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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. i've been watching this as well. I have no clue what it is going to be.
  2. There is a place in Kingwood just off 59 on Kingwood Drive that has some solid gumbo. They also import all their bread from Gambino's. oh yeah, Its called Zachary's. I remembered about 5 seconds after that last post.
  3. I've had that much time taken from me at a fast food place.
  4. Heights.... you weren't there, you didn't see the body language or hear the tone of the officer. I have been pulled over before and the officer did everything by the book (just like other times i'd been pulled over) and still felt like i was being threatened or intimidated. That being said... Mark you didn't get a ticket... who gives a crap about 25 minutes really? He just wanted to put you in the hot seat and see if anything came out. Do you REALLY care that much? Last time i was asked "where do you work" by a police officer I politely asked him why he needed to know that. It has no relevance to the traffic stop.
  5. If you supsect harassment... Don't talk to the cops. Say as little as possible, and ask frequently if you are free to go. (maintain a polite tone of course). The reason for the long delays, questions, etc. is to get you to say something they can use against you. Also don't be surprised if he wrote your name down, and googled you. He might even read this very thread (if your name can be tracked to this website). This happened to someone i know (the officer wrote down the name of a car club he was in from a sticker on his window and used information from his posts at the car clubs website in court.)
  6. I have some signs of termites and want to have them killed. What are your experiences with companies around here? I'm in the Heights so i'm sure there are tons of people using termite control companies around here. Which termite control company is the best value?
  7. So if there is an abandoned shopping cart, can I just take it? I once saw where someone took a shopping cart and converted it into a utility cart type thing for their garage. I could use something like that for moving my jeep doors/roof.
  8. I believe replacing the bottom panel would probably fix all the problems I have with it. But i find that because of the size of that panel, and the current material the bottom panel is flimsy.
  9. i need to measure it again, but if i remember correctly it was 35.75" wide by 83.75" high. So basically a 3ft by 7ft door shaved down a quarter inch both ways. I'll take a pic and remeasure when i go to the house today (i'm still moving in). I'll definitely check out histororic houston, maybe i can buy a door there, refinish it and get it installed, then sell my current door. Curt
  10. I have a pretty common front door for the heights, it has 3 windows at the top, and a small ledge trim piece below the windows. The door has a hideous brass mail slot on the front that has been sealed up and i find the main part of the door awefully flimsy. Does anyone know of a good place to find old doors or new doors that would fit in the the bungalow look/feel? I don't want to break the bank on this project, and another option i'm considering is rebuilding the door by knocking the middle box out, building a support beam down the middle with two boxes. I'll try to get a picture to better show what i'm talking about. thoughts? Curt
  11. maybe he's too busy cutting people off shoving them into the cereal? The kroger on 11th street is the first place in my entire life that i saw someone try to cut in a grocery line. there were 3 buggies deep per register, and this female AWP tried to cut infront of three people. The second person said something like "what do you think your doing" to which the AWP replied "i'm in a hurry". I'm normally quick to mouth off, and have often suffered consequences for it, but i was so shocked i couldn't even respond. When she realized they weren't going to let her cut them, she shoved her buggy aside and yelled about how rude people were. I could have written this off to be someone who was really in a hurry, but 5 minutes later saw them going in to Buccannans..
  12. you must be blind to it. Because i promise you the AWP are there.
  13. what if the curb is already cut? Every single house on my block has a hole drilled in the curb (i'd assume for drainage). Do i need a permit to dig in the grass between the sidewalk and street? I'm also going to go under the walkway. I was planning to run sch. 40 to the "drain hole" that is already in the curb. The main issue is getting water to not run under the house. Years of roof runoff without gutters has sloped the ground toward the crawlspace.
  14. Okay i closed on the house and i'm starting to move in! My wife and I are really excited about it. The very first thing i want to do is correct the drainage. Anyone got a suggested person/company for me to call to get an estimate? If i was to add french drains /drain tiles what is the rule with the land between the road and the walkway? I'm on Pecore, and i noticed that every house has a hole drilled in the curb on the western edge of their property line. There is also some fresh marker paint. Any clue what that is? Can i use it for drainiage? Thanks, Curt
  15. yet the workers at HEB at bunker hill are soo nice (at least from my experience there). I would say the AWP i've dealt with at Kroger are more aggressive and more likely to buggie bump, but maybe that is just because there is less room.
  16. i think its a pretty decent deal. It is directly across from those terrible Skylane Apartments that look like they are held together with duct tape and paperclips as well as that quickmart place. The julian side is definitely the nicer entrance though. It is definitely a better option than renting. I highly doubt flooding would be an issue.
  17. It rained yesterday so i didn't go riding, and it looks like the dropoff is gone now. I'll see what i can find to drop off though tomorrow maybe. I did see the cyclocross guys a few minutes ago.
  18. during my years in the food industry, i found families with young children to oftentimes be the most demanding, and among the worst tippers. I'm glad to know that the heights patrons are more likely to not fit that trend. I'm not in 77008 though, i'm in 77007 and moving to 77009 next week... so i guess the wife and I with no kids don't count I'll check out Lola's sometime in the next few weeks. Their website name is definitely not 'kid friendly'. lol
  19. yeah, its the only place in all of houston stuff like this happens. /sarcasm I'm just glad this guy got caught.
  20. sorry, forgot to turn on my sarcasm tags /sarcasm
  21. Does anyone else find it odd that a guy was hired to catch a few dogs, but not to catch a serial arsonist? Did they hire Michael Vick??? j/k i hope that these dogs are found and caught humanely.
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