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Everything posted by SilverJK

  1. they are about halfway across with the railings. Saw some schmuck turn off oxford on his scooter and drive down the path, right next to the NO MOTER VEHICLES sign.
  2. i hear them working on it now. I'll go take a look this afternoon.
  3. Markus- no hijacking at all, i'd love to here more about this as well (since that will be my FIRST project)
  4. prefer the less expensive route, I'll find a translater if necessary lol. I mostly want to get rid of this knob and tube so i can insulate the attic more.
  5. There is some older wiring in the house, Has anyone here rewired? I was thinking i could maybe rewire it a room at a time to not cost me soo much out of pocket. Any recommendations on who to use?
  6. we got the seller to contribute to fixing stuff. excellent! i'm so excited about moving in to my asbestos sided, lead based painted, woodshingle under shingles, knob and tube wired, termite damaged, improperly draining, damaged foundation home. lol. It sounds soo bad when i say it that way. I love this neighborhood.
  7. maybe that is why we didn't see the stickers, the kitchen sink is new. I'll definitely investigate to see if it is the sewer line is still cast iron. I know for sure though that water gets under the house during rain (you can see water lines on the piers). I think some gutters and grading would elimiate most of this, but i'm also looking into doing a french drain, or maybe even a sump to pump any water out of there. I have a jillion recommendations for Pfister, definitely will be contacting him once i get this draining issue corrected. thanks again for all the input!
  8. guess i'll have to swing by there and get one (and some iconoclast cab while i'm there)
  9. I've been frequenting that site, as well as all the write ups on thisoldhouse. I love that i can come online here and get responses from people who actually live in the heights (or surrounding neighborhoods). EMME, thanks for the idea on sand, i'll definitely look into that! I think my other first step will be to put up some gutters. I hate the look of traditional gutters but i've found some pretty decent copper looking ones that have decorative brackets for the exposed rafters. Any ideas where i can track down an old wine barrel to use as a rain bucket. Now to discuss with my new neighbor why his fence is claiming 3ft of my yard... lol.
  10. My wife and I are buying a bungalow in the heights (built in 1925). Although it is fairly level, the inspector advised getting it releveled (some of the piers are leaning). The problem is the ground is built up around the sides of the house a good bit, so access to beneath is quite difficult. There is also currently some drainage issues (water is pooling under the house). I'd like to take care of the leveling and drainage at the same time. Any input on who to use? Also found signs of termite damage but it was very old damage and only in a small contained area. The inspector found no other signs of termite damage, nor any signs of active termites. It seems that a prior owner must have treated the problem. What are your thoughts? any advice on dealing with lead based paint? I'd mostly be concerned with window sills (places kids would chew). No immediate concerns (no kids for at least 4 years) but it is something i'll need to address in the future. btw, this is our first house, and we are looking forward to getting our hands dirty. Any other heads up would be greatly appreciated! Curt
  11. i have friends moving in there next month, i'll be sure to check it out and report back.
  12. It is all about lowering the load. You can use more power daily, but on a more balanced curve it requires less generation, saving the polar bears. Solar is interesting because it produces peak energy at the same time of peak demand. How handy.
  13. bringing this thread back up... Scaffolding and other equipment around the building. It looks like they have started renovations. Anyone know whats going to end up in the building? There seems to be lots of activity on white oak right now.
  14. I would make it over to El Bolillo on Airline for some pastries. You can take Harvard up to Aurora and It will take you right to it.
  15. Block21 has tasty frozen mojitos. I miss the Bosa happy hour too. = [
  16. i heard that the shuttles stopped running even though there were tons of people still around. I know some people who had to walk from 19th all the way to near onion creek. Apparently they couldn't get a shuttle, this was around 9pm I think.
  17. i wonder if it will be like a Jamba knock off type thing? I saw the sign earlier and that was what popped in my head
  18. i always consider the rocks Jeep Parking... one time I wanted to park on the street and the house had giant rocks blocking the ROW so i just parked on top of the rocks... they actually said something about it too, "we should have you towed". Now how would this hold up according to the law? What if i defaced their rocks with my tires?
  19. I didn't say i didn't see them, or notice them. Just saying the officers were not being vocal, or whistling as they claimed. One could easily not see them until they were right on top of you if you were distracted by something... like a parade. The other problem was that when the mounted officer came by and pushed people back, unless you were in the back row you couldn't move due to the crowd. I was in the back row..
  20. i never heard a horseback officer at all, not one word, i did hear some officers on foot yelling to move back.
  21. me and 3 of my friends (all straight) went. We really had a good time, there was a really good party atmosphere where i was. I guess the people on the float had Straightdar cause they didn't throw me hardly anything.. = [
  22. I was at the parade, and although i didn't witness this incident, i did see the horse patrol and i can't say for all of them, but there was definitely an officer on a horse that I made this comment to my friends about "man that guy can't control that horse, i wouldn't be suprised if he accidentally trampled someone" I have no idea if it was the same guy, i was infront of the gas station down near Dunlavy. Twice this officer rode by the crowd pushing them back and the horse actually touched people in the crowd. On one instance the horse randomly side stepped and at least two people fell over. My friends and I started yelling "HORSE" whenever the officer came up so everyone could all get out of his way as he was going fast, and didn't seem to be in good control (i'm no expert but i am familiar with horses). I'm probably wrong, but i swear the officer looked angry with us because we were preventing him from being able to push the crowd back?? I am definitely for horse patrol though. The horses would have been fine if they were several feet from the crowd and i think they'd still be effective. IF the situtation where this incident happened was like where i was, i'd say the incident was most likely lack of training. hope the lady has a quick recovery.
  23. i don't get it either... what is the appeal of living here.... oops.
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