section of Houston, I rarely have to wait to turn left on whiteoak during rushhour... I do think they have a pretty sweet location though. (i want to check out that upstairs patio)
  3. I saw this too, Interesting. They started working on this spot a lot in the past week weeks after letting it sit for months after adding the upstair porch and etc. I doubt this place would be able to be a douchebar, too many locals will run them off. I could easily stumble home from here so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens.
  4. Clutterbuck seems to actually have listened to the homeowners. I wonder if they will accept her ammendment proposition.
  5. My major concern is the need for only 10% to apply for historic district status. Was this issue touched any? From what I understand, once your neighborhood is under review for historic district status, you are "temporarily" forced under the rules immediately. This could essentially strong-arm any section of the heights to be under the rules for ~6 months of EVERY year.
  6. Removed my post because it isn't relevant to the topic. I will say that this attitude is not very neighborly, and seems generally offputting as well as not in line with what the neighborhood is about. The neighborhood has an accepting feel to me, and the random modern or weird homes just add to the flavor. To keep the "integrity" of the neighborhood, you kill its personality.
  7. It is definitely annoying/dangerous to Bike Trail Riders with the increased traffic on Oxford.
  8. I've been seeing a few creepin cars late at night on Pecore... make sure to lock your houses up well, and don't leave any valuables in your cars. These cars look like they are window shopping. (probably nothing, but just an impression I get)
  9. I'm assuming you don't live very close to I-10, this is a nightly occurence, several times a night. I lived in "midtown heights" right on I-10 at Oxford and could hear them at all times of the night.
  10. I saw the sign, looks like they are getting close. I need cheese.
  11. what the ordinance is supposed to do = what YOU want the ordinancne to do. Putting what you want infront of others... not very neighborly. I still want to hear the explanation on how the house on watson that just added a second story to their house can support the ordinance. I also saw what looked like a 40s/50s brick home with the sign as well.
  12. i didn't buy in Norhill because of the restrictions... this was just one year ago. Also to the statement of "those buying in the historic districts are in for the long haul". What is your point? Your intention of staying in a location for a longer duration shouldn't give you any more rights than someone who plans to live there for just a few years. I guess your more important than them?
  13. I love how the historic district supporters constantly bring up the oppositions "misinformation tactics". If you want to prevent this tactic, make the ordinance clear. I also have a nominee for self serving person of the year... there is a house on watson that is proudly touting their "say yes to the non voting ordinance change" sign in their yard. This house just recently went under renovations and added a second story (non camel back). Really. I mean Really. Where can i get one of those "say yes to preservation, say no to historic district" signs? I'd like to proudly tout that infront of my original 25' bungalow. I am one of lucky few that is in woodland heights, but outside of the woodland heights historic district (which i believe is still pending). Hopefully when they try to take over our streets we'll be able to vote it down. My wife and I plan to do renovations to our house, but to appease the HAHC i'm sure the difference in cost could possibly prevent us from doing them (if extended to our street). These would be tasteful modifications, that would in no way change the character of my block. I'd like to add a second story to back half of my house (both houses on either side of me are original two stories). This couldn't be done if governed by the HAHC rules, so i'd have to add a disgusting camelback addition and take up the rest of my yard. My yard is on the large side for the heights (6,350sq. ft) but this would leave no grass. That would be REALLY historic. Nobody ever spent time in their yards playing with their families in the 20s...
  14. imposing personal beliefs on others property rights and saying it is because you "care", classic. Would it be okay if Walmart built just off the back of the current buildings on the property, so it still looks like a rundown vacant lot from the road? You yuppies disgust me (as I ride my vespa to the farmers market.... doh!)
  15. I'm not a realtor/builder, i'm just a half of a young DINK family living in a 1925 bungalow because I love old houses. I am completely against the ordinance. Go to the suburbs if you want everyones house to look the same. The nonconformity and eclecticism of the heights is what makes the neighborhood so great. How do these new rules impact small businesses that are within the historic district?
  16. Let me say this again... what are you saying yes to? You are just putting in in everyones face that you support the strong-arming of people's property rights. What if they decide you can't put politically motivated posters in your yard... you couldn't put your sign up support non-voting issues in the future!
  17. why do people have "Say Yes" signs in their yard, weren't we all under the impression there wasn't going to be a vote??? Say yes to what? Elitism?
  18. I'm hunting for some rigid foam insulation (not styrofoam like the DOW product at Lowes). I'm looking for the 8' x 2' x 2" strips. 1" will suffice, but 2" is optimal. This is not for insulating but for a random project i'm working on. Lowes and Home Depot are both misses.
  19. I was really excited about this, and went Monday night. While the food was good, it was less than stellar, and I feel at their prices it should be. Limeade was pretty awesome though.
  20. Ok so I bought my house almost a year ago, on the edge of Woodland Heights. We aren't currently in the limits of the "historic district" but they will probably deem my block as part of it soon enough (Pecore). One of the main reasons we invested in this 'hood was because of the eccleticism and randomness of it. I guess Mayor Parker disagrees. If someone puts together some good signs, I would love to post one in my front yard. (Pecore is pretty high traffic) Also, if this rediculousness gets passed, maybe all non supporters should paint a purple/limegreen/orange stripe on our houses the day before it goes into effect. (or some other similar slap in the face). This power grab literally makes me sick. Get off my lawn!
  21. I don't think Watson is a good comparison... its not really a usable cut-through street as it has speed bumps, stop signs, and that weird side step at Pecore. It is faster to take White Oak over to Studewood or if your going to north of the loop, white oak over to Yale. (this is of course assuming you want to avoid interstates).
  22. great, another subway. That will put at least 3 subways within like 2 miles of my house. (once the main st. one reopens)
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