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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. that sucks. There is already a subway like 2 miles from this location. I was hoping for some kind of smoothie place since you don't see to many standalone subways (they always seem to be in a shopping center). Now to figure out what is going on across the street. I think N. Main is a potential hotbed for development now that the construction is nearing a finish.
  2. Okay so not too long ago there was a subway off of Main just north of Pecore. I drove by one day it was open, and the next week the entire building, concrete and all was gone. It appears that something is being built there now. Anyone have any idea what it is? I'm guessing probably just rebuilding a new subway since the old one was rather run down. In other activity, they are refacing/renovating the building (also on main) across the street from there that I thought was falling over. Anyone hearing anything?
  3. done! Thanks for the help, i owe you two some beers.
  4. I hear they have picket board signs on sale at walmart.... just sayin'.
  5. It has me with "homestead exemption" on HCAD. Do I need to make a seperate request for homestead?
  6. All- I'm a first time home owner and new to the whole property tax scandal. I never received my tax appraisal (checked hcad and they have my old mailing address, not sure how that ever even got in there). They have my 2010 Appraisal more than 15% than the 2009 value. The new value is 24k more than I paid for the house in Oct. 2009. This is absolutely rediculous (i thought they could only raise it 10%?). From what I'm reading on their site, it is too late for me to protest it. Is there anyway to get them to revise it or am I just SOL? Curt
  7. I've seen a few for rent around me. I'd advise riding a bike around and writing down numbers. A lot of people don't advertise other that a sign in their yard. I think my neighbor just found a tenant for his, I'll double check for you though.
  8. I'm sure a walmart would be quite succesful in this location, and I would probably even venture in there from time to time but I must say that I absolutely hate Walmart. I have friends that work at walmarts (limited to 30 hours a week and get screwed), others that are shift managers and are making a very decent living (especially for high school education) and others that work for the corporate headquarters in Bentonville who get paid very well. I could argue there methods of compensation both ways. I find Walmart to be an Evil company, because of their mind games they play on you. Why do they have like 80 registers? Is it just me? I've never seen a walmart with much more than half of their registers open even on Black Friday. If your never going to have more than 40 registers... just build 40. They also are really slow to pick up their baskets. I've had a few dings/scratches in my cars from sailing buggies at Walmart on windy days. This is mostly the customer's fault for being lazy, but they could still make the effort. So yeah, I don't really care if it opens or not. I'd prefer other businesses but it's not my money. I'm not going to try to tell someone what to do with their property...
  9. I have a question maybe some of you would be able to answer. I live on the Southern side of Pecore, and according to the maps, I'm technically in Woodland Heights. Now the map for the historic designation on the whca website does not include my street. I'm wondering if once they get the "50% signatures" of the area they are targeting to receive the designation, if it will extend to my house as well? I see myself as a prime candidate to get totally screwed over by this rule as I plan to remodel my home in the future. Thoughts?
  10. Its all good, i decided not to care about the drainage issue until its actually an issue, and the electricity in the garage just magically started working = ]
  11. There are some lots on the north side of pecore street that appear to have had dirt work done, but didn't progress any further. I think the dirt work/pad was done over 6 months ago. Any clue what happened here? There is also an empty lot on the north west corner of Pecore and Beauchamp that looked like they were doing something there the other day. Anyone hearing anything?
  12. I'm wondering where they are going with it. If they'd planned to go east on 11th/pecore/main to 45, That is Not happening anytime soon with Main all tore up. I'd love to see it driving down Pecore though, i could watch it from my front porch.
  13. It was too cold over christmas/new years to get my friends/family to help dig, so the goal now is to get it done this weekend. My plan is to drain straight to a pre drilled hole that is already in the curb. (approx. 4"). I'm not planning to get a permit but will have to dig between the sidewalk and the curb. Do you think this will cause any issues?
  14. I'm already planning to use a rain barrel (from gutters) off of my detatched garage... Plus to use this water i'd have to use a pump (can't gravity feed from the ground). Although i do have several water pumps just sitting around...
  15. Maybe i'll just redo that whole section of the curb, as well as the entrance to my driveway (crazy narrow with harsh curbs) so my friends will stop destroying their cars when they back out. I was planning to use perforated below the roof line, and solid the rest of the way. I've used the copper tubing nozzle in a pvc pipe method to dig laterally before = ]
  16. the curb is actually chipped down in a good spot, so i think i'll put the pop oup in front of that. I'm guessing i'll still need a permit since i'm going under the sidewalk. I think i'll also grade the yard away from the house a little bit (remove some dirt and relay the grass). Now i just need to acquire a few more shovels so i can put the whole family to work during Christmas.
  17. Okay, so I'm going to install a french drain to channel water away from my house. My problem is, on my street there is no drainage ditch. Where do i drain to? Will the city let me drain the water to the street? Also any suggestions on how to grade the land away from the house. My house isn't very high off the ground (years of sinking i suppose) so i'd like to not build up any dirt really so how do i create a slope to move the water away? I've been looking around at other houses and can't really get an idea of what others are doing. So here is my question to all my gutterless heights neighbors (especially those with houses that don't sit very high off the ground) How are you keeping water from going under your house??? Curt
  18. i'm not certain, but i don't think its actually illegal to ride bikes on most of the sidewalks in the heights because there has to be like 300 collective feet of business buildings on both sides of the street within a 600 foot stretch to qualify as a business district, otherwise its legal (i think). Of course you are also supposed to register your bicycle...
  19. how far does someone has to be from your driveway for street parking? My driveway opening is very narrow so when someone parks right next to my driveway, it makes it difficult to get out, my parents got wedged in onetime in their F250 because between the car next to the driveway and the one accross the street blocking a fire hydrant they couldn't get the angle to turn.it required a 10+ point turn and driving over the curb a few times. I know street parking is open, and i don't care if people park there, just stay a few feet away from my driveway!
  20. There is a house on studewood that has a truck blocking the sidewalk almost everyday. Its really close to antidote. Its really annoying because at one point their yard had long grass and overgrown shrubs and etc. so you had to walk through it, which was really annoying( especially in the summer wearing sandals and shorts). This really bugs me when i'm illegally riding my bicycle on the walkway.
  21. are you suggesting the pyramids were built by aliens?
  22. crap my house only has 15 years of life left before it magically falls over and becomes useless!
  23. so what if i take a shopping cart that has been abandoned?
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